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Code Studio is a web application that connects to a running deephaven-core instance. You can quickly bring up a Deephaven backend from pre-built images. A few notes to get developers quickly up and running.


To start the Code Studio, run npm install and npm start in the root directory of this repository. See the Getting Started section for more details.

Project Settings

Project specific settings are stored in the .env file. There is also an .env.development file which is only loaded in development builds, and .env.development.local which is only for local builds. For local development, you should be modifying .env.development.local. For more information on .env, see Vite docs. Below are some of the common properties which are configurable in the .env file.


One common setup is to override the API server URL to point to another server. For example, add the following block to .env.development.local to have npm start point to a remote server for the API:



Printing detailed logs when debugging can be handy. The highest level of logging is already set in your .env.development file. You can change it in .env.development.local if desired.

VITE_LOG_LEVEL=2 # Warn/Error

See @deephaven/log for more details on the logger.


Set to true or false

Turns on the logger proxy which captures log messages so users can easily export debug info for us. Enabling this will affect the line numbers shown in the console. Defaults to false in development and true in production.

In development, DHLogProxy and DHLogHistory are added to the window so they can be manipulated directly from the console if needed. DHLogProxy.enable() will capture and emit events for all logging events. DHLogHistory.enable() will attach event listeners to the DHLogProxy events. Both also have a disable method.

Data Storage

There is the data for the current session stored in the local redux state (Redux Data), and data persisted between sessions is stored in browser storage.

Redux Data

The application stores data locally for the current session using Redux. Take a look in the src/redux/reducers/index.js file for comments on the general structure and what's stored, and go into individual reducers to get the details about the data being stored.

You can also use the Chrome Redux DevTools to inspect live in a development or production environment:

The state transitions are also logged in the browser developer console in develop builds.

Workspace Data

Workspace data is stored in the browsers localStorage. See LocalWorkspaceStorage for implementation details.

Mock API

While developing, you may want to test specific cases that can be cumbersome to test against a real stack. You can run the mock API implementation in public/__mocks__/dh-core.js by executing npm run mock command. This mock is also used for unit tests. When new functions are added to the API, ideally stubs returning a generic success case should be added to the mock API as well to avoid breakage when running the mock.

Styleguide/Component Development

When running in development mode (npm run start), a style guide is served up at http://localhost:4000/ide/styleguide. Styleguide can be used to develop components. The styleguide displays many common components and how to use them. When creating a new component, it should be added to the styleguide. Note that the styleguide is lazy loaded in AppRouter, so it should not increase the main app bundle size.


For more details on the sockets and ports used, see Network Services and Web API in our docs.


The main layout of the app is based on Dashboards, which is essentially a top level tab the user has open. Before a Dashboard is loaded, it is simply a LazyDashboard. Once activated, it will load it's layout into Golden Layout. It's layout is composed of numerous Panels (see below). Each DashboardContainer listens for TabEvents from the higher level app, and for panel events emitted on the Golden Layout EventHub.


Each Dashboard is composed of panels. There are many different kinds of panels, such as IrisGridPanel, ChartPanel, MarkdownPanel, and ConsolePanel. Each panel should save a dehydrated state that can be serialized and saved in the database, then deserialized and hydrated when opening a dashboard. The dehydration/hydration step is defined in DashboardContainer with makeHydrateComponentPropsMap and dehydrateClosedComponentConfigMap.

Initial Project Setup

This project uses Vite.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Vite documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Legal Notices

Deephaven Data Labs and any contributors grant you a license to the content of this repository under the Apache 2.0 License, see the LICENSE file.