The Curve Titanoboa Tutorial covers the management of a memecoin on Curve's permissionless Llama Lend markets.
This lesson shows how to quickly install Titanoboa and quickly deploy a memecoin to Sepolia.
Installing Titanoboa from PyPI
pip install titanoboa
The latest in-development version of Titanoboa can be installed from GitHub
pip install git+
The video launches boa within a Jupyter Notebook in a virtual environment on the local machine.
To create a virtual environment:
virtualenv boa-env
source boa-env/bin/activate
Other librarires installed into the virtual environment
pip install jupyter
pip install snekmate
The ERC20 token launch script in this case is courtesy Charles Cooper via
!pip install -q "git+"
import boa
boa.env.set_chain_id(0xaa36a7) # sepolia
from snekmate.tokens import ERC20
my_token = ERC20.deploy("Vyper wif hat", "VWIF", 100_000_000, "", "")
The token is sourced from the snekmate default ERC-20 implementation from snekmate by pcaversaccio
For more details, consult the Curve Vyper Tutorial: