# Read and process dataset
pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv <- read_csv("data/pfam-gnomAD-clinvar-pdb-colstats_c7c3e19.csv.gz",
comment = "#")
## Rows: 1466478 Columns: 92
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (3): family, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, PDB_jury_column_rsa_bound
## dbl (88): column, frameshift_variant, frameshift_variant&splice_region_varia...
## lgl (1): occupancy_gteq_threshold
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
avs <- pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv # avs: alignments variants structure
# Filter unnecessary variables
whitelist <- c(
blacklist <- !names(avs) %in% whitelist
avs[, blacklist] <- NULL
# Better variable name format
names(avs)[names(avs) == '_missense_all'] <- 'missense_all'
avs <- (
# Categorise MES and Shenkin
|> mutate(mes_class = factor(
ifelse(mes_p < 0.1, ifelse(mes_or < 1, 'md', 'me'), 'mn'), levels = c('md', 'mn', 'me')
|> mutate(cons_class = factor(
ifelse(shenkin_nrank > 0.5, 'u', 'c'), levels = c('u', 'c')
|> mutate(xclass = factor(
interaction(cons_class, mes_class, sep = ''),
levels = c('cmd', 'cmn', 'cme', 'umd', 'umn', 'ume')
# Other
|> mutate(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb = as.factor(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)) #include all RSA/MES intersections
|> replace_na(list(PDB_protein_protein_interactions = 0,
PDB_surface_ppis = 0,
PDB_sequences_with_contacts = 0))
# Clean-up
'cmd' = '#CC79A7',
'ume' = '#56B4E9',
'umn' = '#999999',
'cmn' = '#999999',
'umd' = '#E69F00',
'cme' = '#009E73'
- Filter Pfams without any protein-protein interactions
- Filter low-powered Pfams
- Calculate summary statistics for each X-Class
- Calculate odds ratios for each X-class
- Repeat steps 3-4 for individual RSA classes
- Compose plot
First we apply the filters:
# Summarise counts
avs_test_set <- (
# Column filters
|> filter(occupancy > 0) # must have human sequences
|> filter(PDB_sequences_with_contacts > 0) # drop columns with no PDB data
# Pfam filters
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(PDB_protein_protein_interactions > 0)) |> ungroup()
# Heuristic to select well-powered Pfams
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or < 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup() # at least one depleted site
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or > 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup() # at least one enriched site
Then summarise the data over the X-Classes:
summarize_data <- function(data, group_vars) {
data |>
group_by(across(all_of(group_vars))) |>
n_pfams = n_distinct(family),
n_columns = n(),
n_residues = sum(occupancy),
n_missense = sum(missense_all),
across(c(PDB_protein_protein_interactions, PDB_sequences_with_contacts), sum),
cons_class = first(cons_class),
mes_class = first(mes_class)
add_ratios <-
function(data) {
data %>%
missense_per_res = n_missense / n_residues,
ppi_per_pdb = PDB_protein_protein_interactions / PDB_sequences_with_contacts,
PDB_per_column = PDB_sequences_with_contacts / n_columns
add_test_backgrounds <- function(data, group_vars) {
data |>
ungroup() |>
group_by(across(all_of(group_vars))) |>
c(n_missense, n_residues, PDB_protein_protein_interactions, PDB_sequences_with_contacts),
.names = "test_background_{.col}"
# Calculate group statistics for different X-Classes
avs_xclass_summary <- avs_test_set |>
summarize_data(group_vars = "xclass") |>
add_ratios() |>
add_test_backgrounds(group_vars = NULL)
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
## xclass n_pfams n_col…¹ n_res…² n_mis…³ PDB_p…⁴ PDB_s…⁵ cons_…⁶ mes_c…⁷ misse…⁸
## <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
## 1 cmd 535 3082 266547 72783 13238 164750 c md 0.273
## 2 cmn 581 51712 954148 417352 93094 963031 c mn 0.437
## 3 cme 464 1660 68164 50900 4872 47816 c me 0.747
## 4 umd 401 991 48059 13113 4766 37061 u md 0.273
## 5 umn 581 47032 1190891 563948 148812 1206996 u mn 0.474
## 6 ume 524 2287 211780 129342 13690 116136 u me 0.611
## # … with 6 more variables: ppi_per_pdb <dbl>, PDB_per_column <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_missense <dbl>, test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_protein_protein_interactions <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_sequences_with_contacts <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
## # names ¹n_columns, ²n_residues, ³n_missense,
## # ⁴PDB_protein_protein_interactions, ⁵PDB_sequences_with_contacts,
## # ⁶cons_class, ⁷mes_class, ⁸missense_per_res
# Totals
avs_xclass_summary |> ungroup() |> select(where(is.numeric)) |> summarise_all(sum)
## # A tibble: 1 × 13
## n_pfams n_columns n_residues n_misse…¹ PDB_p…² PDB_s…³ misse…⁴ ppi_p…⁵ PDB_p…⁶
## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 3086 106764 2739589 1247438 278472 2535790 2.81 0.649 215.
## # … with 4 more variables: test_background_n_missense <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_protein_protein_interactions <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_sequences_with_contacts <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
## # names ¹n_missense, ²PDB_protein_protein_interactions,
## # ³PDB_sequences_with_contacts, ⁴missense_per_res, ⁵ppi_per_pdb,
## # ⁶PDB_per_column
# Chi-square test
chi <- chisq.test(avs_xclass_summary[, c("PDB_protein_protein_interactions", "PDB_sequences_with_contacts")])
## Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data: avs_xclass_summary[, c("PDB_protein_protein_interactions", "PDB_sequences_with_contacts")]
## X-squared = 4556.5, df = 5, p-value < 2.2e-16
Now apply Fishers exact test for each X-Class (CMD, UMD, etc…).
perform_fisher_test <- function(df, group_vars) {
df %>%
group_by(!!!syms(group_vars)) %>%
test = broom::tidy(
test_background_PDB_protein_protein_interactions - PDB_protein_protein_interactions,
test_background_PDB_sequences_with_contacts - PDB_sequences_with_contacts
nrow = 2
), alternative = 'two.sided')
cons_class = first(cons_class),
mes_class = first(mes_class)
) %>%
avs_xclass_fisher <- perform_fisher_test(avs_xclass_summary, "xclass")
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
## xclass estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alter…¹ cons_…² mes_c…³
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <fct> <fct>
## 1 cmd 0.718 7.42e-304 0.705 0.731 Fisher's…… c md
## 2 cmn 0.820 0 0.813 0.827 Fisher's…… c mn
## 3 cme 0.927 4.04e- 7 0.899 0.955 Fisher's…… c me
## 4 umd 1.17 3.88e- 24 1.14 1.21 Fisher's…… u md
## 5 umn 1.26 0 1.25 1.27 Fisher's…… u mn
## 6 ume 1.08 1.77e- 15 1.06 1.10 Fisher's…… u me
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹alternative, ²cons_class, ³mes_class
Now do the same while stratifying for RSA class as well.
avs_xclass_summary_byRSA <- avs_test_set |>
filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% c('Core', 'Part. Exposed', 'Surface')) |>
summarize_data(group_vars = c("PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb", "xclass")) |>
add_ratios() |>
add_test_backgrounds(group_vars = "PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb")
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 18 × 17
## # Groups: PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb [3]
## PDB_jury_col…¹ xclass n_pfams n_col…² n_res…³ n_mis…⁴ PDB_p…⁵ PDB_s…⁶ cons_…⁷
## <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
## 1 Core cmd 392 1358 98170 26007 2216 70217 c
## 2 Core cmn 542 15626 311009 129243 11857 358914 c
## 3 Core cme 181 288 8005 6714 338 8127 c
## 4 Core umd 117 184 5536 1319 282 6243 u
## 5 Core umn 464 6555 114201 51071 6336 153554 u
## 6 Core ume 92 127 3877 3025 178 4439 u
## 7 Part. Exposed cmd 340 850 70785 19187 3946 38274 c
## 8 Part. Exposed cmn 555 11678 215027 91658 21641 221443 c
## 9 Part. Exposed cme 218 394 14615 11793 972 11374 c
## 10 Part. Exposed umd 173 257 14773 4232 1198 11221 u
## 11 Part. Exposed umn 533 9255 207489 95553 21435 228315 u
## 12 Part. Exposed ume 208 312 16456 11091 1022 11930 u
## 13 Surface cmd 294 727 68726 20495 5323 23245 c
## 14 Surface cmn 569 21854 376037 175013 55695 330258 c
## 15 Surface cme 355 875 38041 27829 2843 21021 c
## 16 Surface umd 292 521 24384 6665 2819 16246 u
## 17 Surface umn 569 29776 801297 387794 112746 761380 u
## 18 Surface ume 484 1747 172668 105626 9686 79391 u
## # … with 8 more variables: mes_class <fct>, missense_per_res <dbl>,
## # ppi_per_pdb <dbl>, PDB_per_column <dbl>, test_background_n_missense <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_protein_protein_interactions <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_sequences_with_contacts <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
## # names ¹PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, ²n_columns, ³n_residues, ⁴n_missense,
## # ⁵PDB_protein_protein_interactions, ⁶PDB_sequences_with_contacts, …
# Totals
avs_xclass_summary_byRSA |> ungroup() |> select(where(is.numeric)) |> summarise_all(sum)
## # A tibble: 1 × 13
## n_pfams n_columns n_residues n_misse…¹ PDB_p…² PDB_s…³ misse…⁴ ppi_p…⁵ PDB_p…⁶
## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 6378 102384 2561096 1174315 260533 2355592 8.77 1.78 568.
## # … with 4 more variables: test_background_n_missense <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_protein_protein_interactions <dbl>,
## # test_background_PDB_sequences_with_contacts <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
## # names ¹n_missense, ²PDB_protein_protein_interactions,
## # ³PDB_sequences_with_contacts, ⁴missense_per_res, ⁵ppi_per_pdb,
## # ⁶PDB_per_column
avs_xclass_fisher_byRSA <- perform_fisher_test(avs_xclass_summary_byRSA, c("PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb", "xclass"))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 18 × 10
## # Groups: PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb [3]
## PDB_jury_co…¹ xclass estim…² p.value conf.…³ conf.…⁴ method alter…⁵ cons_…⁶
## <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <fct>
## 1 Core cmd 0.883 3.09e- 8 0.844 0.923 Fishe…… c
## 2 Core cmn 0.857 9.64e- 28 0.834 0.881 Fishe…… c
## 3 Core cme 1.18 3.41e- 3 1.06 1.32 Fishe…… c
## 4 Core umd 1.28 7.79e- 5 1.14 1.45 Fishe…… u
## 5 Core umn 1.24 1.13e- 44 1.21 1.28 Fishe…… u
## 6 Core ume 1.14 9.48e- 2 0.974 1.32 Fishe…… u
## 7 Part. Exposed cmd 1.08 1.45e- 5 1.04 1.12 Fishe…… c
## 8 Part. Exposed cmn 1.03 1.81e- 3 1.01 1.05 Fishe…… c
## 9 Part. Exposed cme 0.887 3.33e- 4 0.830 0.948 Fishe…… c
## 10 Part. Exposed umd 1.11 5.30e- 4 1.05 1.18 Fishe…… u
## 11 Part. Exposed umn 0.960 1.46e- 5 0.942 0.978 Fishe…… u
## 12 Part. Exposed ume 0.889 3.19e- 4 0.833 0.949 Fishe…… u
## 13 Surface cmd 1.51 2.90e-143 1.46 1.55 Fishe…… c
## 14 Surface cmn 1.14 2.90e-125 1.13 1.15 Fishe…… c
## 15 Surface cme 0.879 8.17e- 11 0.845 0.914 Fishe…… c
## 16 Surface umd 1.13 2.73e- 9 1.09 1.18 Fishe…… u
## 17 Surface umn 0.912 7.90e- 75 0.903 0.921 Fishe…… u
## 18 Surface ume 0.783 4.69e-114 0.767 0.801 Fishe…… u
## # … with 1 more variable: mes_class <fct>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, ²estimate, ³conf.low, ⁴conf.high, ⁵alternative,
## # ⁶cons_class
plot_odds_ratio <- function(df, facet_var = NULL) {
dodge_width <- 0.6
plot <- df |>
ggplot() +
aes(x = xclass, y = estimate, colour = xclass) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
width = 0.5,
position = position_dodge(dodge_width)
) +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(dodge_width)) +
scale_y_log10() +
ylab('Odds Ratio') +
xlab('') +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none", aspect.ratio = 1) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = COLOUR_SCHEME)
if (!is.null(facet_var)) {
plot <- plot + facet_grid(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var))
feature_oddsratio_plot <- plot_odds_ratio(avs_xclass_fisher)
feature_oddsratio_byRSA_plot <- plot_odds_ratio(avs_xclass_fisher_byRSA, "PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb")
patchworked_plot <- (feature_oddsratio_plot + feature_oddsratio_byRSA_plot
+ plot_layout(guides = 'collect', widths = c(1, 3))
p_ranges_y <- 10^c(ggplot_build(patchworked_plot[[1]])$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range,
combined_plot <- (
& scale_y_log10(limits = c(1/1.6, 1.6),
breaks = c(0.7, 1, 1.5),
minor_breaks = c(0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6)
& scale_x_discrete(limits = c('', 'cmd', 'cmn', 'cme', '', 'umd', 'umn', 'ume', ''))
& theme(
axis.line = element_line(color='black'),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.1),
panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
ggsave('plot4b.svg', combined_plot)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image