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The User Interface

An example:

 * Program to calculate factorials.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "miracl.h"   /* include MIRACL system */

void main()
    /* calculate factorial of number */
    big nf;        /* declare "big" variable nf */
    int n;
    miracl *mip=mirsys(5000,10);

    /* base 10, 5000 digits per big  */
    nf=mirvar(1);   /* initialise big variable nf=1  */
    printf("factorial program\n");
    printf("input number n= \n");
    while (n>1)
        premult(nf,n--,nf); /* nf=n!=n*(n-1)*...2*1  */

    printf("n!= \n");
    otnum(nf,stdout); /* output result */

This program can be used to quickly calculate and print out 1000! (a 2568 digit number) in less a second on a 60MHz Intel Pentium-based computer, a task first performed ‘by H.S. Uhler using a desk calculator and much patience over a period of several years’ [Knuth73]. Many other programs are described in 'Example Programs'.

Any program that wishes to make use of the MIRACL system must have an #include "miracl.h" statement. This tells the compiler to include the C header file miracl.h with the main program source file before proceeding with the compilation. This file contains declarations of all the MIRACL routines available to the user. The small sub-header file mirdef.h contains hardware/compiler-specific details.

In the main program the MIRACL system must be initialised by a call to the routine mirsys, which sets the number base and the maximum size of the big and flash variables. It also initialises the random number system, and creates several workspace big variables for its own internal use. The return value is the Miracl Instance Pointer, or mip. This pointer can be used to access various internal parameters associated with the current instance of MIRACL. For example to set the ERCON flag, one might write:


The initial call to mirsys also initialises the error tracing system which is integrated with the MIRACL package. Whenever an error is detected the sequence of routine calls down to the routine which generated the error is reported, as well as the error itself. A typical error message might be:

MIRACL error from routine powltr
called from isprime
called from your program
Raising integer to a negative power

Such an error report facilitates debugging, and assisted us during the development of these routines. An associated instance variable TRACER, initialised to OFF, if set by the user to ON, will cause a trace of the program's progress through the MIRACL routines to be output to the computer screen.

An instance flag ERNUM, initialised to zero, records the number of the last internal MIRACL error to have occurred. If the flag ERCON is set to FALSE (the default), an error message is directed to stdout and the program aborts via a call to the system routine exit(0). If your system does not supply such a routine, the programmer must provide one instead. If ERCON is set to TRUE no error message is emitted and instead the onus is on the programmer to detect and handle the error. In this case execution continues. The programmer may choose to deal with the error, and reset ERNUM to zero. However errors are usually fatal, and if ERNUM is non-zero all MIRACL routines called subsequently will “fall-through” and exit immediately. See miracl.h for a list of all possible errors.

Every big or flash variable in the users program must be initialised by a call to the routine mirvar, which also allows the variable to be given an initial small integer value.

The full set of arithmetic and number-theoretic routines declared in miracl.h may be used on these variables. Full flexibility is (almost always) allowed in parameter usage with these routines. For example the call multiply(x,y,z), multiplies the big variable x by the big variable y to give the result as big variable z. Equally valid would be multiply(x,y,x), multiply(y,y,x), or multiply(x,x,x). This last simply squares x. Note that the first parameters are by convention always (usually) the inputs to the routines. Routines are provided not only to allow arithmetic on big and flash numbers, but also to allow these variables to perform arithmetic with the built-in integer and double precision data-types.

Conversion routines are provided to convert from one type to another. For details of each routine see the relevant documentation in the 'MIRACL Routines' section.

Input and output to a file or I/O device is handled by the routines innum, otnum cinnum and cotnum. The first two use the fixed number base specified by the user in the initial call of mirsys. The latter pair work in conjunction with the instance variable IOBASE which can be assigned dynamically by the user. A simple rule is that if the program is CPU bound, or involves changes of base, then set the base initially to MAXBASE (or 0 if a full-width base is possible - see 'Internal Representation' and use cinnum and cotnum. If, on the other hand, the program is I/O bound, or needs access to individual digits of numbers (using getdig, putdig and numdig), use innum and otnum.

Input and output to/from a character string is also supported in a similar fashion by the routines instr, otstr, cinstr and cotstr. The input routines can be used to set big or flash numbers to large constant values. By outputting to a string, formatting can take place prior to actual output to a file or I/O device.

Numbers to bases up to 256 can be represented. Numbers up to base 60 use as many of the symbols 0-9, A-Z, a-x as necessary.

A number base of 64 enforces standard base64 encoding. On output base64 numbers are padded with trailing = symbols if needed, but not otherwise formatted. On input white-space characters are skipped, and padding ignored. Do not use base64 with flash numbers. Do not use base64 for outputting negative numbers, as the sign is ignored.

If the base is greater than 60 (and not 64), the symbols used are the ASCII codes 0-255.

A base of 256 is useful when it is necessary to interpret a line of text as a large integer, as is the case for the Public Key Cryptography programs described in 'Example Programs'. The routines big_to_bytes and bytes_to_big allow for direct conversion from the internal big format to/from pure binary.

Strings are normally zero-terminated. However a problem arises when using a base of 256. In this case every digit from 0 - 255 can legitimately occur in a number. So a 0 does not necessarily indicate the end of the string. On input another method must be used to indicate the number of digits in the string.

By setting the instance variable INPLEN = 25 (for example), just prior to a call to innum or instr, input is terminated after 25 bytes are entered. INPLEN is initialised to 0, and reset to 0 by the relevant routine before it returns.

For example, initialise MIRACL to use bigs of 400 bytes:

miracl *mip=mirsys(400,256);  

Internal calculations are very efficient using this base.

Input an ASCII string as a base 256 number. This will be zero-terminated, so no need for INPLEN:


Now it is required to input exactly 1024 random bits:


But we want to see output in HEX:


Now in base64:


Rational numbers may be input using either a radix point (e.g 0.3333) or as a fraction (e.g. 1/3). Either form can be used on output by setting the instance variable RPOINT=ON or =OFF.