Most computers do not come equiped with a built-in IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver, so this setup requires some additional hardware.
We recommend the ATUSB, which is one of the longest-running OSHW products out there for IEEE 802.15.4 development.
Simply run the commands below.
sudo apt install -y wpan-tools
sudo modprobe atusb
sudo iwpan phy phy0 set channel 0 26
sudo iwpan dev wpan0 set pan_id 0xabcd
sudo ip link add link wpan0 name lowpan0 type lowpan
sudo ip link set wpan0 up
sudo ip link set lowpan0 up
sudo ip -6 addr add 2001:db8::2/64 dev lowpan0
Additional information can be found here.