If you want to contribute, but don't know where to start, please create a GitHub account and get in touch on the Discussions page with a quick introduction. We'll point you in the right direction.
If you have any questions on anything here, also use the Discussions page. We're more than happy to help you get started.
Contributing can be broken up into 5 categories, and almost all tasks can be broken down into 30 minute chunks or smaller. There's a finite amount of work required to complete the corpus, and any time that you can spare is useful.
If you notice anything wrong in the Corpus, please inform us with a description of the item, and the content that is incorrect.
If you can find the file then feel free to make the change, and submit a Pull Request to fix the issue.
If any literature or audio transcriptions aren't yet available in the corpus, it may be because we're not aware that they exist.
Please let us know by opening up a "New Document" request. Fill out the template to the best of your ability. If you only have a name, that's OK.
We have a large number of printed, written, and audio-based documents which need to be transcribed and timestamped.
Please get in touch on the discussions tab and state that you want to help with transcription. We'll allocate you part of a document and instructions on how to proceed.
Many of our texts on Wikisource require proofreading. Create a Wikisource account and read https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Help:Beginner%27s_guide_to_proofreading
If you need any help, get in touch on the discussions tab and state that you want to help with transcription.
If you're proficient in Manx, you can best help us with translations
If you come across any questionable translations while browsing the corpus, please raise an issue for discussion.
Some of our later works are missing translations. Please get in touch on the discussions tab and state that you want to help with translation. We'll allocate you a document and instructions on how to proceed.