Software to fit AC magnetic susceptibility measurements
Matlab 2020a of later required. !!! MATLAB'S OPTIMIZATION AND STATISTICS TOOLBOX NEEDED !!! you can download it in matlab -> Home -> Add-Ons -> search for 'Optimization toolbox' and 'Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox' -> Install
Open .m file in matlab and either run directly (default settings) or change parameters of optional features.
The default values of all prompted variables are set as :
MW = 838.808 (g/mol)
mass = 11.3 (mg) for sample
mass_teflon = 7 (mg)
nb_points = 21
first_row = 1 #This is the row index of your first point. Generally 1.
smallest_step_T = 0.5 (K)
smallest_step_H = 100 (Oe)
You may change these default values in lines 58 to 117.
INPUT : .dat file of AC measurements from PPMS ; Molecular weight of the compound, mass of the sample, mass of teflon.
OUTPUT : 2 .png files for chi' and chi" fitted curves, and 2 tab delimited .txt files with the fit parameters (chiT-chiS, tau, alpha, chiS) and with chi' and chi".
The default values are suited to correspond to the data files provided in the repository : FSS2_60D_ScanT_0.25T.dat FSS2_60D_ScanT_0.1T.xlsx FSS2_60D_ScanT_0T.dat FSS2_60D_ScanH20K.xlsx
Consequently you may press enter for each prompted field if using one of these file.
Please report any error/bug and feel free to share and modify.
Enjoy !