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This is a short overview of the major components and steps in building a Jupyter Book. See the other pages in this guide for more in-depth information.
You can install Jupyter Book via pip
pip install -U jupyter-book
or via conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-book
This will install everything you need to build a Jupyter Book locally.
:::{margin} Note that if you need to execute code when building your book, you'll need to install these dependencies as well. :::
Jupyter Book uses a command-line interface to perform a variety of actions. For example, building and cleaning books. You can run the following command to see what options are at your control:
You can also use the short-hand `jb` for `jupyter-book`. E.g.,:
`jb create mybookname`. We'll use `jupyter-book` for the rest of this guide.
% double-writing this so users aren't confused by the ! but we still get the output
jupyter-book --help
:tags: [remove-input]
!jupyter-book --help
For more complete information about the CLI, see .
Building a Jupyter Book broadly consists of these steps:
- Create your book's content. You structure your book with a collection of folders, files, and configuration. See .
- Build your book. Using Jupyter Book's command-line interface you can convert your pages into either an HTML or a PDF book. See .
- Publish your book online. Once your book is built, you can share it with others. Most common is to build HTML, and host it as a public website. See .
:::{note} We will use the word "book" to describe the outputs generated by this tutorial, but you can also use Jupyter Book to build articles. See for more information. :::
Now that we've got a short overview, let's get started building your first book.