layout | wrapperClass | eleventyExcludeFromCollections |
layouts/home.njk |
home |
true |
Hello, and welcome.
Here you'll find links to a few things I've worked on.
- My blog on this site
- Writings on
- Be sure to check out my write-up on My Web Creations from 2019
- Today I Learned - casual, short posts on things I've learned as I learn them
- Fetching and Caching Data from Airtable in Eleventy for the Eleventy Meetup
- Diving into an existing 11ty project for the Eleventy Meetup
- "Octopus Deploy: Automating .NET Deployments" at Erie Day of Code
- also presented at Nebraska.Code() on May 18, 2017; no video available.
- Presentations on Web accessibility to Software Engineering students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; no recordings available.