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Automatically update TLS Certificates on OpenShift Routes

Update (August 2023) - Entrust Certificate Services has discontinued ACMEv1 protocol. Current users of BCDevOps Certbot will be unable to renew their certificates at this time if they are using OCIO Identity Management Services' Entrust Certificate Services.

Update (November 2023) - At this time, the underlying EFF Certbot project and Entrust Certificate Services both support the newer ACMEv2 protocol. However, BCDevOps Certbot currently only supports the older, deprecated, ACMEv1 protocol, and OCIO IMS has not enabled ACMEv2 protocol support at this time. Please consider contacting OCIO Identity Management Services to express your need for ACMEv2 and Certbot support.

To learn more about the Common Services available visit the Common Services Showcase page.

Table of Contents


  • Can utilize or other ACME compliant Certificate Authority for issuing certificates
  • Leverages and extends for managing (create/renew) certificates
  • Should only be executed on Openshift Container Platform
  • Creates an OpenShift CronJob which will run on a regular schedule for renewing TLS certificates
    • The CronJob will manage all Route objects annotated with the label certbot-managed=true
    • You have the option of a single certificate being issued/renewed for all the managed hosts/domains, or of an individual certificate being issued/renewed for each managed host/domain.
  • If a cert is created/renewed, patch the new certificate to the managed OpenShift routes

Environment Variables

The Certbot container image supports an array of environment variables to configure how it will behave. Certbot behavior can be modified by modifying which variables are defined. The following variables change the way how the internal Certbot application will behave.

Environment Variable Default Value Notes
CERTBOT_CONFIG_DIR /etc/letsencrypt Certbot Config Directory (Should be backed by a persistent volume)
CERTBOT_DEPLOY_DIR /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy Certbot Deploy Directory
CERTBOT_LOGS_DIR /var/log/letsencrypt Certbot Log Directory
CERTBOT_WORK_DIR /var/lib/letsencrypt Certbot Working Directory
CERTBOT_DEBUG false Enable Certbot debug logging
CERTBOT_DELETE_ACME_ROUTES true Automatically clean up temporary ACME challenge routes on completion
CERTBOT_DRY_RUN false Performs a mock Certbot execution for CSR signability
CERTBOT_EMAIL Correspondence email to register with Certificate Authority
CERTBOT_RSA_KEY_SIZE 2048 Key length for RSA keypair generation
CERTBOT_STAGING false Use self-signed cert renewals. Must be false if using Entrust)
CERTBOT_SUBSET true Allow Certbot to pass ACME challenge if at least one domain succeeds
CERTBOT_CERT_PER_HOST false Manage an individual certificate per unique managed host (domain name), if true, otherwise, manage a single certificate for all managed hosts (domain names)

Quick Start

The following provides you a quick way to get Certbot set up and running as an OpenShift cronjob.

  1. Point to the appropriate project/namespace on OpenShift

    oc project $NAMESPACE
  2. Ensure that the Routes you want Certbot to manage have been annotated with the label certbot-managed=true. You can list routes that meet this criteria with the following:

    oc get route -n $NAMESPACE -l certbot-managed=true -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}'
  3. Install Certbot to your project/namespace by processing certbot.dc.yaml to create the CronJob and supporting objects (ServiceAccount, RoleBinding, PVC, etc).

    This template accepts the following parameters which loosely corresponds with the Environment Variables mentioned above (add with -p to the oc process command):

    Parameter Default Value Description
    CERTBOT_DEBUG false Run Certbot in debug mode
    CERTBOT_DELETE_ACME_ROUTES true Self cleanup temporary ACME routes when done
    CERTBOT_DRYRUN false Run without executing
    CERTBOT_EMAIL Email where CSR requests are sent to. For Entrust, Product Owner's * is suggested
    CERTBOT_SERVER ACME Certbot endpoint. For BC Gov SSL, see Entrust.
    CERTBOT_STAGING false Use self-signed cert renewals. Must be false if using Entrust)
    CERTBOT_SUBSET true Allow domain validation to pass if a subset of them are valid
    CERTBOT_CERT_PER_HOST false Manage an individual certificate per unique managed host (domain name), if true, otherwise, manage a single certificate for all managed hosts (domain names)
    CRON_SCHEDULE 0 0 * * 1,4 Cronjob Schedule
    CRON_SUSPEND false Suspend cronjob
    IMAGE_REGISTRY Image Registry
    IMAGE_NAMESPACE bcgovimages Image Namespace
    IMAGE_NAME certbot Image Name
    IMAGE_TAG latest Image Tag. We recommend pinning this to a specific release veresion for stability
    • For non-prod environments, you may set CERTBOT_STAGING=true, so you don't hit any service limits with LetsEncrypt.
    • By default, this template will use LetsEncrypt for certificate generation. If you are just testing, you may use Let's Encrypt testing endpoint to avoid being rate limited.
    • For your production applications, we strongly recommend NOT using LetsEncrypt certificates. Contact your ministry/department to determine best practices for production SSL/TLS certificate management.
    • If you are using a certificate provider that gives you extra domains on top of what you have requested (like Entrust), you should make sure that the CERTBOT_SUBSET option is set to true. Otherwise certificate renewals will always fail because their extra domain will never be managed on our end and choke. If you require stringent domain validation, set CERTBOT_SUBSET to false explicitly.
    export CERTBOT_EMAIL=<[email protected]>

    PS: You MUST supply a valid email address!

Manual Run

If you need to run the CronJob manually, you can do that by running:

# Create a Job
oc create job -n $NAMESPACE "certbot-manual-$(date +%s)" --from=cronjob/certbot

# Delete any previous manual Jobs created
# Note: When there are no jobs to delete, you will get an error for oc delete.
oc get job -n $NAMESPACE -o name | grep -F -e '-manual-' | xargs oc delete -n $NAMESPACE


To remove certbot from your namespace, run the following commands. All build related manifests will have a build=certbot label, and all cronjob application related manifests will have an app=certbot label.


# Delete all manifests generated by certbot.bc.yaml
oc delete all -n $NAMESPACE -l build=certbot

# Delete all manifests generated by certbot.dc.yaml
oc delete cronjob,pvc,rolebinding,sa -n $NAMESPACE -l app=certbot

Entrust Usage

Update: As of August 2023, BC Gov's security certificate supplier, Entrust, has discontinued support for Certbot. Currently, Certbot cannot be used to manage your Entrust certificates.

Entrust is the only approved certificate provider for BC Gov production environments currently.

Where Entrust does support Certbot, there are a few extra steps required to request certificates from Entrust instead of LetsEncrypt.

  1. Start by creating the deployment config found in the Quick Start section

  2. Modify the CERTBOT_SERVER parameter in the deployment config to use Entrust

    Parameter Default Value Description
    CERTBOT_SERVER Where xx-xxxx-xxxx is the directory ID. This value may vary between different ministry organizations. Please contact your organization to determine this value.
  3. Make sure CERTBOT_STAGING is set to false. The Entrust server does not have a staging mode

  4. If a Certbot job has previously on the same route using LetsEncrypt server, then you will need to delete the existing PVC. This will remove old Let's Encrypt files and a new PVC will be created on the next step.

  5. Apply the deployment config and run the job manually or by cron trigger. The job logs will display it has failed to obtain the certificates and the route will remain unmodified. This is normal because the certificate request still needs to be approved by your ministry first.

  6. In the CERTBOT_EMAIL inbox you should receive an email from [email protected] containing a Tracking ID.

  7. At this point you need to contact the appropriate group in your ministry to create an iStore order to approve the certificate request. For NRM teams, please have your product owner create a Service Desk request containing the following information.

    • Domain for the certificate
    • Entrust Tracking ID
    • iStore Coding
    • Expense Authority
  8. Once the iStore order has been created and approved, you should receive another email from [email protected] letting you know the request has been approved.

  9. Re-run the job and Certbot should obtain the certificates and install them automatically.


  1. If you are going to setup automatic cert renewals for the first time, backup "Certficate", "Private Key" and "CA Certificate" contents from your route.

  2. List your cron jobs

    oc get -n $NAMESPACE cronjob
  3. To describe your cron job

    oc describe -n $NAMESPACE cronjob/certbot
  4. To see your cron jobs in Openshift Console: Administrator View -> Workloads > Jobs

  5. To access the logs for cron jobs in Openshift Console, check for the latest completed/failed cronjob pods in you pod list (Administrator View -> Workloads > Pods).

  6. If you are seeing errors in the logs and need to troubleshoot, you may use optional parameters CERTBOT_DEBUG and CERTBOT_DELETE_ACME_ROUTES.

    export CERTBOT_EMAIL=<[email protected]>

    PS: Ensure that you manually delete the ACME Route and Service after you are done troubleshooting and redeploy without the DEBUG and DELETE_ACME_ROUTES options!

  7. If you end up running the setup process multiple times, ensure that you have deleted all the duplicate copies of those cron jobs and only keep the latest one. Or to delete all the certbot jobs and start fresh you can use the below.

    oc get job -n $NAMESPACE -o name | grep -F -e 'certbot' | xargs oc delete
    oc get cronjob -n $NAMESPACE -o name | grep -F -e 'certbot' | xargs oc delete
  8. To suspend a cronjob in your namespace, you can use the below patch command.

    oc patch cronjob -n $NAMESPACE certbot -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : false }}'
  9. To resume a cronjob in your namespace, you can use the below patch command.

    oc patch cronjob -n $NAMESPACE certbot -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : true }}'




If you need to build Certbot directly on the cluster, you can do so by processing certbot.bc.yaml to create the required build objects. For most situations, this is no longer needed.

This template accepts the following parameters (add with -p to the oc process command):

Parameter Default Value Description
GIT_REF master Git Pull Request or Branch Reference (i.e. 'pull/CHANGE_ID/head')
GIT_URL Git Repository URL
oc process -n $NAMESPACE -f "" | oc apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -


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