All notable changes to the "taskmarks" extension will be documented in this file.
- cleaned up types
- cleaned up problems
- show active task in taskbar
- possibility to delete task
- 'switch Task' and 'next' now always work
- start 'Select Active Task' on Active Task, not always on default
- rename Task
- disable taskbar display (and perhaps other things) in settings
- sort marks
- make little demo, how to work with taskmarks
- find better shortcuts and make them work outside the edit mode (eg 'goto next' or 'Select Active Task' should work always)
- add debug points to task (toggle, switch all on or off)
- perhaps? be able to leave comments on tasks - for starters, just keep them in taskmarks.json
(vscode 1.19.0 to 1.21.0) toggle did not work - fixed
- thrown away lot of code and wrote new
- make taskmarks (somewhat) sticky - still needs some work
- most of the time, the promises work ;-(
- new ways to navigate (list) works, but broke bookmark display (refresh)
- jump to bookmarks in next / previous file
- previous bookmark (in file)
- First very unfinished version on GitHub
- Add and select Task
- Toggle bookmark, next bookmark
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.