This project is based off the META-drive repo:
Place under metadrive/metadrive/envs/marl_envs Place under metadrive/metadrive/manager (replace the original) Place under obs (replace the original) To run the T-intersection env: python -m metadrive.envs.marl_envs.marl_tintersection
HighLevelController is its own environment with the MetaDrive that we have been working on as a propoerty
- Change observation space:
- obs = {agent# : [x,y]} with length 12
- Q: Does coaltion need to be part of the observation or can it be part of the agent's name?
- wrap the env.step() to simulate a traffic light
- actions : [0:stop, 1:go]
- Implement "controller" for human vehicles (they should know how to drive)
- look into pid or idm
- train PPO
- [60., 0.] (left)
- [73.5, -13.499999999999996] (center)
- [83.5, -3.5] (right)