Welcome to my page!
I'm Tom Connors, data scientist and software developer in Boston
Some pictures you can find below :
- Flu vs. Covid 1916 to December 2020
- WHO 2020 Global flu counts
- Deaths per week USA 2015-2020
- UK daily deaths 2015-2020
- CDC survival rates by age September 2020
Video file extensions are automatically detected and will embed a small video player:
![A video](rocket.mp4)
URLs for Youtube and Vimeo videos will also automatically embed a video player:
URLs for images may be surrounded in optional "
quotation "
marks. If your URL contains
parentheses, then it must be surrounded in quotation marks to make it unambigious.
Recall that URLs are not permitted to contain spaces (by their specification), so to embed
a local image whose filename has a space, either rename the file or replace the spaces
with %20
in the URL version of the name.
Admonitions are small break-out boxes with notes, tips, warnings, etc. for the reader. They begin with a title line of a pattern of three exclaimation marks, an optional CSS class, and an optional title. All following lines that are indented at least three spaces are included in the body, which may include multiple paragraphs.
The default stylesheet provides classes for "note" (default), "tip", "warning", and "error". These are case insensitive and ignore any colon after the CSS class. Here are some examples:
I'm a note. Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here.
!!! note
Another note.
!!! Tip
Close the door on the way out.
I'm a warning, perhaps. *Something might happen!*
!!! ERROR: Seriously
Watch out, something **bad** could happen.
This is still more error text.
!!! I'm a note. Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here.
!!! note Another note.
!!! Tip Close the door on the way out.
!!! WARNING I'm a warning, perhaps. Something might happen!
!!! ERROR: Seriously Watch out, something bad could happen.
This is still more error text.
Fenced Code Blocks
Set off large blocks of code using equal-length strings of tilde `~`
or back-tick <code>`</code> characters. Each produces a different CSS
class so that they can be styled differently.
By default, tilde blocks have lines before and after them and are
inset for use as code listings instead of large inline code
blocks. Both styles receive syntax coloring and automatic programming
language detection.
You can override automatic programming language detection by putting
the name of the language immediately following the first fence. The
supported languages are (capitalization ignored):
`bash cs C# cpp C++ css coffeescript html XML http JSON java JavaScript Makefile`
`markdown objectivec Objective-C PHP perl python ruby shell armasm glsl go haskell`
`kotlin lisp lua matlab R rust scheme swift tex typescript yaml PyxlScript none`
You can specify a custom CSS class for a code block by placing its
name after the language name.
<pre><code>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C</code>
void insertion_sort(int data[], int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C
void insertion_sort(int data[], int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Alternative back-tick markup:
def insertionSort(data):
for i in range(0, len(data)):
j = i;
while (j > 0) and (data[j] < data[j - 1]):
temp = data[j]
data[j] = data[j - 1]
data[j] = temp
### Code Blocks with Captions
Code listings may have captions:
def insertionSort(data):
for i in range(0, len(data)):
j = i;
while (j > 0) and (data[j] < data[j - 1]):
temp = data[j]
data[j] = data[j - 1]
data[j] = temp
[Listing [sort]: An insertion sort]
If you don't have a lot of exposition to share, then code blocks can be back to back:
Diagrams can be inserted alongside, as in this **************************** example, or between paragraphs of text as shown * .---------. * below. * | Server |<------. * * '----+----' | * The diagram parser leaves symbols used as labels * | | * unmodified, so characters like > and ( can appear * | DATA CYCLE | * inside of the diagram. In fact, any plain text * v | * may appear in the diagram. In addition to labels, * .-------. .----+----. * any un-beautified text will remain in place for * | Security| | File | * use as ASCII art. Thus, the diagram is rarely * | Policy +->| Manager | * distored by the beautification process. * '-------' '---------' * ****************************
*.-------------------. ^ .---. * *| A Box |.--. __.--> | | | * *| | '--' v | | * *'-------------------' | | *
Round *---(-. | *
- .-----------------. .-------. .----------. .-------. | | | *
- | Mixed Rounded | | | / Diagonals \ | | | | | | *
- | & Square Corners | '--. .--' / \ |---+---| '-)-' .--------. *
- '--+------------+-' .--. | '-------+--------' | | | | / Search / *
- | | | | '---. | '-------' | '-+------' *
- |<---------->| | | | v Interior | ^ *
- ' <---' '----' .-----------. ---. .--- v | *
- .------------------. Diag line | .-------. +---. \ / . | *
- | if (a > b) +---. .--->| | | | | Curved line \ / / \ | *
- | obj->fcn() | \ / | '-------' |<--' + / \ | *
- '------------------' '--' '--+--------' .--. .--. | .-. +Done?+-' *
- .---+-----. | ^ |\ | | /| .--+ | | \ / *
- | | | Join | | Curved | | |/ | | \ | \ / *
- | | +----> | '-' Vertical '--' '--' '-- '--' + .---. *
- '---+-----' | | | 3 | *
v not:line 'quotes' .-' '---' *
.---+--------. / A || B *bold* | ^ *
| Not a dot | <---+---<-- A dash--is not a line v | *
'---------+--' / Nor/is this. --- *
[Figure [diagram]: Diagrams can also have captions]
Code with line-like symbols is allowed in diagrams and is parsed correctly so long as you make it unambiguous:
- .-------------------------+--+--------.
- | --x; x->y |__| |
- | 0 proto FILE <= |
- | __ a | b --> foo |
- | |__| y--; x || y a + b <--o--+
- |||_______________________________|
. *
- .---------. / \ *
- | START | / \ .-+-------+-. ___________ *
- '----+----' .-------. A / \ B | |COMPLEX| | / \ .-. *
| | END |<-----+CHOICE +----->| | | +--->+ PREPARATION +--->| X | *
v '-------' \ / | |PROCESS| | \___________/ '-' *
- .---------. \ / '-+---+---+-' *
- / INPUT / \ / *
- '-----+---' ' *
| ^ *
v | *
- .-----------. .-----+-----. .-. *
- | PROCESS +---------------->| PROCESS |<------+ X | *
- '-----------' '-----------' '-' *
║ Preproduction┆ Alpha┆ RC1┆
- ═══════════╬══════════════╪════════════╪════════════════╪══
- Story ║ ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ┆ ▆┆▆▆▆ ┆
- Concept Art║ └▆▆▆▆▆▆┆▆▆▆┐ ┆ ┆
- Modeling ║ ┆ └▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆┆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ┆
- Rigging ║ ┆ └▆▆▆┆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ┆
- Mechanics ║ ▆▆▆▆▆▆┆▆▆┐ ┆ ░░░░▆▆▆▆ ┆
- Engine Code║ ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆┐ │ ┆ └────────▆┆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ┆
- Game Code ║ └─┴▆┆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆┆▆▆▆▆ ░░░░ ▆ ┆
║ ┆ ┆ Freeze ┆
- Uin ┊ .------------------------
┊ |
┊ |
- Udc_OK ┊ .---------------------
┊ / :
┊ / :
▲ 500ms :
┊ :
*Cpu.Qon ┊┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄.-----------
┊ | Inactive
┊ Active |
. *
- 0 3 P * Eye / ^ / *
*-------* +y \ +) \ / Reflection *
- 1 /| 2 /| ^ \ \ \ v *
- ------- | | v0 \ v3 --------*-------- *
- | |4 | |7 | ◄╮ --------- *
- | -----|- ⤹ +-----> +x / v X \ .-.<-------- o *
- |/ |/ / ⤴ / o \ | / | Refraction / \ *
- ------- v / \ +-' / \ *
- 5 6 +z v1 ------------------ v2 | o-----o *
v *
.-. .--------. *
.-+ | | | *
.--+ '--. |'--------'| *
| Server Cloud |<------------------>| Database | *
'-------------' | | *
^ ^ '--------' *
Internet | | ^ *
.------------------------' '-------------. | *
| | v *
v v .------. .------. *
.--------. WiFi .--------. Bluetooth .-----. / # # /| / # # /| *
| |<------------->| |<---------->| | +------+/| LAN +------+/| *
|Windows | | OS X | | iOS | | +/|<--->| +/| *
+--------+ +--------+ | | |Ubuntu+/| |Ubuntu+/| *
- /// ____ \\ /// ____ \\ | o | | +/ | +/ *
- '------------' '------------' '-----' '------' '------' *
Laptop 1 Laptop 2 Tablet 1 Dedicated Server Rack *
<style> .md .inverse svg.diagram { background: #333; stroke: #FFF; fill: #FFF; } .md .inverse svg.diagram .opendot { fill: #333; } </style><style class="darkreader darkreader--sync" media="screen"></style>
You can use CSS to style all diagrams or individual diagrams. For example, the following has light lines on a dark background:
You can also create unnumbered sections that will not appear in the table of contents using parentheses around the pound signs:
(##) Unnumbered H2
Browsers are even smart enough to break the columns correctly when printing to PDF or to a printer. However, for a long document, multiple columns don't work well when displayed on screen. That's because there are no discrete "pages" on screen to break columns. So, the browser will make each column as long as the entire document, which is probably not what you want.
So, multi-column only works well if you know that you have very short sections (as in this example), or if you were planning on printing to separate pages when done.
- Interesting September 2019 Essay published on Medium "Summer Camp for all rather than UBI"
How to have a society of cooperation and sharing, we all share the jobs - Table of Contents for research on the pandemic
An attempt to make sense of the pandemic
- Social Housing
Vienna has 50 percent municipal owned social housing, Singapore has 90 percent municipal owned social housing - Center of the Road Bike Lanes
Leaves parking unaffected, go straight for miles, better visibility and drainage, safer - Housing Math for Social Housing
For $24 Billion we could build 300,000 units - Climate Change
Acid Rain, Changes to soil, insects - Vaccines
Vaccine Side Effects - I do not want that for anyone - Virus
The Virus that has changed everything - Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuels are the root of our problems - Natural Gas
Natural Gas into every unit - we need to stop that - Fracking
Fracking is terrible for the groundwater - headline
Below are the last 3 pictures posted on by @thomasconnors44
In Boston: Currently, the weather is: 33°F, overcast clouds
In Boston: Today, the sun rises at 07:13 AM and sets at 04:24 PM.
Below are the last 3 pictures posted on by @nytimes
In New York: Currently, the weather is: 33°F, overcast clouds
In New York: Today, the sun rises at 07:13 AM and sets at 04:24 PM.
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Follow the money
— Thomas Connors welcome to the animal farm you know (@ThomasConnors) November 23, 2020
Follow the data pic.twitter.com/4qcNHRefHS
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>REVEALED: London's Nightingale hospital at the ExCeL will have just 300 of its 4,000 beds in use when it reopens next week https://t.co/q8uTmz7oxa
— Thomas Connors welcome to the animal farm you know (@ThomasConnors) January 3, 2021
Tweets by BradleyLJones <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
// done -- Have generated-time displayed
// done -- Bring in Instagram
// done -- Time of sunrise/sunset is incorrect
// have a list of locations and get common data about each
// See if can get location of the caller and get their time and weather
// bring in Sunrise, Sunset, chart of day window-size compared to full year
// Bring in Weather
// Bring in historical weather range, and how today compares
// Bring in phase of moon
// Bring in Tides
// Bring in Tweets
// Bring in LinkedIn Posts
// Bring in latest posts scraped somewhere
// Bring in virus counts
// This day in history, famous events or birthdays
// Did you see this?
// Here is a way to think about how to use or create this page
// Generated every X minutes or hours,
// it's a page that you can use to build your own like daily newspaper,
// it can go get information to make you situationally aware,
// it's a dashboard to monitor any data sources,
// whatever you want to monitor
This page - auto generated with data from any source |
This README file is generated every 3 hours!
Last refresh: Monday, January 4, 2:20 AM EST
Create your own here!