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1540 lines (1394 loc) · 26.3 KB


  1. testing-status
  2. listify
  3. concat
  4. first
  5. second
  6. end
  7. min-key/max-key
  8. group-by
  9. frequencies
  10. map-invert
  11. rand-sample
  12. sample
  13. shuffle
  14. union
  15. difference
  16. disj
  17. intersection
  18. subset
  19. superset
  20. overlaps
  21. update
  22. vals
  23. kvs
  24. merge
  25. merge-with
  26. select-keys
  27. get-in
  28. assoc-in
  29. update-in
  30. rename-keys
  31. index
  32. k
  33. sk
  34. destruct
  35. complement
  36. partial
  37. juxt
  38. constantly
  39. comp
  40. box
  41. memoize
  42. repeatedly
  43. reduce
  44. reduce-when
  45. reduce-while
  46. reduce-kv
  47. reductions
  48. filter
  49. remove
  50. into
  51. reverse
  52. distinct
  53. unique
  54. replace
  55. interleave
  56. interpose
  57. partition
  58. partition-all
  59. iterate
  60. take-nth
  61. take-while
  62. drop-while
  63. drop-last
  64. butlast
  65. some
  66. first-pred
  67. every
  68. not-every
  69. not-any
  70. keep
  71. map
  72. mapcat
  73. map-indexed
  74. zipmap
  75. keep-indexed
  76. pivot


225 tests passed out of 225

100% of tests are passing

Misc. functions


Captures input and shoves it into a list.

put 1 2 3 | listify
listify 1 2 3
[1 2 3]


A more generic version of base:concat2, which takes any number of lists

concat [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]
put [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] | concat
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]


Returns the first element

first a b c
put a b c | first
▶ a


Returns the second element

second a b c
put a b c | second
▶ b


Returns the last element

end a b c
put a b c | end
▶ c


Returns the x for which (f x), a number, is least, or most.

If there are multiple such xs, the last one is returned.

min-key $math:sin~ (range 20)
▶ 11
max-key $math:sin~ (range 20)
▶ 14



Returns a map of elements keyed by (f x)

group-by $count~ a as asd aa asdf qwer
put a as asd aa asdf qwer | group-by $count~
[&(num 1)=[a] &(num 2)=[as aa] &(num 3)=[asd] &(num 4)=[asdf qwer]]
group-by {|m| put $m[key]} [&key=a &val=1] [&key=b &val=1] [&key=a &val=3][&a=[[&val=1 &key=a] [&val=3 &key=a]] &b=[[&val=1 &key=b]]]


Returns a map of the number of times a thing appears

frequencies (each $all~ [abba acdc rush bush])
each $all~ [abba acdc rush bush] | frequencies
[&a=(num 3) &b=(num 3) &c=(num 2) &d=(num 1) &h=(num 2) &r=(num 1) &s=(num 2) &u=(num 2)]


Does what's on the tin

map-invert [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3][&1=a &2=b &3=c]

Normally lossy.

map-invert [&a=1 &b=2 &c=1][&1=c &2=b]

You can tell it not to be lossy, though.

map-invert [&a=1 &b=2 &c=1] &lossy=$false[&1=[a c] &2=[b]]


Returns items from @arr with random probability of 0.0-1.0

rand-sample 0 (range 10)


rand-sample 0.5 (range 10)
▶ 2
▶ 7
▶ 8
rand-sample 1 (range 10)
range 10 | rand-sample 1
▶ 0
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ 7
▶ 8
▶ 9


Take n random samples from the input

sample 5 (range 10)
▶ 6
▶ 9
▶ 3
▶ 0
▶ 2
range 10 | sample 5
▶ 1
▶ 8
▶ 3
▶ 0
▶ 4


shuffle (range 10)
▶ 9
▶ 6
▶ 5
▶ 7
▶ 8
▶ 3
▶ 1
▶ 0
▶ 2
▶ 4
range 10 | shuffle
▶ 0
▶ 5
▶ 9
▶ 8
▶ 6
▶ 7
▶ 3
▶ 1
▶ 4
▶ 2

Set functions


Set theory union

union [a b c] [d b e f] [g e h i]
put [a b c] [d b e f] [g e h i] | union
▶ a
▶ b
▶ c
▶ d
▶ e
▶ f
▶ g
▶ h
▶ i


Subtracts a bunch of sets from another

difference [a b c] [a d e]
▶ b
▶ c
difference [a b c] [a d e] [b f g]
put [a d e] [b f g] | difference [a b c]
▶ c


Like difference, but subtracts individual elements

disj [a b c d e f g] d e g
put d e g | disj [a b c d e f g]
▶ a
▶ b
▶ c
▶ f


Set theory intersection - returns only the items in all sets.

intersection [a b c]
▶ a
▶ b
▶ c
intersection [a b c] [b c d]
put [a b c] [b c d] | intersection
▶ b
▶ c
intersection [a b c] [b c d] [c d e]
▶ c


Predicate - returns true if l1 is a subset of l2. False otherwise

subset [a b c] [d e f b a c]$true
subset [d e f b a c] [c b a]$false


Predicate - returns true if l1 is a superset of l2. False otherwise

superset [d e f b a c] [a b c]$true
superset [a b c] [d e f b a c]$false


Predicate - returns true if l1 & l2 have a non-empty intersection.

overlaps [a b c d e f g] [e f g h i j k]$true
overlaps [a b c] [d e f]$false

Map functions


Updates a map element by applying a function to the value.

update [&a=1] a $base:inc~
update [&a=0] a $'+~' 2
put 2 | update [&a=0] a $'+~' (one)
put 1 1 | update [&a=0] a $'+~' (all)
[&a=(num 2)]

It works on lists, too.

update [1 2 2] 0 $base:inc~[(num 2) 2 2]


sister fn to keys

vals [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3


Given [&k1=v1 &k2=v2 ...], returns a sequence of [k1 v1] [k2 v2] ...

kvs [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3][a 1][b 2][c 3]


Merges two or more maps.

merge [&a=1 &b=2] [&c=3] [&d=4]
put [&a=1 &b=2] [&c=3] [&d=4] | merge
[&a=1 &b=2 &c=3 &d=4]

Uses the last value if it sees overlaps. Pay attention to the a in this example.

merge [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=3 &c=4][&a=3 &b=2 &c=4]

Works with zero-length input.

merge [&]
merge [&] [&]


Like merge, but takes a function which aggregates shared keys.

merge-with $'+~' [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=3 &c=4]
put [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=3 &c=4] | merge-with $'+~'
put $'+~' [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=3 &c=4] | merge-with (all)
[&a=(num 4) &b=2 &c=4]


Returns a map with the requested keys.

select-keys [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3] a c
put a c | select-keys [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]
[&a=1 &c=3]

It won't add keys which aren't there.

select-keys [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3] a c d e f g
▶ [&a=1 &c=3]

It also works with lists.

select-keys [1 2 3] 0 0 2
▶ [&0=1 &2=3]


Returns nested elements. Nonrecursive.

get-in [&a=[&b=[&c=v]]] a b c
put a b c | get-in [&a=[&b=[&c=v]]]
▶ v

Works with lists.

get-in [0 1 [2 3 [4 v]]] 2 2 1
▶ v

Returns nothing when not found.

get-in [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3] a b c



Nested assoc. Recursive

assoc-in [&] [a b c] v
assoc-in [&a=1] [a b c] v
assoc-in [&a=[&b=1]] [a b c] v
assoc-in [&a=[&b=[&c=1]]] [a b c] v
assoc-in [&a=1 &b=2] [a b c] v
▶ [&a=[&b=[&c=v]] &b=2]


Nested update. Recursive.

update-in [&a=[&b=[&c=(num 1)]]] [a b c] $base:inc~[&a=[&b=[&c=(num 2)]]]

Returns the map unchanged if not found.

update-in [&a=1 &b=2 &c=3] [a b c] $base:inc~[&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]


Returns map m with the keys in kmap renamed to the vals in kmap

rename-keys [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=newa &b=newb][&newa=1 &newb=2]

Won't produce key collisions

rename-keys [&a=1 &b=2] [&a=b &b=a][&a=2 &b=1]


returns a map with the maps grouped by the given keys

index [[&name=betsy &weight=1000] [&name=jake &weight=756] [&name=shyq &weight=1000]] weight
put weight | index [[&name=betsy &weight=1000] [&name=jake &weight=756] [&name=shyq &weight=1000]]
[&[&weight=1000]=[[&name=betsy &weight=1000] [&name=shyq &weight=1000]] &[&weight=756]=[[&name=jake &weight=756]]]


Takes a key and returns a closure which looks that key up in a map.

k a
▶ <closure 0xc000b295c0>
(k a) [&a=1 &b=2]
▶ 1


Like k, but performs a safe lookup.

(k a) [&][&reason=<unknown no such key: a> &stack-trace=<...>]
(sk a &miss=(num 0)) [&]
▶ 0

By default returns $nil.

(sk a) [&]$nil

Function modifiers


Works a bit like call, but returns a function.

+ doesn't work with a list...

+ [1 2 3][&reason=<unknown wrong type for arg #0: must be number> &stack-trace=<...>]

But it does with destruct

(destruct $'+~') [1 2 3]
▶ 6


Returns a function which negates the boolean result

base:is-odd 1
(complement $base:is-odd~) 2


Curries arguments to functions

+ 1 2 3
(partial $'+~' 1) 2 3
(partial $'+~' 1 2) 3
put 2 3 | (partial $'+~' 1)
put 1 | partial $'+~' | (one) 2 3
▶ 6


Takes any number of functions and executes all of them on the input

(juxt $base:dec~ $base:inc~ $base:is-odd~ $base:is-even~ ) 1
put 1 | (juxt $base:dec~ $base:inc~ $base:is-odd~ $base:is-even~ )
put $base:dec~ $base:inc~ $base:is-odd~ $base:is-even~ | juxt | (one) 1
▶ 0
▶ 2
▶ $true$false


Takes @xs. Returns a function which takes any number of args, and returns @xs

The builtin will throw an error if you give it input args.

(constantly a) 1 2 3
put 1 2 3 | (constantly a) (all)
put a | constantly | (one) 1 2 3
▶ a
(constantly [a b c]) 1 2 3
▶ [a b c]
(constantly a b c) 1 2 3
▶ a
▶ b
▶ c


Composes functions into a new fn. Contrary to expectation, works left-to-right.

(comp (partial $'*~' 5) (partial $'+~' 5)) 5
put 5 | (comp (partial $'*~' 5) (partial $'+~' 5))
put (partial $'*~' 5) (partial $'+~' 5) | comp | (one) 5
▶ 30


Returns a function which calls listify on the result. The function must have parameters.

(box {|@xs| put $@xs}) 1 2 3
put 1 2 3 | (box {|@xs| put $@xs})
put {|@xs| put $@xs} | box (one) | (one) 1 2 3
[1 2 3]


Caches function results so they return more quickly. Function must be pure.

memoize {|n| sleep 1; * $n 10}<closure 0xc0007fef00>

Here, $fixtures[f] is a long running function.

time { $fixtures[f] 10 } | all
▶ 100
▶ 1.001022461s
time { $fixtures[f] 10 } | all
▶ 100
▶ 289.938µs


Takes a zero-arity function and runs it n times

repeatedly 10 { randint 1000 }
▶ 539
▶ 363
▶ 31
▶ 835
▶ 721
▶ 744
▶ 248
▶ 540
▶ 72
▶ 379

Reduce & company


Reduce does what you expect.

reduce $'+~' 1 2 3
put 1 2 3 | reduce $'+~'
put $'+~' 1 2 3 | reduce (all)
▶ 6

It's important to understand that reduce only returns scalar values.

reduce $base:append~ [] 0 1 2
▶ [0 1 2]
reduce {|a b| assoc $a $@b} [&] [a 1] [b 2][&a=1 &b=2]

You can get around this by using box. comp is defined similarly, for instance.

A fun thing to try is reductions with the following test. Just remove the call to all.

all (reduce (box {|a b| each {|x| put $x } $a; put $b }) [] 0 1 2 3 4 5)
▶ 0
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5


convenience function for reduce.

reduce {|acc n| if (base:is-odd $n) { + $acc $n } else { put $acc }} (range 20)
reduce-when {|acc n| base:is-odd $n} $'+~' (range 20)
reduce-when (comp $second~ $base:is-odd~) $'+~' (range 20)
▶ 100


short-curcuits the reduction when the predicate is met.

reduce-while {|acc n| < $n 10} $'+~' (range 20)
▶ 45


Like reduce, but the provided function params look like [accumulator key value] instead of [accumulator value]

Most easily understood on a map. In this example we swap the keys and values.

reduce-kv {|a k v| assoc $a $v $k} [&] [&a=1 &b=2 &c=2]
put [&a=1 &b=2 &c=2] | reduce-kv {|a k v| assoc $a $v $k} [&] (one)
[&1=a &2=c]

Varargs are treated as an associative list, using the index as the key

reduce-kv {|a k v| assoc $a $k $v} [&] a b c
put a b c | reduce-kv {|a k v| assoc $a $k $v} [&] (all)
put [&] a b c | reduce-kv {|a k v| assoc $a $k $v}
[&(num 0)=a &(num 1)=b &(num 2)=c]

reduce-kv doesn't have to return a map. Here, we also specify a starting index.

reduce-kv &idx=1 {|a k v| + $a (* $k $v)} 0 1 2 3
put 0 1 2 3 | reduce-kv &idx=1 {|a k v| + $a (* $k $v)}
▶ 14


Essentially reduce, but it gives the intermediate values at each step

reductions $'+~' 1 2 3
put 1 2 3 | reductions $'+~'
put $'+~' 1 2 3 | reductions (all)
▶ 1
▶ 3
▶ 6

Filter & company


Filter does what you expect. pfilter works in parallel.

filter $base:is-even~ (range 1 10)
range 1 10 | filter $base:is-even~
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8

It treats empty resultsets as $false.

filter {|n| if (== (% $n 2) 0) { put $true }} (range 1 10)
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8

Same with $nil.

filter {|n| if (== (% $n 2) 0) { put $true } else { put $nil }} (range 1 10)
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8


Remove does what you expect. premove works in parallel.

remove $base:is-odd~ (range 1 10)
range 1 10 | remove $base:is-odd~
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8

"Array" operations


Shoves some input into the appropriate container.

into [] 1 2 3
into [1] 2 3
put 1 2 3 | into []
put [] 1 2 3 | into (all)
[1 2 3]

You can also shove into a map

into [&] [a 1] [b 2] [c 3]
into [&b=2] [a 1] [c 3]
put [a 1] [b 2] [c 3] | into [&]
[&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]

Into takes optional arguments for getting keys/vals from the input.

use str; into [&] &keyfn=$put~ &valfn=$str:to-utf8-bytes~ (all stuff)[&f=0x66 &s=0x73 &t=0x74 &u=0x75]

Into also takes an optional argument for handling collisions.

use str; into [&] &keyfn=$put~ &valfn=(box $str:to-utf8-bytes~) &collision=$base:concat2~ (all stuff)[&f=[0x66 0x66] &s=[0x73] &t=[0x74] &u=[0x75]]


Does what's on the tin.

reverse (range 6)
range 6 | reverse
▶ 5
▶ 4
▶ 3
▶ 2
▶ 1
▶ 0


Returns a set of the elements in @arr.

Does not care about maintaining order.

distinct 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
distinct 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5
put 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 | distinct
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5

It doesn't care about mathematical equality

distinct 1 1.0 (num 1) (num 1.0)
▶ 1.0
▶ 1
▶ 1.0
▶ 1


Like uniq but works with the data pipe.

unique 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
put 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 | unique
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5

Includes an optional count parameter.

unique &count=$true 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
put 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 | unique &count=true
[(num 1) 1][(num 2) 2][(num 3) 3][(num 4) 4][(num 5) 5]

It doesn't care about mathematical equality

unique 1 1.0 (num 1) (num 1.0)
▶ 1
▶ 1.0
▶ 1
▶ 1.0


Returns an "array" with elements of coll replaced according to smap.

Works with combinations of lists & maps.

replace [zeroth first second third fourth] [(num 0) (num 2) (num 4) (num 0)]
▶ zeroth
▶ second
▶ fourth
▶ zeroth
replace [&2=two &4=four] [4 2 3 4 5 6 2]
▶ four
▶ two
▶ 3
▶ four
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ two
replace [&[city london]=[postcode wd12]] [&name=jack &city=london &id=123] | into [&][&name=jack &postcode=wd12 &id=123]


Returns an "array" of the first item in each list, then the second, etc.

interleave [a b c] [1 2 3]
▶ a
▶ 1
▶ b
▶ 2
▶ c
▶ 3

Understands mismatched lengths

interleave [a b c d] [1 2 3]
interleave [a b c] [1 2 3 4]
▶ a
▶ 1
▶ b
▶ 2
▶ c
▶ 3


Returns an "array" of the elements seperated by sep.

interpose , one
▶ one
interpose , one two
▶ one
▶ ,
▶ two
interpose , one two three
▶ one
▶ ,
▶ two
▶ ,
▶ three


partitions an array into lists of size n.

partition 3 (range 12)
range 12 | partition 3
[(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)]

Drops items which don't complete the specified list size.

range 14 | partition 3
▶ [(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)]

Specify &step=n to specify a "starting point" for each partition.

range 12 | partition 3 &step=5
▶ [(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 5) (num 6) (num 7)]

&step can be < than the partition size.

range 4 | partition 2 &step=1
▶ [(num 0) (num 1)][(num 1) (num 2)][(num 2) (num 3)]

When there are not enough items to fill the last partition, a pad can be supplied.

range 14 | partition 3 &pad=[a][(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)][(num 12) (num 13) a]

The size of the pad may exceed what is used.

range 13 | partition 3 &pad=[a b][(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)][(num 12) a b]

...or not.

range 13 | partition 3 &pad=[][(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)][(num 12)]


Convenience function for partition which supplies &pad=[].

Use when you don't want everything in the resultset.

partition-all 3 (range 13)
range 13 | partition-all 3
[(num 0) (num 1) (num 2)][(num 3) (num 4) (num 5)][(num 6) (num 7) (num 8)][(num 9) (num 10) (num 11)][(num 12)]


Returns an array of (f x), (f (f x)), (f (f (f x)) ...), up to the nth element.

iterate $base:inc~ 10 (num 1)
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ 7
▶ 8
▶ 9
▶ 10

My favorite example of iterate is to generate fibonacci numbers. In increasingly functional style:

iterate {|l| put [$l[1] (+ $l[0] $l[1])]} 10 [(num 1) (num 1)] | each $base:first~
iterate (destruct {|a b| put [$b (+ $a $b)]}) 10 [(num 1) (num 1)] | each $base:first~
iterate (box (destruct (juxt $second~ $'+~'))) 10 [(num 1) (num 1)] | each $base:first~
▶ 1
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 5
▶ 8
▶ 13
▶ 21
▶ 34
▶ 55


Emits every nth element.

take-nth 2 (range 10)
range 10 | take-nth 2
▶ 0
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8


Emits items until (f x) yields an empty or falsey value.

take-while (complement (partial $'<=~' 5)) (range 10)
range 10 | take-while {|n| < $n 5 }
take-while {|n| if (< $n 5) { put $true } } (range 10)
▶ 0
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4


Emits items until (f x) yields a non-empty or truthy value.

drop-while (complement (partial $'<=~' 5)) (range 10)
range 10 | drop-while {|n| < $n 5 }
drop-while {|n| if (< $n 5) { put $true } } (range 10)
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ 7
▶ 8
▶ 9


Drops the last n elements of @arr.

drop-last 2 (range 10)
range 10 | drop-last 2
▶ 0
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ 7


Drops the last element of @arr.

butlast (range 10)
range 10 | butlast
▶ 0
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5
▶ 6
▶ 7
▶ 8

Predicate runners


Returns the first truthy (f x)

If f is a true predicate (takes an element, returns $true or $false), some tells you if at least one (any/some) x satisfies the predicate.

Opposite function is not-any

some (partial $'>~' 5) (range 10)
range 10 | some (partial $'>~' 5)


some is useful for lots of things, but you probably want one of the other functions.

first-pred (comp $math:sin~ (partial $'<~' (num 0.9))) (range 10)
range 10 | first-pred (comp $math:sin~ (partial $'<~' (num 0.9)))
▶ 2


returns true if each x satisfies the predicate.

range 20 | each $math:sin~ [(all)] | every {|n| <= -1 $n 1}$true


opposite of every.

returns true if at least one x fails to satisfy the predicate.

range 20 | each $math:sin~ [(all)] | not-every {|n| <= -1 $n 1}$false


opposite of some.

returns true if none of the elements satisfy the predicate

range 20 | each $math:sin~ [(all)] | not-any {|n| > $n 1}$true

Map functions


Returns an "array" of non-empty & non-nil results of (f x). pkeep works in parallel.

keep {|x| if (base:is-even $x) { put $x }} (range 1 10)
keep {|x| if (base:is-even $x) { put $x } else { put $nil }} (range 1 10)
range 1 10 | keep {|x| if (base:is-even $x) { put $x }}
▶ 2
▶ 4
▶ 6
▶ 8

Additionally, you can specify your own predicate function instead.

keep (partial $'*~' 3) (range 1 10) &pred=$base:is-even~
▶ 6
▶ 12
▶ 18
▶ 24


map is a more powerful than each. It works with "array" values and reads from the pipe. pmap works in parallel.

map $base:inc~ (range 5)
range 5 | map $base:inc~
each $base:inc~ [(range 5)]
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5

Unlike each, map understands what to do with multiple lists.

map $'+~' [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] [10 11 12]
▶ 22
▶ 26
▶ 30

It also understands mismatches

map $'+~' [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] [10 11 12 13 14 15]
▶ 22
▶ 26
▶ 30

If you can, supply the optional parameters for faster performance.

For most operations, &lists=$false is enough.

map $base:inc~ (range 5) &lists=$false
▶ 1
▶ 2
▶ 3
▶ 4
▶ 5

When working with lists, supply &els for faster performance.

map $'+~' [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] [10 11 12] &lists=$true &els=3
▶ 22
▶ 26
▶ 30

map can still process multiple lists the way that each does. Just set &lists=$false.

each $base:first~ [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]
map $base:first~ [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] &lists=$false
▶ 1
▶ 4
▶ 7


Applies concat to the result of (map f xs). Here for convenience.

mapcat (box (destruct $reverse~)) [3 2 1] [6 5 4] [9 8 7] &lists=$false[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

Here's some shenanigans. What does it mean? You decide.

mapcat (box $reverse~) [3 2 1] [6 5 4] [9 8 7] &els=(num 3)[9 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 1]


Like map but the index is the first parameter

map-indexed {|i x| put [$i $x]} (all stuff)
all stuff | map-indexed {|i x| put [$i $x]}
[(num 0) s][(num 1) t][(num 2) u][(num 3) f][(num 4) f]


Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals

zipmap [a b c] [1 2 3][&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]

Understands mismatches

zipmap [a b c d] [1 2 3]
zipmap [a b c] [1 2 3 4]
[&a=1 &b=2 &c=3]


Returns all non-empty & non-nil results of (f index item).

keep-indexed {|i x| if (base:is-odd $i) { put $x } else { put $nil }} a b c d e f g
▶ b
▶ d
▶ f

Of course, this works just as well.

map-indexed {|i x| if (base:is-odd $i) { put $x } } a b c d e f g
▶ b
▶ d
▶ f

And supply your own predicate.

keep-indexed {|i x| put [$i $x]} a b c d e f g &pred=(comp $base:first~ $base:is-odd~)[(num 1) b][(num 3) d][(num 5) f]

Table functions


Tables are an "array" of maps with a non-empty intersection of keys.

This function pivots them.

   pivot [&name=daniel  &weight=1000 &height=900] ^
     [&name=david   &weight=800  &height=700] ^
       [&name=vincent &weight=600  &height=500]
   put [&name=daniel  &weight=1000 &height=900] ^
     [&name=david   &weight=800  &height=700] ^
       [&name=vincent &weight=600  &height=500] ^
         | pivot
[&name=weight &david=800 &daniel=1000 &vincent=600][&name=height &david=700 &daniel=900 &vincent=500]

Pivoting adds a new column called name and also uses the name coumn to identify each row, but this is configurable.

   pivot [&foo=daniel  &weight=1000 &height=900] ^
     [&foo=david   &weight=800  &height=700] ^
       [&foo=vincent &weight=600  &height=500] ^
         &from_row=foo &to_row=bar
▶ [&david=800 &daniel=1000 &bar=weight &vincent=600][&david=700 &daniel=900 &bar=height &vincent=500]