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Infectious disease GWAS project

This project applies the Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenback Mixed Model (POUMM) to estimate and remove pathogen effects from infectious disease trait data prior to Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS).

Run simuations

Simulate data under the POUMM using a randomly generated, HIV-like phylogeny and specified parameter values/ranges. Fit the POUMM to estimate back the parameters and check accuracy against the true (simulated) values.



  • Build the containers specified in the Dockerfiles:
    docker build -t simulate-poumm-accuracy -f Dockerfile-simulate-poumm-accuracy .
    docker build -t simulate-poumm-gwas -f Dockerfile-simulate-poumm-gwas .
  • To run locally:
    mkdir -p output
    docker run \
    -v /Users/nadeaus/Repos/poumm-gwas/output:/output \
    -v /Users/nadeaus/Repos/poumm-gwas/config-simulation.yaml:/config-simulation.yaml \
    docker run \
    -v /Users/nadeaus/Repos/poumm-gwas/output:/output \
    -v /Users/nadeaus/Repos/poumm-gwas/config-simulation.yaml:/config-simulation.yaml \
  • To run on Euler:
    • Push the images to the ETHZ repository:
    docker build -t -f Dockerfile-simulate-poumm-accuracy .
    docker build -t -f Dockerfile-simulate-poumm-gwas .
    docker push
    docker push
    • Log in to Euler, clone this repository, navigate to top-level directory
    • Pull the images from gitlab and convert them to singularity images in interactive jobs:
    module load eth_proxy
    bsub -I -W 0:05 -o singularity_build_%J.log "singularity build --docker-login simulate-poumm-accuracy.sif docker://"
    # Enter username and then password for ETH gitlab (no prompt will come, just enter them and wait until job ends)
    bsub -I -W 0:05 -o singularity_build_%J.log "singularity build --docker-login simulate-poumm-gwas.sif docker://"
    • Run the singularity images in Euler jobs:
    mkdir -p output
    bsub -N -o simulate-poumm-accuracy_%J.log \
    "singularity run --bind config-simulation.yaml:/config-simulation.yaml --bind output:/output simulate-poumm-accuracy.sif"
    bsub -N -o simulate-poumm-gwas_%J.log \
    "singularity run --bind config-simulation.yaml:/config-simulation.yaml --bind output:/output simulate-poumm-gwas.sif"

Apply method to GWAS for host genetic determinants of HIV spVL


Data cannot be published due to privacy protections. See the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) for more information.

  • Host genetic data provided by the SHCS.

    • genotypes (,, and

    • HLA genotypes imputed with SNP2HLA (,,

  • SHCS cohort scores along top principal components from genotype matrix of merged SHCS and HapMap data.

  • Viral load measurements and other clinical data provided by the SHCS.

  • Viral genetic data provided by the SHCS.

    • pol gene sequences (newfasta2019-10-25.fas)

    • Viral subtypes

Calculate spVL and prepare sequence data, metadata

  • Rscript scripts/R/calculate_spvl.R produces spVL values calculated a few different ways. They are compared in output/spvl_calculation_comparison.png. I use the mean of viral load measurements taken before treatment start for further analysis.
  • Rscript scripts/R/filter_sequences.R attaches spVL and subtype data to the pol sequence data. I filter to only subtype B sequences with spVL values (focal) and A sequences (outgroup) of at least 750 non-gap, non-N characters. The sequence header format is <patient id>_<collection date %Y-%m-%d>_<'outgroup' or 'focal'>_<spVL value>.

Build pathogen phylogeny (IQ-TREE)

  • Build container, mount volume with prepared sequence data, run container.
  • The script generates an alignment, trims characters after position 1505, and constructs and approximate maximum-likelihood tree.
docker build -t build-tree -f Dockerfile-build-tree .
# Connect to smb://
docker run \
--volume=/Volumes/stadler/SHCSData/data/newfasta2019-10-25.fas:/sequences.fasta:ro \
--volume=`pwd`/output:/output build-tree

Root the phylogeny

  • Rscript scripts/R/root_tree.R roots the phylogeny with type "A" sequences as the outgroup, then removes the outgroup.

Fit the POUMM, apply phylogenetic correction to spVL trait

  • fit_poumm.R fits the POUMM to the phylogeny and calculated spVL values, generating maximum-likelihood parameter estimates.
  • correct_trait.R generates estimates for individual-specific viral, environmental parts of trait using POUMM parameters and trait values.

Note: results in output_revisions are from fitting the POUMM and correcting trait values based on a different approximate ML tree output by IQ-TREE using the -wt parameter.

Prepare human genotype data

  • scripts/R/filter_gwas_individuals.R generates a list of SHCS individuals of European descent infected with subtype B HIV.
  • Filter the host genotype files based on individuals to keep, variant thresholds.
  • Summarize allele frequencies, missingness in filtered human genotype data.
docker build -t prep-gwas-files -f Dockerfile-prep-gwas-files .
# Connect to smb://
docker run \
--volume=/Volumes/stadler/SHCSData/data:/data:ro \
--volume=`pwd`/output:/output prep-gwas-files
  • make_gwas_phenotypes_file.R generates a phenotype file for GWAS with raw and estaimated environmental-only trait values.

Run comparative GWAS (PLINK)

  • Get top 5 principal components (PCs) of host genetic variation.
  • Run GWAS using PLINK with sex, top 5 PCs as covariates.
  • Filter PLINK results to SNPs only, not covariates and add p-value, effect size columns.
docker build -t run-gwas -f Dockerfile-run-gwas .
docker run --volume=`pwd`/output:/output run-gwas

Apply method to GWAS for A. thaliana genetic determinants of QDR against X. arboricola


Build pathogen phylogeny (Neighbor-Joining) and calculate average QDR trait

  • scripts/R/make_nj_tree_xanthamonas.R

Fit the POUMM, apply phylogenetic correction to QDR trait

  • scripts/R/fit_poumm_xanthamonas.R fits the POUMM to the tree and the mean QDR score across all hosts & leaves
  • scripts/R/correct_trait_xanthamonas.R uses the maximum posterior POUMM parameters to estiamtes the pathogen part of the mean QDR score for each pathogen strain, then randomly selects one pathogen/host pairing per host type and subtracts the pathogen part for the respective pathogen from the mean QDR score for that host

On Euler cluster:

cd $SCRATCH/arabidopsis_gwas

# Transfer phenotype file and list of samples to filter host VCF to Euler (gwas_host_ids.txt and gwas_phenotypes.txt)

# Filter host VCF file to only samples with phenotypes
module load bcftools/1.12 htslib/1.12
bsub "tabix -p vcf 1001genomes_snp-short-indel_only_ACGTN.vcf.gz"
bsub "bcftools view --samples-file gwas_host_ids.txt 1001genomes_snp-short-indel_only_ACGTN.vcf.gz > host_genotypes.vcf"

# Get host genotypes in PLINK bed format
bsub -N "$HOME/programs/plink2 --vcf host_genotypes.vcf --max-alleles 2 --make-bed --out arabidopsis"

# Filter data to clean dataset
bsub -N "$HOME/programs/plink2 \
--bfile arabidopsis \
--maf 0.1 \
--max-maf 0.9 \
--make-bed \
--out arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf"

# Get top 5 PCs for covariates based on all SNPs
bsub -N "$HOME/programs/plink2 \
--bfile arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf \
--pca \
--out arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf"

awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7}' arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.eigenvec >  arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.pc5.txt

# Run GWAS
bsub -N "$HOME/programs/plink2 \
--bfile arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf \
--pheno gwas_phenotypes.txt \
--glm \
--covar arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.pc5.txt \
--out arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf"

# Extract SNP-only results, without covariates
head -1 arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.trait.glm.linear >arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.trait.glm.linear.nocovariates
grep -h 'ADD' arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.trait.glm.linear >> arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.trait.glm.linear.nocovariates

head -1 arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.h.MWA.glm.linear > arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.h.MWA.glm.linear.nocovariates
grep -h 'ADD' arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.h.MWA.glm.linear >> arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.h.MWA.glm.linear.nocovariates

# Paste results from both trait values together
paste "arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.trait.glm.linear.nocovariates" "arabidopsis.filtered.maxmaf.h.MWA.glm.linear.nocovariates" | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $9, $12, $21, $24}' > gwas_results.maxmaf.txt
HEADER="CHROM POS ID BETA_standard P_standard BETA_corrected P_corrected"
sed -i.bak "1 s/^.*$/$HEADER/" gwas_results.maxmaf.txt

# Add p-value column to results
awk '
function abs(v) { return v < 0 ? -v : v }
BEGIN { OFS = " " }
NR == 1 {
$8 = "neg_log10_P_standard";
$9 = "neg_log10_P_corrected";
$10 = "neg_log10_P_standard_minus_corrected";
$11 = "abs_neg_log10_P_standard_minus_corrected" }
NR >= 2 {
$8 = -log($5)/log(10);
$9 = -log($7)/log(10);
$10 = $8 - $9
$11 = abs($10)} 1' < gwas_results.maxmaf.txt > gwas_results.maxmaf.pvals.txt