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Set Up DevOps Environment

DevOps is recommended to use for this project. Please follow the instructions below to set up your environment. We use Jenkins with Blue Ocean plugin and deploy it on Kubernetes, also continuously deploy OpenPitrix on the Kubernetes cluster.

Create Kubernetes Cluster

We are using Kubernetes on QingCloud to create a kubernetes production environment by one click. Please follow the instructions to create your own cluster. Access the Kubernetes client using one of the following options.

  • Open VPN: Go to the left navigation tree of the QingCloud console, choose Networks & CDN, then VPC Networks; on the content of the VPC page, choose Management Configuration, VPN Service, then you will find Open VPN service. Here is the screenshot of the page.
  • Port Forwarding: same as Open VPN, but choose Port Forwarding on the content of VPC page instead of VPN Service; and add a rule to forward source port to the port of ssh port of the kubernetes client, for instance, forward 10007 to 22 of the kubernetes client with the private IP being After that, you need to open the firewall to allow the port 10007 accessible from outside. Please click the Security Group ID on the same page of the VPC, and add the downstream rule for the firewall.
  • VNC: If you don't want to access the client node remotely, just go to the kubernetes cluster detailed page on the QingCloud console, and click the windows icon aside of the client ID shown as the screenshot (user/password: root/k8s). The way is not recommended, however you can check kubernetes quickly using VNC since you don't configure anything.

Deploy Jenkins

  1. Copy the yaml file to the kubernetes client, and deploy

    # kubectl apply -f jenkins-qingcloud.yaml
  2. Access Jenkins console by opening http://<ip>:9200 where ip depends on how you expose the Jenkins service to outside explained below. (You can find your way to access Jenkins console such as ingress, cloud LB etc.) On the kubernetes client

    # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 9200 -j DNAT --to-destination "$(kubectl get svc -n jenkins --selector=app=jenkins -o jsonpath='{.items..spec.clusterIP}')":9200
    # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 9200 -j MASQUERADE
    # sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.route_localnet=1
  3. Now the request to the kubernetes client port 9200 will be forwarded to the Jenkins service.

    • If you use Open VPN to access the kubernetes client, then open http://<kubernetes client private ip>:9200 to access Jenkins console.
    • If you use Port Forwarding to access the client, then forward the VPC port 9200 to the kubernetes client port 9200. Now open http://<VPC EIP>:9200 to access Jenkins console.

Configure Jenkins

You can refer about how to configure Jenkins and create a pipeline.

  1. Unlock Jenkins

    • Get the Adminstrator password from the log on the kubernetes client
      # kubectl logs "$(kubectl get pods -n jenkins --selector=app=jenkins -o jsonpath='{}')" -c jenkins -n jenkins
    • Go to Jenkins console, paste the password and continue. Install suggested plugins, then create the first admin user and save & finish.
  2. Configure Jenkins

    We will deploy OpenPitrix application into the same Kubernetes cluster as the one that the Jenkins is running on. So we need configure the Jenkins pod to access the Kubernetes cluster, and log in docker registry given that during the Jenkins pipeline we push OpenPitrix image into a registry which you can change on your own.

    On the Kubernetes client, execute the following to log in Jenkins container.

    # kubectl exec -it "$(kubectl get pods -n jenkins --selector=app=jenkins -o jsonpath='{}')" -c jenkins -n jenkins -- /bin/bash

    After logging in the Jenkins container, then run the following to log in docker registry and prepare folder to hold kubectl configuration.

    bash-4.3# docker login -u xxx -p xxxx
    bash-4.3# mkdir /root/.kube
    bash-4.3# exit

    Once back again to the Kubernetes client, run the following to copy the tool kubectl and its configuration from the client to the Jenkins container.

    # kubectl cp /usr/bin/kubectl jenkins/"$(kubectl get pods -n jenkins --selector=app=jenkins -o jsonpath='{}')":/usr/bin/kubectl -c jenkins
    # kubectl cp /root/.kube/config jenkins/"$(kubectl get pods -n jenkins --selector=app=jenkins -o jsonpath='{}')":/root/.kube/config -c jenkins

Create a pipeline

  • Fork OpenPitrix from github for your development. You need to change the docker repository to your own in the files openpitrix.yaml,, and
  • On the Jenkins panel, click Open Blue Ocean and start to create a new pipeline. Choose GitHub, paste your access key of GitHub, select the repository you want to create a CI/CD pipeline. We already created the pipeline Jenkinsfile on the upstream repository which includes compiling OpenPitrix, building images, push images, deploying the application, verifying the application and cleaning up.
  • It is better to configure one more thing. On the Jenkins panel, go to the configuration of OpenPitrix, check Periodically if not otherwise run under Scan Repository Triggers and select the interval at your will.
  • If your repository is an upstream, you can select Discover pull requests from forks under Behaviors so that the pipeline will work for PR before merged.
  • Now it is good to go. Whenever you commit a change to your forked repository, the pipeline will work during the Jenkins trigger interval.