Releases: apluslms/a-plus
Release v1.20.4, November 2023
- Fixed missing informational messages in the 403 "forbidden/access restricted" error page. (#1247)
- Due to an old bug, there were many cases where no visible informational message was shown in the 403 page even though the message had been defined in the source code for that specific case. The message explains the cause of the error to the user.
- A+ as LTI Tool v1.3: bug fixes
- Do not send LTI grades to the Platform on non-LTI courses. (#1297)
- Fixed crash when the LTI launch has expired from cache.
- Added the course module's name to the module index page.
- Submitted PDF files are never rendered as plain text in the inspect submission page. (#1298)
- Very long submitted plain text files are loaded in chunks and improved the rendering performance for long files.
- Clarified the user interface messages about the visibility of the course module model answer chapter.
- The previous messages always referred to the module deadline, but there are other alternative rules for the visibility than just the deadline.
- Fixed a bug in the visibility of the course module model answer chapter. (#1247)
- When the course instance was public (visible without authentication) and the model answer chapter did not have any specific audience set, then unauthenticated users were able to view model answer chapters before they were supposed to be visible to any student.
Release notes:
Release v1.20.3, October 2023
- Fixed the word wrap button not working on submitted file views. (#1281)
- Changed the text "null" to an mdash on empty student ids in the All results table. (#1272)
- Added an option for disabling duplicate submission check. (#1076)
- Fixed a crash when a course module with no assignments has set a model solution chapter.
- Disabled the next/previous chapter links when they point to a chapter that the user can not currently open.
- In the A+ LTI Tool v1.3, added the next/previous chapter links so that browsing the course contents is easier. (#1239)
- In the A+ LTI Tool v1.3, allowed connecting to courses that are hidden from students. Thus, a course may be kept hidden in the A+ site while it is made accessible via LTI. (#1240)
Release notes:
Release v1.20.2, September 2023
- Updated aplus-json course configuration: settings for the course module model solution chapter can be imported.
- Several bug fixes.
Release notes:
Release v1.20.1, August 2023
Fixed a bug in the "add deadline deviations" shortcut link in the student's results overview page for teachers. The form was not preselecting the student.
Release notes:
Release v1.20.0, August 2023
New features and bug fixes.
Details are described in the release notes.
Release notes:
Release v1.19.0, June 2023
- Added LTI Platform v1.3 feature.
- A+ courses may now use external LTI Tool v1.3 services.
- Optimized the course configuration process, that is, downloading the course JSON configuration from the Git manager (so called aplus-json) and saving the updated settings to the A+ database.
- The previous aplus-json is stored in the cache so that it is faster to detect new changes after a new git push in the course.
- Revamped the look of the error page for HTTP 403 Forbidden. ASCII Gandalf was removed.
For system administrators and developers:
- aplus-json course configurations are stored in the cache.
- On large courses, the JSON may be larger than 1 MB.
- Added linter to the project. Linters detect coding style issues.
- The script at the root of the repo may be run locally.
Release notes:
Release v1.18.3, June 2023
Small bug fix for active elements.
The previous patch v1.18.2 had a bug in active elements. They did not show any output after making a submission. The output was shown after refreshing the whole web page. Loading the output after submitting has been fixed.
Release notes:
Release v1.18.2, June 2023
Minor fixes, also for the A+ LTI Tool v1.3 feature.
- Fix submission feedback polling in the full-view exercise page. (#1114)
- Support interactive code blocks based on active elements.
- Hide maintenance-mode assignments from the course table of contents. (#1124)
- Add LTI Tool grading for Acos server assignments. (#1154)
- LTI Tool: improve the formatting of multilingual titles. (#1116)
For system administrators and developers:
- Do not copy old SIS identifiers when creating new course instances. (#1177)
- Protect against suspicious course participants reports from Aalto SISU API:
ignore empty participant lists in the SIS API responses. (#1180) - Fix the removed participant counts in SIS logging:
SIS logging used to incorrectly count earlier removed students as removed on every update.
Release notes:
Release v1.18.1, March 2023
- Fixed the link to the newest course instance not appearing in old course instances. (#1152)
- Improved logging and output on SIS interactions. (#1157)
- Show also the number of removed students in the server log and UI notification.
- If an error occurs, show the course that was being fetched.
- Use a
link for the email on the course participants view.
For system administrators and developers:
- Fixed the Django admin site for the PendingSubmission model.
(It used to get stuck on loading all users from the database.) - Improved the PendingSubmissionAdmin list view.
Release notes:
Release v1.18.0, January 2023
New features:
- Added LTI Tool v1.3 feature.
- A+ may be used as an external tool from LTI platforms such as Moodle.
- There are some unfinished parts left in this feature, for example, the LTI grading service is missing for Acos server and JSAV assignments as well as other assignment services that create new, graded submissions by sending the submission data directly to the backend assignment service. (That is, the browser frontend does not send the submission data to the A+ server, but to the assignment service, which forwards the data to A+ to create a new, graded submission in the end.)
- LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability, a standard protocol.
Release notes: