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Release Scripts

The following scripts are exposed for use:


This script creates a Git tag and Github release for a given version. It is expected to be run as part of CI and only once for the given version defined in package.json.

Git tags and releases are created with the following naming scheme: v1.2.3. i.e. a v is prepended to the version defined in package.json.


It is recommended to 1) create a script that imports and uses the tagAndRelease function as demonstrated below, 2) define a script in package.json, and then 3) call that script as part of the CI process.

// The following environment variable is expected. See the script itself for more details
//   GH_ACCESS_TOKEN - created through the Github UI with relevant permissions to the repo. See the tag-and-release source for more information

// scripts/tag-and-release.ts
import { join } from 'node:path';

import { tagAndRelease } from '@api3/commons';

const main = async () => {
  const packageJsonPath = join(__dirname, '../package.json'); // the script is one level deep in the repo
  await tagAndRelease('my-repo-name', packageJsonPath, 'optional-branch-name-if-not-main');

  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error: unknown) => {;
    process.exitCode = 1;

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "release:tag": "ts-node scripts/tag-and-release.ts",

It's also recommended to setup a step in CI that checks if the Git tag already exists before executing.

# NOTE: irrelevant names and steps have been omitted such cloning, installing dependencies etc.
  # Only tag and release on pushes to main (or the release branch)
  if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
    - name: Clone repo
    - name: Install pnpm
    - name: Setup Node
    - name: Install Dependencies
    # Configure the Git user
    - name: Configure Git credentials
      run: |
        git config --global '${{ secrets.GH_USER_NAME }}'
        git config --global '${{ secrets.GH_USER_EMAIL }}'
    # Get the version as defined in package.json
    - name: Get package.json version
      id: get-version
      run: echo "version=$(cat package.json | jq -r '.version' | sed 's/^/v/')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    # Check if a Git tag already exists with the pattern: `v{version}`
    - name: Validate tag
      id: validate-tag
        test "$(git tag -l '${{ steps.get-version.outputs.version }}' | awk '{print $NF}')" = "${{
        steps.get-version.outputs.version }}" || echo "new-tag=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    # Run the tag-and-release script only if the tag does *not* already exist
    - name: Tag and release on Github
      if: ${{ }}
      run: pnpm run release:tag
        GH_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_ACCESS_TOKEN }}