Create bare repository
mkdir -p project.git && cd project.git && git --bare init
git clone --bare -l non_bare_repo new_bare_repo
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
# Rename a branch -m FROM TO
git branch -m master main
# Push branch to remote server
git push origin branch_name
Checkout remote repository:
git fetch
git checkout -b local_branch_name remote/branch_name
Delete remote branch:
git push origin :branch_to_delete
git branch -d branch_to_delete
Add remote branch:
git remote add upstream <git://>
Remove branches already merged to main:
git branch --merged | grep -v \* | xargs git branch -D
git rev-list --reverse HEAD | awk "/$(git log -n 1 --pretty="format:%h")/ {print NR}"
git reset [hash]
git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
git commit -m "revert to [hash]"
git reset --hard
If you just need to amend last commit,
git commit --amend
git commit --allow-empty -m 'just need to kick the CI'
Push to website on git push:
On server, put this in hooks/post-receive
GIT_WORK_TREE=/path/to/ git checkout -f
# list tags
git tag
# Show current tag
git describe --tags
# Create a tag
git tag -a v1.0 -m "Creating v1.0 tag"
# push tags to remote
git push --tags
# Check out tag 'v1.0'
git checkout v1.0
git stash list # list stashes
git stash save "message here" # create a stash
git stash show <stash> # show stash diff
git stash apply stash@{1} # apply the code you stashed
git stash drop <stash> # delete specified stash
git stash clear # delete all stashes
# Show nicely formatted changelog
git log --graph --oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate
# See commits from individual
git log --author="david"
# Get list of contributors
git shortlog -s -n
# Search git history
git log -S <search term>
git clean -n # dry run
git clean -f # delete the files
git rebase -i <hash>
echo "filename" >> .gitignore
git rm --cached filename
git add -u
git commit -m "removing filename from version control"
cd ~
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:dafyddcrosby/dotfiles.git
git pull origin main
git diff --cached --name-status | sed 's/.\s*//'
git diff <branch> <remote>/<branch>
git checkout <HASH> -- ./path/to/file
# See all objects
git rev-list --objects --all
# Visualize bisect
git bisect visualize
# Finish bisect
git bisect reset
# Checking out files
git lfs fetch
git lfs checkout
To sign off on a commit, put in the commit message:
Signed-off-by: David Crosby <[email protected]>
# sign a commit
git commit -S -m MESSAGE
# specify a default signing key
git config --global user.signingkey KEYID
# configure git to always sign commits
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
# Using X509 (a la smimesign + Git 2.19+)
git config --global gpg.x509.program smimesign
git config --global gpg.format x509
Importing a local SVN repo to git:
git svn clone file:///path/to/repo -T trunk -b branches -t tags
Import Sourceforge CVS repo:
rsync -av rsync:// w3m
git cvsimport -p x -v -d /absolute/path/to/w3m w3m
Subtrees are kind of like less janky submodules.
# Add a remote
git remote add -f subtreename
# Add the subtree
git subtree add --prefix path/to/subtree subtreename main
# Pull a subtree
git fetch subtreename main
git subtree pull --prefix path/to/subtree subtreename subtreename main
# Push a subtree
git subtree push --prefix=path/to/subtree subtreename main
Another way of importing another repo as a subtree without git subtree command
git remote add -f remote_name [email protected]:remote_repo.git
git merge -s ours --no-commit remote_name/main
git read-tree --prefix=newpath/ -u remote_name/main
git commit -m "Subtree merged in newpath"
file | desc |
---|---| |
Initial documentation |
Specify who has access |
.github/dependabot.yml |
Configuration for Dependabot |
docs/ |
Code of Conduct for the project |
docs/FUNDING.yml |
Specify accounts for donations |
Templates for issues |
docs/ |
Single template for a pull request |
Multiple templates for pull requests |
docs/ |
Security response documentation |
docs/ |
Let people know where to get help |
You can use /docs
or /.github
You can also create a template repository
If you create a repo with the same name as your account, you can have
at the top of your profile
git tag -s software-0.1
git push --tags
# publish a release
# download tarball
# verify tarball matches git
gpg --armor --detach-sign software-0.1.tar.gz
# add gpg signature to release
# Set a message that's visible to everyone
ghe-announce -s MESSAGE
# Remove previously set message
ghe-announce -u
# Get webhook fails for a certain day
ghe-webhook-logs -f -a YYYYMMDD
-[email protected]/admin/configuration/command-line-utilities
-[email protected]/admin
-[email protected]/user/github
sl clone --git $REPO $DIR
[remotenames] publicheads=
# initialize repo
fossil init foo.repo
# make a working directory, check out a local tree
mkdir working && cd working && fossil open ../foo.repo
cmd | desc |
add $file | add file to upcoming commit |
amend | Amend commit metadata |
branch | manage branches for a repo |
cat | print file as it exists in the repo |
clean | delete "extra" files |
clone | clone another fossil repo |
commit | commit changes |
delete/rm | mark file no longer part of project |
diff | diff the files |
extras | show files not tracked in source tree |
finfo | shows file history |
timeline | print summary of activity |
ui | start web server |
unversioned | Manage unversioned artifacts in the repo |
update | Changes version of current checkout |
mkdir -p .fossil-settings
echo "ignore.this.file" > .fossil-settings/ignore-glob
fossil add .fossil-setings/ignore-glob
git fast-export --all | fossil import --git new-repo.fossil
# New repo
hg init $DIR
# Clone a repo
hg clone $REPO
# Add files to a commit
hg add $FILES
# Commit with message
hg commit -m "Changes"
# Push changes
hg push
# Tag an instance
cvs rtag -D "2010-1-28" tag_name module_name
# Untagging an instance
cvs rtag -d tag_name module_name
# Check available modules
cvsync cvsync://<host>[:<port>]/</port></host>
# Get information about a repo
svnlookup info /path/to/repo
# latest revision number
svnlookup youngest /path/to/repo
--patience # use the patience algorithm
- Match the first lines of both if they're identical, then match the second, third, etc. until a pair doesn't match.
- Match the last lines of both if they're identical, then match the next to last, second to last, etc. until a pair doesn't match.
- Find all lines which occur exactly once on both sides, then do longest common subsequence on those lines, matching them up.
- Do steps 1-2 on each section between matched lines
diff -Naur oldfile newfile >new-patch
patch <new-patch