Attribute Name | Type | Description |
TablesInProcessingCount | int | Number of tables in processing |
TablesInProcessing | String[] | Names of tables in processing |
PartitionsInProcessingCount | int | Number of partitions and subpartitions in processing |
Last100ProcessedArchivelogs | String[] | Last 100 processed archivelogs |
LastProcessedArchivelog | String | Last processed archivelog |
LastProcessedScn | long | Last processed SCN |
LastProcessedSequence | long | Last processed log sequence |
LastProcessedArchivelogTime | String | Time when the last archivelog was processed |
TableOutOfScopeCount | int | The number of tables from the journal that do not meet the a2.include criteria |
NowProcessedArchivelogs | String[] | Archivelogs currently being processed |
CurrentFirstScn | long | min(FIRST_CHANGE#) for archivelogs currently being processed |
CurrentNextScn | long | max(NEXT_CHANGE#) for archivelogs currently being processed |
ProcessedArchivelogsCount | int | The number of processed archivelogs |
ProcessedArchivelogsSizeGb | float | Size (gigabyte) of processed archivelogs |
StartTime | String | Connector start date and time (ISO format) |
StartScn | long | Connector start SCN |
ElapsedTimeMillis | long | Elapsed time, milliseconds |
ElapsedTime | String | Elapsed time, Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds |
TotalRecordsCount | long | Total number of records processed |
RolledBackRecordsCount | long | The number of rolled back records processed |
RolledBackTransactionsCount | int | The number of rolled back transactions processed |
CommittedRecordsCount | long | The number of committed records processed |
CommittedTransactionsCount | int | The number of committed transactions processed |
SentRecordsCount | long | The number of records already sent to Kafka broker |
SentBatchesCount | int | The number of Connector poll() call |
ParseElapsedMillis | long | Time spent for parsing V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.SQL_REDO column, milliseconds |
ParseElapsed | String | Time spent for parsing V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.SQL_REDO column, Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds |
ParsePerSecond | int | Average number of records parsed per second |
RedoReadElapsedMillis | long | Time spent for reading archivelogs (querying V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS), milliseconds |
RedoReadElapsed | String | Time spent for reading archivelogs (querying V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS), Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds |
RedoReadMbPerSecond | float | Average MB per second of archivelog reading |
ActualLagSeconds | int | Actual lag in seconds (SYSDATE-V$ARACHIVED_LOG.FIRST_TIME) for currently processing archived log |
ActualLagText | String | Actual lag in for currently processing archived log, Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds |
DdlColumnsCount | int | Number of successfully changed by DDL commands columns |
DdlElapsedMillis | long | Time spent for processing DDL commands, milliseconds |
DdlElapsed | String | Time spent for processing DDL commands, Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds |
MaxTransactionSizeBytes | long | Maximum transaction size i.e. number of bytes allocated for off-heap storage, bytes |
MaxTransactionSizeMiB | float | Maximum transaction size i.e. number of bytes allocated for off-heap storage, MiB |
MaxNumberOfTransInSendQueue | int | Maximum number of committed transactions in the send queue |
CurrentNumberOfTransInSendQueue | int | Current number of committed transactions in the send queue |
MaxNumberOfTransInProcessingQueue | int | Maximum number of committed transactions in the processing queue |
CurrentNumberOfTransInProcessingQueue | int | Current number of committed transactions in the processing queue |
NumBytesWrittenUsingChronicleQueue | long | Total number of bytes written to Chronicle Queue memory mapped files (off-heap storage) |
GiBWrittenUsingChronicleQueue | float | Total number of GiB written to Chronicle Queue memory mapped files (off-heap storage) |