- This version is compatible with the Digipolis toolbox errors_aspnetcore v5.3.0-maintenance.
- The Digipolis toolbox errors_aspnetcore changed because of new API design guidelines: property ExtraInfo should be used instead of ExtraParameters in the Error model.
- when no port is found in request-url, no default port is used when building paged result links (previously port 80 was added by default)
- added PagingStrategy property to PageOptions and refactoring extension methods "ToPagedResult" to take strategy into account
- refactoring extension methods "ToPagedResult" for PageSortOptions to reuse extension methods of parent class PageOptions
- update unit tests
- Removed unnecessary DeserializationPagedResult, JsonConvertor and ISchemaFilter: the same result can be achieved with simple inheritance.
- PagedResult changed to use inheritance, kept for backwards compatibility.
- Added new PagedResult<T, EmbeddedT> and Embedded for correct HAL property name.
- Added new action to ValuesController demonstrate the difference between the two PagedResults.
- Added EmbeddeValueDto to demonstrate the use of EmbeddedT.
- Removed StringExtensions: ToCamelCase only used for camelcasing bodyparameter names (and contained private extension methods); now all parameter names are corrected in consistent way in 1 pass.
- Updated EndPointPathsAndParamsToLower to reflect this.
- Added new ToPagedResult<T, EmbeddedT> to PageOptionsExtensions, with less parameters => values from ActionContextDescriptor.
- Updated GenerateLink to include all query parameters, not just the Page(Sort)Options.
- Updated unit tests.
- Bugfix: SwaggerResponseDefinitions - retrieve the controller attributes from declaring Type and not from the method
- Bugfix: pageOptions second to last page now has next page reference
- Added default value property to page options so they show up on swagger
- upgrade to netstandard2.0
- ToPagedResult: removed new() restriction
- json serialization: initialized/assigned properties with a value different from null will be serialized; properties (collection, string, ...) with value null won't be serialized
- PagedResult: removed new() restriction
- Swagger reference update
- Fixed api versioning
- Removed version route
- error response content type changed to application/problem+json
- removed global exception filter.
- conversion to csproj and MSBuild.
- Bugfix : routevaluedictionary exception when executing concurrent calls
- Bugfix : deserialization of nullable types failed.
- Bugfix : HAL querystring "?" was encoded
- HAL Url generation is now based on Request host information.
- Added support for X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto headers.
- Updated reference to Digipolis.Error toolbox (breaking change)
- Register CommaDelimitedModelBinder automatically
- Bugfix: CommaDelimitedModelBinder supports enumerations and array but fixed string perceived as array. preventing string from being sent to the api
- Added proper consumes/produces types in swagger from de consumes/produces attributes on actions
- Bugfix: Swagger configuration is passed again so additional options are again set during start up
- Changed JsonConverters from internal to public
- Added deserialization support to PagedResultConverter
- fix for CommaDelimitedModelBinder
- added ability to disable the global exception filter
- added support for application/hal+json MIME-type
- added ModelBuilder for comma serperated arrays
- changed exception logging to log exception ToString() by default, exception object logged optionally using settings
- fixed namespace in WebAppBuilderExtensions
- fixed version endpoint error
- renamed AddVersioning to AddVersionEndpoint
- Exception handling
- ValidateModelState
- Version endpoint
- added support for application/hal+json MIME-type
- added ModelBuilder for comma serperated arrays