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Topology Experiments

Run on Google Cloud nodes

Let's test different depths (N-ary) of trees. We first want to understand the structures of trees that flux generates depending on the topology spec and number of nodes. Then, for each depth we will test:

  1. Distribution from the root to all leaves (lowest level)
  2. Distribution from the root to all nodes (regardless of level)
  3. Distribution from root to middle level, and then to leaves.

We would want to see if there is a more efficient strategy, and then we would want to be able to combine Flux, a snapshotter, and possibly a CSI to distribute large files in Kubernetes. The idea would be that:

  1. The snapshotter (rank 0) would retrieve from the registry
  2. Rank 0 would distribute to workers
  3. The other ranks would have a CSI to bind to the node.

We could also JUST use a snapshotter OR the CSI.

Blob Sizes

This advice comes from garlick

the performance will be sensitive to the tree fanout because each level of the tree will fetch data once from its parent, then provide it once to each child that is requesting it. Well, that would assume perfect caching but the LRU cache tries to maintain itself below 16MB so for large amounts of data the cache may thrash a bit. If you want to play with that limit, you could do something like

flux module reload content purge-target-size=104857600 # 100mb
flux exec -r all flux module reload content purge-target-size=104857600 # 100mb

Not sure what effect that would have since it kind of depends on how the timing works out. You can peek at the cache size with

flux module stats content | jq

Note that we likely want to update the size 30 experiment by:

  1. Adding the unset of the cache
  2. Have the data file generated programatically (instead of needing to build into container, which will get large).
  3. Test a smaller number of kary sizes (1, 2, and then possibly evens up to the largest size)
  4. Also go up by even sizes for the GB sizes - it takes too long to do every single one!

Flux Trees

Note that the flux-design* files were generated in the kind-experiment and you will need them here.


Run the experiments!

6 Nodes Test

First we will do a max size of 2 on 6 nodes.

time gcloud container clusters create test-cluster \
    --threads-per-core=1 \
    --num-nodes=6 \
    --machine-type=c2d-standard-32 \
    --enable-gvnic \
    --network=mtu9k \
    --placement-type=COMPACT \
    --region=us-central1-a \

kubectl apply -f

python --data ./kary-designs.json --max-nodes=6 --max-size=2 --data-dir ./data/raw-max-6 --template ./templates/minicluster-test.yaml
time gcloud container clusters delete test-cluster --region=us-central1-a
python --out ./data/parsed-max-6 --data ./data/raw-max-6
Experiments are done!
total time to run is 5793.205878019333 seconds

30 Nodes Test

Next, let's just test a large size (30)

time gcloud container clusters create test-cluster \
    --threads-per-core=1 \
    --num-nodes=30 \
    --machine-type=c2d-standard-32 \
    --enable-gvnic \
    --network=mtu9k \
    --placement-type=COMPACT \
    --region=us-central1-a \

kubectl apply -f

python --data ./kary-designs.json --max-size=2 --exact-nodes=30 --data-dir ./data/raw-exact-30 --template ./templates/minicluster-test.yaml
time gcloud container clusters delete test-cluster --region=us-central1-a
python --out ./data/parsed-exact-30 --data ./data/raw-exact-30
Experiments are done!
total time to run is 9767.250812530518 seconds

6 Nodes on AWS

Google cloud was issuing an error, I switched to aws and it went away.

eksctl create cluster --config-file ./eks-config-6.yaml
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name topology-study

kubectl apply -f

# Don't bother with smaller sizes, just 6
python --data ./kary-designs.json --exact-nodes=6 --min-size=1 --max-size=10 --data-dir ./data/raw-exact-6-aws --template ./templates/minicluster.yaml --iters 3
eksctl delete cluster --config-file ./eks-config-6.yaml --wait
python --out ./data/parsed-exact-6-aws --data ./data/raw-exact-6-aws
Experiments (N=12) are done!
total time to run is 9715.973370552063 seconds

For this updated setup without a view, here is how to connect to the broker's socket:

flux proxy local:///mnt/flux/view/run/flux/local bash
flux dmesg
flux module stats content | jq

30 Nodes on AWS

For cost, these are 0.6160 * 30 == 18.48/hour. For the size 30 test, we previously did 16 runs with 5 iterations each. If for the 6 node test we did 12 and it took 161 minutes, assuming the same time (which we can't because the experiment is about half the size) if we did that same size it would take ~17 hours, which is too long. If we assume 16 kary designs * 2 iterations each * 2.02375 minutes / iteration, then that's 64.76 minutes. Since we just want a sample, let's start with just one iteration for 30 nodes (and time it) and we can always do another one.

For actual timings:

  • the cluster is 18.48/hour
  • the first run takes 20 minutes because of the image pull
  • subsequent runs take 13 minutes
  • that means for 1 iteration and 16 topologies, the experiment should take 208 (let's say 215) minutes (rounded up) and thus (215 / 60) * 18.48 == $66.22 and we can also round up to $70. I was aiming for under $100 so that is within budget.
time eksctl create cluster --config-file ./eks-config-30.yaml
2024-12-01 08:04:14 [ℹ]  cluster should be functional despite missing (or misconfigured) client binaries
2024-12-01 08:04:14 [✔]  EKS cluster "topology-study" in "us-east-2" region is ready

real	15m46.129s
user	0m0.420s
sys	0m0.189s
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name topology-study

kubectl apply -f
python --data ./kary-designs.json --exact-nodes=30 --min-size=1 --max-size=10 --data-dir ./data/raw-exact-30-aws --template ./templates/minicluster.yaml --iters 1
eksctl delete cluster --config-file ./eks-config-30.yaml --wait
python --out ./data/parsed-exact-30-aws --data ./data/raw-exact-30-aws
Experiments (N=16) are done!
total time to run is 12480.895931243896 seconds

256 Nodes on AWS

For cost, these are 0.6160 * 256 == 157.70/hour. I am just going to do one iteration here, the idea being we want to see the result For this larger test. Let's limit the kary's to 2 and start with 2 iterations, and we can increase if they are quicker than we expect.

For actual timings:

  • the cluster is 18.48/hour
  • the first run takes 20 minutes because of the image pull
  • subsequent runs take 13 minutes
  • that means for 1 iteration and 16 topologies, the experiment should take 208 (let's say 215) minutes (rounded up) and thus (215 / 60) * 18.48 == $66.22 and we can also round up to $70. I was aiming for under $100 so that is within budget.
# Going up at 11:00
time eksctl create cluster --config-file ./eks-config-256.yaml
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name topology-study

# Note that topology does not work for these instances
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-type,Values=c5a.4xlarge" --region us-east-2 > aws-instances-256.json

kubectl apply -f
time python --data ./kary-designs.json --exact-nodes=256 --min-size=1 --max-size=10 --data-dir ./data/raw-exact-256-aws --template ./templates/minicluster.yaml --topo kary:1 --topo kary:16 --iters 1
[{'nodes': 256, 'topo': 'kary:1'}, {'nodes': 256, 'topo': 'kary:16'}]
🧪️ Experiments:
🪴️ Planning to run:
   Output Data         : ./data/raw-exact-256-aws
   Experiments         : 2
   Exact Nodes         : 256
      Min Size         : 1
      Max Size         : 10
         Iters         : 1
Would you like to continue? (yes/no)? yes
== Running experiment {'nodes': 256, 'topo': 'kary:1'}: 0 of 2

🍔 Running topology experiment size 256 created
job.batch/flux-sample condition met
Writing topology log and recordings to ./data/raw-exact-256-aws/256/kary-1/0/topology-experiment.out "flux-sample" deleted
== Running experiment {'nodes': 256, 'topo': 'kary:16'}: 1 of 2

🍔 Running topology experiment size 256 created
job.batch/flux-sample condition met
Writing topology log and recordings to ./data/raw-exact-256-aws/256/kary-16/0/topology-experiment.out "flux-sample" deleted
Experiments (N=2) are done!
total time to run is 4008.657091140747 seconds

real	66m58.074s
user	0m6.175s
sys	0m1.354s

And then:

eksctl delete cluster --config-file ./eks-config-256.yaml --wait
python --out ./data/parsed-exact-256-aws --data ./data/raw-exact-256-aws
Experiments (N=16) are done!
total time to run is 12480.895931243896 seconds


Google Cloud 6 Nodes Test

Let's look at 6 "nodes"

data/parsed-max-6/clean-all-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/clean-leaf-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/clean-middle-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/create-archive-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/create-leaf-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/create-middle-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/delete-archive-all-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/delete-archive-leaf-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/delete-archive-middle-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/distribute-all-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/distribute-leaf-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/distribute-middle-nodes-0-nodes-6.png data/parsed-max-6/distribute-middle-nodes-1-nodes-6.png

Google Cloud 30 Nodes Test

This will allow for more "kary" designs.

data/parsed-exact-30/clean-all-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/clean-leaf-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/clean-middle-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/create-archive-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/create-leaf-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/create-middle-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/delete-archive-all-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/delete-archive-leaf-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/delete-archive-middle-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/distribute-all-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/distribute-leaf-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/distribute-middle-nodes-0-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30/distribute-middle-nodes-1-nodes-30.png

AWS 6 Node Test

Without any bugs. I removed the middle distribution layer to reduce experiment running time.

data/parsed-exact-6-aws/clean-all-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-exact-6-aws/create-archive-nodes-6.png data/parsed-exact-6-aws/delete-archive-all-nodes-nodes-6.png data/parsed-exact-6-aws/distribute-all-nodes-nodes-6.png

AWS 30 Node Test

Based on the time, that did come out to cost what I estimated! We likely should discuss what we see and decide what to test next. I'm not seeing any differences with respect to distribution, but maybe creation? We would also want to compare this strategy against just downloading the same size archive, by each node.

data/parsed-exact-30-aws/clean-all-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30-aws/create-archive-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30-aws/delete-archive-all-nodes-nodes-30.png data/parsed-exact-30-aws/distribute-all-nodes-nodes-30.png

AWS 256 Node Test

This took about 66 minutes, just 1 iteration for 2 sizes. The result is flipped from what I would expect (and I checked the data, indeed kary-16 was slower).

data/parsed-exact-256-aws/clean-all-nodes-nodes-256.png data/parsed-exact-256-aws/create-archive-nodes-256.png data/parsed-exact-256-aws/delete-archive-all-nodes-nodes-256.png data/parsed-exact-256-aws/distribute-all-nodes-nodes-256.png