This is an overview of the entire configuration file.
//the name EWAB uses when adding elements to the web app
alias: String: "ewab"
//how progress is logged to the console
interface: String: "modern" ("modern", "minimal", "basic", "none", "debug")
//if a cache should be used to speed up consecutive runs
useCache: Boolean: true
//if EWAB should ignore runtime errors
ignoreErrors: Boolean: false
//path to the input folder
inputPath: String
//path to the output folder
outputPath: String
//path to the manifest, relative to the input folder
manifestPath: String
icons: {
//if custom icons should be added to the app
add: Boolean: true
source: {
//the main icon
main: String
//a background image to use for maskable icons
backgroundImage: String
//a background color to use for maskable icons
backgroundColor: String
//path to the icons to generate all other icons from. Icons are split into purposes:
custom: {
any: String
maskable: String
monochrome: String
mergeMode: {
index: String: "override" ("override", "combine")
manifest: String: "override" ("override", "combine")
serviceworker: {
add: Boolean: false
clean: Boolean: false
debug: Boolean: false
networkTimeoutSeconds: Number: 4
displayUpdateDialog: Boolean: true
instantUpdateWindowSeconds: Number: 2
periodicUpdateCheckHours: Number: 1
customRules: [
files: {
minify: Boolean: true
module: Boolean
addSourceMaps: Boolean: true
directOptions: Object
images: {
compress: {
enable: Boolean: true
subject: String: "auto" ("auto", "flat", "organic")
quality: String: "high" ("high", "balanced")
convert: {
enable: Boolean: true
updateReferences: Boolean: true
targetExtension: String: "webp" ("jxl", "avif", "webp", "jpg", "png")
targetExtensions: [
String ("jxl", "avif", "webp", "jpg", "png")
maxSize: Number: 3840
minSize: Number: 64
sizeSteps: Number: 0.6
size: Number: 1080
sizes: [
encoderOptions: {
jxl: Object
avif: Object
webp: Object
jpg: Object
png: Object
//alter the settings for certain files
fileExceptions: [
remove: Boolean: false
//glob pattern to match file with
glob: String
serviceworker: {
type: String ("static", "online", "core")
files: {
minify: Boolean: true
module: Boolean
addSourceMaps: Boolean: true
directOptions: Object
images: {
compress: {
enable: Boolean: true
subject: String: "auto" ("auto", "flat", "organic")
quality: String: "high" ("high", "balanced")
convert: {
enable: Boolean: true
updateReferences: Boolean: true
targetExtension: String: "webp" ("jxl", "avif", "webp", "jpg", "png")
targetExtensions: [
String ("jxl", "avif", "webp", "jpg", "png")
maxSize: Number: 3840
minSize: Number: 64
sizeSteps: Number: 0.6
size: Number: 1080
sizes: [
encoderOptions: {
jxl: Object
avif: Object
webp: Object
jpg: Object
png: Object
This documentation was generated for Easy Web App Builder 1.0.0-beta5