The Brownie interfaces folder holds interface source files that may be referenced by contract sources, but which are not considered to be primary components of the project.
Stored in the brownie interfaces/ directory as any of the following filetypes
- Solidity (.sol)
- Vyper (.vy)
- ABI (.json)
Generate a .vy interface or ABI .json file using Vyper:
$ vyper -f external_interface <filename>
$ vyper -f abi <filename>
Create a Brownie Contract object from an interface file in the interface directory:
> from brownie import interface
> contract = interface.<file_handle>(<contract_address>)
Generate a contract by fetching the contract's ABI directly from Etherscan:
> Contract.from_explorer(<contract_address>)
Curve Registry function to retrieve reward gauge address
> liquidity_gauge = registry.get_gauges(<curve_pool_addr>)
Retrieve the LP Token, an ERC-20 standard token issued for Curve liquidity pool providers.
> liquidity_gauge.lp_token()
Deposit funds after approval
> liquidity_gauge.deposit(<amount>)
Full sequence to stake into a rewards gauge:
gauges = registry.get_gauges(pool_addr)
gauge_addr = gauges[0][0]
gauge_contract = interface.LiquidityGauge(gauge_addr)
lp_token = MintableForkToken(
lp_token.approve(gauge_addr, amount, {'from': accounts[0]})
gauge_contract.deposit(lp_token.balanceOf(accounts[0]), {'from': accounts[0]})