Platform to mobilize fans to engage in social good
DandyHacks '23 devpost
VolunTix is a visionary platform addressing the issue of ticket accessibility for fans of all economic backgrounds, as artists face challenges with scalpers taking away tickets reserved at an affordable price ceiling. Our proposal is to encourage artists to allocate a percentage of their tickets to charity events, mirroring the practices of major leagues. However, our distinctive approach lies in providing a unified platform, VolunTix, that incentivizes fans to engage in social good activities, earning redeemable points for concert and event tickets, fostering a community-driven initiative for positive change.
- React Native
- Expo
- TypeScript
- Firebase
- User authentication
- User onboarding and preference selection
- Event feed
- Point & redeem page
- Organizer scan QR code to mark attendance
npm run start
npx expo install