Introduction to RTOS Part 4 - Memory Management
This file demonstrates memory management in FreeRTOS Explanation of demos:
DEMO_1_C overflow stack by recursive call
../shell/ . -DDEMO_1_C:BOOL=ON
DEMO_2_C allocating huge array in stack to ovf
../shell/ . -DDEMO_2_C:BOOL=ON
DEMO_3_C ovf heap u32 at a time
../shell/ . -DDEMO_3_C:BOOL=ON
DEMO_4_C ovf heap in single shot
../shell/ . -DDEMO_4_C:BOOL=ON
DEMO_5_C properly malloc and free. this should be fine
../shell/ . -DDEMO_5_C:BOOL=ON
DEMO_6_C overflow of static stack by recursive call
../shell/ . -DDEMO_6_C:BOOL=ON
default DEMO_1_C
../shell/ .
Terminal output of DEMO_1_C:
rem: 0 tec: 574
rem: 0 tec: 575
Stack overflow in A
Use demo_init function in demo.c to implement your demo application.
Run in debug console to dump the trace
-exec dump binary value trace.bin *RecorderDataPtr