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Migration Guide for 3.x Branch

Couchbase PHP SDK v4 brought a lot of improvements to the API. Some of the changes unfortunately break compatibility with v3. This guide helps upgrade applications, and highlights the most important differences.

API Reference:

Components Overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of PHP SDK v3:

  columns 3

    columns 2

  low_level("Extension\n(exposes high-level API)")
  extension("PHP Binary Extension\n(PECL: couchbase)"):2

  dependencies("System Dependencies")

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of PHP SDK v4:

  columns 3

    columns 2

  high_level("High-Level API")
  library("PHP Library\n(Composer: couchbase/couchbase)"):2

  extension("PHP Binary Extension\n(PECL: couchbase)"):2

  dependencies("Static Dependencies")
    cxx_core("C++ Core SDK")

So let us point out immediate differences:

  1. SDKv4 uses Composer to deliver high-level API classes, while SDKv3 defines everything in the extension. While it adds an extra step for the developer, it really simplifies maintenance, reduces potential memory issues, allows to keep documentation consistent and improves IDE integration.

    It is really easy add classes to the application using Composer.

    composer require couchbase/couchbase

    the resulting composer.json needs only two lines to be added:

    diff --git i/composer.json w/composer.json
    index b743a66..88e69da 100644
    --- i/composer.json
    +++ w/composer.json
    @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
         "require": {
             "php": "^7.4 || ^8.0",
             "ext-json": "*",
    +        "ext-couchbase": "^4.2",
    +        "couchbase/couchbase": "^4.2",
             "monolog/monolog": "^2.3",
             "php-di/php-di": "^6.3",
             "slim/psr7": "^1.5",

    In case Composer cannot be used, we also have autoloader script Couchbase\autoload.php, that sets up a hook to resolve and automatically require SDK classes, but to use this autoloader, the headers must be installed somewhere in the PHP include path, which could be found using one of the following commands, or in the phpinfo() output.

    $ pecl config-get php_dir
    $ php -r 'printf("%s\n", ini_get("include_path"));'
  2. Another important observation is that SDKv4 does not expect any system libraries or headers to be installed to work and uses a statically compiled core implementation (just like all other wrappers). Additionally, it statically links the TLS library to the extension, which, again, simplifies deployment on the Windows platform.

Transcoder API

SDKv3 used a non-standard way of specifying an encoder and decoder for the document objects for the KV API. This API was inherited from SDKv2, where the developer needed to specify a decoder or encoder function in the options. SDKv4 fixes this and instead defines the \Couchbase\Transcoder interface which encapsulates all the logic. Additionally, it provides four implementations of it and uses \Couchbase\JsonTranscoder by default.

Let's say we want to read/write documents without any conversion, just as a binary streams. To do so, we would need to override the transcoder, because otherwise our byte strings will be serialized as JSON strings.

Here is how it is done with SDKv3:

$options = new \Couchbase\ClusterOptions();
$options->credentials("Administrator", "password");
$cluster = new \Couchbase\Cluster("couchbase://localhost", $options);
$collection = $cluster->bucket("default")->defaultCollection();

$passThruDecoder = function($bytes, $flags, $datatype) {
    // do not check anything just return bytes as passed by core
    return $bytes;

$passThruEncoder = function($value) {
    // do not do conversion, and return zeroes for datatype and flags
    return [$value, 0x00, 0x00];

// Mutation operations in SDKv3 explicitly ask for encoder callable
$options = new \Couchbase\UpsertOptions();
$collection->upsert("foo", "BINARY DATA: \xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF", $options);

// Retrieval operation in SDKv3 only allow decoder callable
$options = new \Couchbase\GetOptions();
$res = $collection->get("foo", $options);

With SDKv4 we ship \Couchbase\RawBinaryTranscoder, which could be reimplemented as the following:

class PassThruTranscoder implements \Couchbase\Transcoder
    public function encode($value): array
        return [
            (new \Couchbase\TranscoderFlags(\Couchbase\TranscoderFlags::DATA_FORMAT_BINARY))->encode(),

    public function decode(string $bytes, int $flags)
        return $bytes;

// RawBinaryTranscoder like any other implementation has static method getInstance() returning
// singleton object.
$passThruTranscoder = new PassThruTranscoder();

$options = new \Couchbase\UpsertOptions();
$collection->upsert("foo", "BINARY DATA: \xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF", $options);

$options = new \Couchbase\GetOptions();
$res = $collection->get("foo", $options);

Error Handling

SDKv4 moved exceptions into the \Couchbase\Exception namespace, so if the application used to catch and handle exceptions from the SDK, those places should update to use the new names.

SDKv3 exception SDKv4 exception
\Couchbase\AuthenticationException \Couchbase\Exception\AuthenticationFailureException
\Couchbase\BadInputException \Couchbase\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  • \Couchbase\BucketMissingException
  • \Couchbase\KeyspaceNotFoundException
\Couchbase\CasMismatchException \Couchbase\Exception\CasMismatchException
\Couchbase\CollectionMissingException \Couchbase\Exception\CollectionNotFoundException
\Couchbase\DurabilityException One of the more specific exceptions.
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DurabilityAmbiguousException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DurabilityImpossibleException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DurabilityLevelNotAvailableException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DurableWriteInProgressException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DurableWriteReCommitInProgressException
\Couchbase\DmlFailureException The SDK will detect the underlying error that caused the query to fail and throw the specific exception.
  • \Couchbase\Exception\CasMismatchException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentLockedException
  • etc.
\Couchbase\DocumentNotFoundException \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentNotFoundException
\Couchbase\IndexFailureException \Couchbase\Exception\IndexFailureException
\Couchbase\IndexNotFoundException \Couchbase\Exception\IndexNotFoundException
\Couchbase\InvalidRangeException \Couchbase\Exception\DeltaInvalidException
\Couchbase\KeyDeletedException Removed
\Couchbase\KeyExistsException \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentExistsException
\Couchbase\KeyLockedException \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentLockedException
\Couchbase\ParsingFailureException \Couchbase\Exception\ParsingFailureException
\Couchbase\PartialViewException Removed
\Couchbase\PathExistsException \Couchbase\Exception\PathExistsException
\Couchbase\PathNotFoundException \Couchbase\Exception\PathNotFoundException
\Couchbase\PlanningFailureException \Couchbase\Exception\PlanningFailureException
\Couchbase\PreparedStatementFailureException \Couchbase\Exception\PreparedStatementFailureException
  • \Couchbase\QuotaLimitedException
  • \Couchbase\RateLimitedException
Rate and Quota limit exceptions redesigned, and the SDK will not use them.
\Couchbase\RequestCanceledException \Couchbase\Exception\RequestCanceledException
\Couchbase\ScopeMissingException \Couchbase\Exception\ScopeNotFoundException
\Couchbase\ServiceNotAvailableException \Couchbase\Exception\ServiceNotAvailableException
\Couchbase\TempFailException \Couchbase\Exception\TemporaryFailureException
\Couchbase\TimeoutException \Couchbase\Exception\TimeoutException
\Couchbase\ValueTooBigException \Couchbase\Exception\ValueTooLargeException
  • \Couchbase\AnalyticsException
  • \Couchbase\BindingsException
  • \Couchbase\InvalidConfigurationException
  • \Couchbase\InvalidStateException
  • \Couchbase\KeyValueException
  • \Couchbase\NetworkException
  • \Couchbase\QueryErrorException
  • \Couchbase\QueryException
  • \Couchbase\QueryServiceException
  • \Couchbase\SearchException
  • \Couchbase\SubdocumentException
  • \Couchbase\ViewException
All generic exceptions mapped to \Couchbase\Exception\CouchbaseException or to one of the new, more specific exceptions.
  • \Couchbase\Exception\CollectionExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\CompilationFailureException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\ConsistencyMismatchException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DatasetExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DatasetNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DataverseExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DataverseNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DecodingFailureException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DesignDocumentNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentIrretrievableException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentNotJsonException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\DocumentNotLockedException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\EncodingFailureException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\FeatureNotAvailableException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\GroupNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\IndexExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\IndexNotReadyException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\InternalServerFailureException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\JobQueueFullException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\LinkExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\LinkNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\NumberTooBigException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\PathInvalidException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\PathMismatchException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\PathTooBigException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\PathTooDeepException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\PermissionDeniedException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\ScopeExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\TransactionCommitAmbiguousException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\TransactionException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\TransactionExpiredException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\TransactionFailedException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\TransactionOperationFailedException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\UnambiguousTimeoutException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\UserExistsException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\UserNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\ValueInvalidException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\ValueTooDeepException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\ViewNotFoundException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\XattrCannotModifyVirtualAttributeException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\XattrInvalidKeyComboException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\XattrUnknownMacroException
  • \Couchbase\Exception\XattrUnknownVirtualAttributeException

String-backed Enumerations

In SDKv4 various enumerations and constants changed their types from int to string to reduce potential issues. In general nothing has to be changed here, but in some cases names of the types slightly changed to be more consistent with other SDKs.

View Consistency

\Couchbase\ViewScanConsistency::NOT_BOUNDED (0) \Couchbase\ViewConsistency::NOT_BOUNDED ("notBounded")
\Couchbase\ViewScanConsistency::REQUEST_PLUS (1) \Couchbase\ViewConsistency::REQUEST_PLUS ("requestPlus")
\Couchbase\ViewScanConsistency::UPDATE_AFTER (2) \Couchbase\ViewConsistency::UPDATE_AFTER ("updateAfter")

View Ordering

\Couchbase\ViewOrdering::ASCENDING (0) \Couchbase\ViewOrdering::ASCENDING ("ascending")
\Couchbase\ViewOrdering::DESCENDING (1) \Couchbase\ViewOrdering::DESCENDING ("descending")

Query Consistency

\Couchbase\QueryScanConsistency::NOT_BOUNDED (1) \Couchbase\QueryScanConsistency::NOT_BOUNDED ("notBounded")
\Couchbase\QueryScanConsistency::REQUEST_PLUS (2) \Couchbase\QueryScanConsistency::REQUEST_PLUS ("requestPlus")
\Couchbase\QueryScanConsistency::STATEMENT_PLUS (3) Removed

Query Profile

\Couchbase\QueryProfile::OFF (1) \Couchbase\QueryProfile::OFF ("off")
\Couchbase\QueryProfile::PHASES (2) \Couchbase\QueryProfile::PHASES ("phases")
\Couchbase\QueryProfile::TIMINGS (3) \Couchbase\QueryProfile::TIMINGS ("timings")

Analytics Consistency

"" \Couchbase\AnalyticsScanConsistency::NOT_BOUNDED ("notBounded")
"request_plus" \Couchbase\AnalyticsScanConsistency::REQUEST_PLUS ("requestPlus")

Changing Timeout Values

SDKv3 did not allow to set timeouts through \Couchbase\ClusterOptions, and the application have to rely on connection string (that is handled by libcouchbase eventually), or use setter methods on the \Couchbase\Bucket instance.

The table below shows correspondence of timeout values between Bucket object setters and ClusterOptions in the new API.

SDKv3 (in microseconds) SDKv4 (in milliseconds)
Bucket::operationTimeout() ClusterOptions::keyValueTimeout()
Bucket::viewTimeout() ClusterOptions::viewTimeout()
Bucket::n1qlTimeout() ClusterOptions::queryTimeout()
Bucket::durabilityInterval() Removed
Bucket::durabilityTimeout() ClusterOptions::keyValueDurableTimeout()
Bucket::configTimeout() ClusterOptions::bootstrapTimeout()
Bucket::configDelay() Removed
Bucket::configNodeTimeout() Removed
Bucket::htconfigIdleTimeout() Removed
Bucket::configPollInterval() ClusterOptions::configPollInterval()
Bucket::httpTimeout() One of the service-related should be used:
  • ClusterOptions::viewTimeout()
  • ClusterOptions::queryTimeout()
  • ClusterOptions::searchTimeout()
  • ClusterOptions::analyticsTimeout()
  • ClusterOptions::managementTimeout()

PHP INI Entries

  • WARN
  • INFO
  • fatal
  • error
  • warning
  • info
  • debug
  • trace
couchbase.encoder.format Removed
couchbase.encoder.compression Removed
couchbase.encoder.compression_threshold Removed
couchbase.encoder.compression_factor Removed
couchbase.decoder.json_arrays Removed


Sets the maximum time that a persistent instance can be idle before being cleaned up. The default is 60 seconds. The SDK associates a reference counter with the instance uniquely identified by the connection string and credentials. When the reference counter reaches zero, the SDK records the current time into the idle timestamp of the instance. At the end of each request, the SDK runs a cleanup process that will sweep all idle instances at that point in time.

Persistent instances are useful for cases when the PHP worker process is not destroyed after serving the request, so that next request will not need to wait for the instance to bootstrap if it uses the same connection string, bucket and credentials.


SDKv4 is based on C++SDK. It has similar behavior when it comes to persistent instances. But instead of running cleanup at the end of each request, it does cleanup only when the library needs to create a new connection and the number of existing connection have reached couchbase.max_persistent.

By default both couchbase.persistent_timeout and couchbase.max_persistent are set to -1, which means that the instances will be destroyed naturally when the PHP process will exit.

This behavior was not possible in SDKv3 because libcouchbase does not have any background threads that can perform service tasks (like tracking configuration changes).

So if couchbase.max_persistent is set to a positive (or zero) value, the extension will run the cleanup tasks if the number of existing instances exceeds the max, and will destroy all instances that have expired.

The expiration time for the instance is recorded when the instance is created or pulled from the cache, and is set to the current time plus couchbase.persistent_timeout.

Note that by setting both couchbase.persistent_timeout and couchbase.max_persistent to zero, this will force the extension to destroy all existing connections and always create a new one. If using this configuration, the application must be very careful not to reuse destroyed connections, perhaps by using the equivalent of a global singleton instance of the \Couchbase\Cluster object. This issue was reported as PCBC-1018 and fixed in 4.2.6 release.

couchbase.allow_fallback_to_bucket_connection Removed