Sends a birthday email to all the members having their birthday on the current day.
Install the extension via composer: cliffparnitzky/birthday-mailer.
If you prefer to install it manually, download the latest release here:
- Contao version >= 3.2.0 ... < 3.6.0
- Contao version >= 4.4.0
This extension is dependent on the following extensions:
{{birthdaychild::*}} ... This tag returns all the values of the current member (replace * with any attribute of the member, e.g. firstname or company, the attribute password is not allowed).
{{birthdaychild::salutation}} ... This tag returns the salutation of the member (depending on gender).
{{birthdaychild::name}} ... This tag returns first and last name of the member.
{{birthdaychild::groupname}} ... This tag returns the name of the member group of the current configuration.
{{birthdaychild::age}} ... This tag returns the age of the member.
{{birthdaymailer::email}} ... This tag returns the e-mail the configured sender.
{{birthdaymailer::name}} ... This tag returns the name of the configured sender.
The "birthdayMailerAbortSendMail" hook is triggered for for checking if a birthday mail should be send. So custom checking for each birthday child is possible.
It passes $birthdayChildConfig
(the config of the current birthday child) and $blnAbortSendMail
(the current value, if sending should be aborted).
It expects a boolean return value.
// config.php
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['birthdayMailerAbortSendMail'][] = array('MyClass', 'myAbortSendMail');
// MyClass.php
class MyClass
public function myAbortSendMail($birthdayChildConfig, $blnAbortSendMail)
if ($blnAbortSendMail !== TRUE && $birthdayChildConfig->id == 1)
$blnAbortSendMail = true;
$this->log('SEnding birthday mail to member with id "1" was aborted.', 'MyClass myAbortSendMail()', TL_INFO);
return $blnAbortSendMail;