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Supporting Multiple Resource Deletion

This document details how to implement delete commands which accept multiple arguments.

Command Setup

Use MinimumNArgs(1) instead of ExactArgs(1), and replace validArgs with a version supporting multiple autocompletion (named validArgsMultiple):

func (c *command) newDeleteCommand() *cobra.Command {
    return &cobra.Command{
        Use:               "delete <id-1> [id-2] ... [id-n]",
        Args:              cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
        ValidArgsFunction: pcmd.NewValidArgsFunction(c.validArgsMultiple),
        RunE:              c.delete,

Inside the delete function, first initialize required clients if applicable, and obtain any required information (flag values, the environment ID, the Kafka cluster ID, etc.):

func (c *command) delete(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	kafkaREST, err := c.GetKafkaREST()
	if err != nil {
		return err

Validating Resource Existence

Next, we will validate the existence of all resources corresponding to the input argument IDs and prompt the user to confirm the delete operation. The confirmation prompt is yes/no. Call it with deletion.ValidateAndConfirm. The function signature is:

func ValidateAndConfirm(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, checkExistence func(string) bool, resourceType) error

The function parameter takes in the resource ID string and returns a boolean value signifying whether or not the resource actually exists. This usually requires a call to a describe SDK function. If the API doesn't support a READ operation, then you can use LIST instead.

existenceFunc := func(id string) bool {
    _, _, err := c.V2Client.GetApiKey(id)
    return err == nil

if err := deletion.ValidateAndConfirm(cmd, args, existenceFunc, resource.ApiKey); err != nil {
    return err

If you need to call the describe or list SDK functions for any other reason, store the results in a map or a set and use that inside the existenceFunc:

connectorIdToName, err := c.mapConnectorIdToName(environmentId, kafkaCluster.ID)
if err != nil {
    return err

existenceFunc := func(id string) bool {
    _, ok := connectorIdToName[id]
    return ok

if err := deletion.ValidateAndConfirm(cmd, args, existenceFunc, resource.Connector); err != nil {
    return err

Deleting the Resources

To perform the deletion, we call deletion.Delete. It's function signature is

func Delete(args []string, callDeleteEndpoint func(string) error, resourceType string) ([]string, error)

This function will attempt to delete every resource provided in args. In other words, failure to delete one resource will not prevent Delete from attempting to delete the next resource. The first return value is a list of IDs corresponding to successfully deleted resources. The error return value is a list of all errors encountered.

The function parameter takes the resource ID and calls the relevant delete SDK function.

For most resources, this is the last step and you can simply return the error to end the command:

deleteFunc := func(id string) error {
    if err := c.V2Client.DeleteIamUser(id); err != nil {
        // You can wrap this error or process it further as needed
        return fmt.Errorf(errors.DeleteResourceErrorMsg, resource.User, id, err)
    return nil

_, err = deletion.Delete(args, deleteFunc, resource.User)
return err

For some resources, additional post-delete tasks need to be done. Use the first return value to process only the resources that were actually deleted. Any errors resulting from these additional tasks should be appended to the error returned from deletion.Delete using multierror. Note that you must call ErrorOrNil() for multierrors instead of returning them directly.

deletedIds, err := deletion.Delete(args, deleteFunc, resource.ApiKey)

errs := multierror.Append(err, c.deleteKeysFromKeyStore(deletedIds))

Then, either return errs.ErrorOrNil() or process the error further:

deletedIds, err := deletion.Delete(args, deleteFunc, resource.ApiKey)

errs := multierror.Append(err, c.deleteKeysFromKeyStore(deletedIds))
if errs.ErrorOrNil() != nil {
    return errors.NewErrorWithSuggestions(err.Error(), errors.APIKeyNotFoundSuggestions)

return nil

Lastly, if your resource is not immediately deleted, then you should instead call deletion.DeleteWithoutMessage and write your own custom deletion message instead:

deletedIds, err := deletion.DeleteWithoutMessage(args, deleteFunc)
deleteMsg := "Started deletion of %s %s. To monitor a remove-broker task run `confluent kafka broker task list <id> --task-type remove-broker`.\n"
if len(deletedIds) == 1 {
    output.Printf(deleteMsg, resource.Broker, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, deletedIds[0]))
} else if len(deletedIds) > 1 {
    output.Printf(deleteMsg, resource.Plural(resource.Broker), utils.ArrayToCommaDelimitedString(deletedIds, "and"))

return err