Scripts to identify and generate hybrids genotypes based on empirical parental alleles sequenced and processed using RADseq data. The scripts work with the default outputs of the Stacks software.
TODO: Update with additional usage info.
usage: [-h] -s SUMSTATS -f FSTATS [-o OUTDIR] [-n N_SITES]
[-e] [-a HWE_ALPHA] [-p] [-d MIN_FST] [-m MIN_MAF] [-r]
Identify a set of diagnostic SNPs between two parental populations based on the FSTATS and
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SUMSTATS, --sumstats SUMSTATS
(str) Path to the SUMSTATS file from POPULATIONS.
-f FSTATS, --fstats FSTATS
(str) Path to the FST_Y-Z file from POPULATIONS.
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Output directory. [str]
-n N_SITES, --n-sites N_SITES
(int) Number of individuals simulated per population. [default=1000]
-e, --hwe (bool) Discard sites out of HWE, applied per population [default=False]
-a HWE_ALPHA, --hwe-alpha HWE_ALPHA
(float) p-value cutoff to clasify a site as out of HWE [default=0.05]
-p, --private (bool) Keep only sites containing private alleles in the parental
populations [default=False]
-d MIN_FST, --min-fst MIN_FST
(float) Min Fst value used to classify a site as divergent between
parental populations [default=0.25]
-m MIN_MAF, --min-maf MIN_MAF
(float) Minimum allele frequency to retain a parental allele [default=0.05]
-r, --write-random-snp
(bool) Export only one random SNP per locus [default=False]
usage: [-h] -p POPMAP -v VCF [-o OUTDIR] [-g GENERATIONS]
[-n N_INDIVIDUALS] [-m MIN_MAF] [-r PROP_MISSING] [--fixed-gt-pool]
Simulate sequential hybrid populations (e.g., F1s, F2 backcrosses, etc.) from a pool of
parental alleles from two populations/species.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p POPMAP, --popmap POPMAP
(str) Path to population map file.
-v VCF, --vcf VCF Path to parental alleles in VCF format.
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Output directory. [str]
(int) Number of hybrid generations to simulate. [default=10]
(int) Number of individuals simulated per population.
-m MIN_MAF, --min-maf MIN_MAF
(float) Minimum allele frequency to retain a parental
allele. [default=0.05]
-r PROP_MISSING, --prop-missing PROP_MISSING
(float) Proportion of missing genotypes in the simulated samples.
--fixed-gt-pool Simulate from a fixed pool of genotypes (instead of simulating
from the allele frequencies)
Angel G. Rivera-Colon
[email protected]