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577 lines (460 loc) · 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

577 lines (460 loc) · 22.1 KB

Official PHP client for the Doofinder Management API

Doofinder's management API allows you to perform the same administrative tasks you can do on your search engines using the Doofinder control panel, directly from your code.

  • API version: 2.0

For more information, please visit the documentation: Management API V2


Requires PHP 5.6 or later. Not tested in previous versions.

Installation & Usage

Using Composer

You can also download the library using Composer.

Run this command to add the Doofinder library to your composer.json file:

composer require doofinder/doofinder

If you are already using Composer your autoload.php file will be updated. If not, a new one will be generated and you will have to include it:

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/vendor/autoload.php";

use \Doofinder\Management\ManagementClient;

const HOST = '';
const API_KEY = 'your_api_token';
const USER_ID = 'your_user_id';

$managementClient = ManagementClient::create(HOST, API_KEY, USER_ID);

Manual Installation

To install the library you can download it from the releases page of the project and include the autoload.php file provided to use it:



To authenticate you need a Doofinder API key. If you don't have one you can generate it in the Doofinder Admin by going to your Account and then to API Keys, here.


API Token

You can authenticate with the previous API key. The correct way to authenticate is to send a HTTP Header with the name Authorization and the value Token {api-key}.

  "Authorization" : "Token {my_api_token}"

For example, for the key shown above:

Authorization: Token ab46030xza33960aac71a10248489b6c26172f07


If you prefer you can authenticate with a JSON Web Token. The token must be signed with an API management key and there are some claims required in the JWT payload. These claims are:

  • iat (issued at): Creation datetime timestamp, i.e. the moment when the JWT was created.

  • exp (expiration time): Expiration datetime timestamp, i.e. the moment when the JWT is going to expire and will no longer be valid. The time span between issued and expiration dates must be shorter than a week.

  • name: Your user code. It is your unique identifier as doofinder user. You can find this code in your profile page in the Doofinder's administration panel.

To authenticate using JWT you must send a HTTP header with the name Authorization and the value Bearer {JWT-token}.

  "Authorization" : "Bearer {my_jwt_token}"

For example:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.QX_3HF-T2-vlvzGDbAzZyc1Cd-J9qROSes3bxlgB4uk


To run the unit tests:

composer tests

Search Engine

All search engines CRUD operations, including handling data sources processing.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

const HOST = '';
const API_KEY = 'your_api_token';
const USER_ID = 'your_user_id';

$managementClient = \Doofinder\Management\ManagementClient::create(

// **** Create search engine ****
$searchEngineParams = [
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'language' => 'es',
    'name' => 'search_engine_test',
    'stopwords' => false,
    'platform' => 'api',
    'has_grouping' => false,

$response = $managementClient->createSearchEngine($searchEngineParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\SearchEngine $searchEngine */
$searchEngine = $response->getBody();

// **** Update search engine ****
$searchEngineParams = [
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'language' => 'en',
    'name' => 'search_engine_test',

$response = $managementClient->updateSearchEngine($searchEngine->getHashid(), $searchEngineParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\SearchEngine $searchEngine */
$searchEngine = $response->getBody();

// **** Get search engine ****
$response = $managementClient->getSearchEngine($searchEngine->getHashid());
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\SearchEngine $searchEngine */
$searchEngine = $response->getBody();

// **** List search engines ****
$response = $managementClient->listSearchEngines();
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\SearchEngine[] $searchEngines */
$searchEngines = $response->getBody();

// **** Process search engine ****

// **** Get search engine process ****

// **** Deletes a search engine ****

Documentation for Search Engine methods

Method Description Return type
createSearchEngine Creates a search engine Search Engine response
updateSearchEngine Updates a search engine Search Engine response
getSearchEngine Gets a search engine Search Engine response
listSearchEngines Gets a list of search engines Array of Search Engine response
deleteSearchEngine Deletes a search engine void
processSearchEngine Schedules a task for processing all search engine's data sources. Array
getSearchEngineProcessStatus Gets the status of the last process task Array


All indices and temporary indices CRUD operations.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

const HOST = '';
const API_KEY = 'your_api_token';
const USER_ID = 'your_user_id';

$managementClient = \Doofinder\Management\ManagementClient::create(

// **** Create index ****
$indexParams = [
    'name' => 'index_test',
    'preset' => 'product',
    'options' => [
        'exclude_out_of_stock_items' => true
    'datasources' => [
            'type' => 'file',
            'options' => [
                'page_size' => 100,
                'url' => ''
$response = $managementClient->createIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $indexParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Index $index */
$index = $response->getBody();

// **** Update index ****
$indexParams = [
    'options' => [
        'exclude_out_of_stock_items' => false
$response = $managementClient->updateIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $indexParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Index $index */
$index = $response->getBody();

// **** Get index ****
$response = $managementClient->getIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Index $index */
$index = $response->getBody();

// **** List index ****
$response = $managementClient->listIndexes($searchEngine->getHashid());
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Index[] $indexList */
$indexList = $response->getBody();

// **** Create temporary index ****
$managementClient->createTemporaryIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

// **** Reindex into temporary index ****
$managementClient->reindexIntoTemporary($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

//// **** Reindex status ****
$managementClient->reindexTaskStatus($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

// **** Replace status ****
$managementClient->replaceIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

// **** Deletes temporary index ****
$managementClient->deleteTemporaryIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

// **** Deletes an index ****
$managementClient->deleteIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

Documentation for Index methods

Method Description Return type
createIndex Creates an index Index response
updateIndex Updates an index Index response
getIndex Gets an index Index response
listIndexes Gets a list of index Array of Index response
deleteIndex Deletes an index void
createTemporaryIndex Creates a temporary index Status response
deleteTemporaryIndex Deletes a temporary index void
replaceIndex Replaces an index with the temporary index Status response
reindexIntoTemporary Reindex between from production index to temporary one Status response
reindexTaskStatus Gets the status of the last scheduled reindexing tasks Array


Handling content of indices. Allows to retrieve and update the items of an index.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

const HOST = '';
const API_KEY = 'your_api_token';
const USER_ID = 'your_user_id';

$managementClient = \Doofinder\Management\ManagementClient::create(

// **** Create item ****
$itemParams = [
    'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id',
    'group_id' => 'group_test',
    'df_group_leader' => true,
    'df_manual_boost' => null,
    'categories' => [
        'parent category > inner category > leaft category',
        'other parent > other inner > other leaft'
    'best_price' => '123.45',
    'custom_field_1' => 'fake_value_1',
    'custom_field_2' => 'fake_value_2',

$response = $managementClient->createItem($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $item */
$item = $response->getBody();

// **** Update item ****
$itemParams = [
    'group_id' => 'group_test',
    'df_group_leader' => true,
    'df_manual_boost' => 1.1,
    'best_price' => '99.95',
    'custom_field_1' => 'new_fake_value_1',

$response = $managementClient->updateItem($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $item->getId(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $item */
$item = $response->getBody();

// **** Get item ****
$response = $managementClient->getItem($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $item->getId());
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $item */
$item = $response->getBody();

// **** Count items ****
$managementClient->countItems($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName());

// **** Find items ****
$idParams = [
    ['id' => 'item_id'],
    ['id' => 'other_item_id'],
$response = $managementClient->findItems($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $idParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $items */
$items = $response->getBody();

// **** Scroll index ****
$scrollParams = [
    'rpp' => 5,
    'group_id' => 'group_test',
$response = $managementClient->scrollIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $scrollParams);
$scrollItems = $response->getBody();
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $items */
$items = $scrollItems['items'];

// **** Deletes an item ****
$managementClient->deleteItem($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $item->getId());

// **** Create items in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2',
        'group_id' => 'group_test',
        'best_price' => '1.23',
        'custom_field_3' => 'fake_value_3',
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_3',
        'group_id' => 'group_test',
        'best_price' => '2.34',
        'custom_field_4' => 'fake_value_4',

$response = $managementClient->createItemsInBulk($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $items */
$items = $response->getBody();

// **** Update items in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2',
        'best_price' => '0.99',
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_3',
        'custom_field_4' => 'new_fake_value_4',
$response = $managementClient->updateItemsInBulk($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $items */
$items = $response->getBody();

// **** Delete items in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
    ['id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_1'],
    ['id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2']
$managementClient->deleteItemsInBulk($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);

// **** Create item in temporal index ****
$itemParams = [
    'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2',
    'group_id' => 'group_test',
    'best_price' => '1.23',
    'custom_field_3' => 'fake_value_3',
$response = $managementClient->createItemInTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $temporalItem */
$temporalItem = $response->getBody();

// **** Update item in temporal index ****
$itemParams = [
    'best_price' => '0.99',
$response = $managementClient->updateItemInTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $items[0]->getId(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $temporalItem */
$temporalItem = $response->getBody();

// **** Get item from temporal index ****
$response = $managementClient->getItemFromTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $temporalItem->getId());
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $temporalItem */
$temporalItem = $response->getBody();

// **** Find items from temporal index ****
$idParams = [
    'id' => $temporalItem->getId(),
$response = $managementClient->findItemsFromTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $idParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item $temporalItem */
$temporalItem = $response->getBody()[0]['item'];

// **** Delete item from temporal ****
$managementClient->deleteItemFromTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $temporalItem->getId());

// **** Create items in temporal index in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2',
        'group_id' => 'group_test',
        'best_price' => '1.23',
        'custom_field_3' => 'fake_value_3',
$response = $managementClient->createItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $temporalItems */
$temporalItems = $response->getBody();

// **** Update items in temporal index in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
    'id' => $temporalItem->getId(),
    'best_price' => '0.99',
$response = $managementClient->updateItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);
/** @var \Doofinder\Management\Model\Item[] $temporalItems */
$temporalItems = $response->getBody();

// **** Delete items in temporary index in bulk ****
$itemParams = [
        'id' => 'this_is_my_item_id_2',
$managementClient->deleteItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex($searchEngine->getHashid(), $index->getName(), $itemParams);

Documentation for Item methods

Method Description Return type
createItem Creates an item Item response
updateItem Updates an item Item response
getItem Gets an item Item response
scrollIndex Scrolls an index and return an item list Array of Item response
deleteItem Deletes an item void
createItemInTemporalIndex Creates an item with the data provided in the temporal index Item response
updateItemInTemporalIndex Partially updates an item in the temporal index given its id Array of list of results of each bulk operation
getItemFromTemporalIndex Gets an item from the temporal index by its id Item response
deleteItemFromTemporalIndex Deletes an item from the temporal index given its id void
findItemsFromTemporalIndex Finds a list items from a temporal index in a single operation by a list of ids Array of Item response
findItems Finds a list items in a single operation by a list of ids Array of Item response
countItems Returns the total number of items in an index Array
createItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex Creates a list of items in the temporal index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation
updateItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex Updates a list of items in the temporal index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation
deleteItemsInBulkInTemporalIndex Deletes a list of items in the temporal index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation
createItemsInBulk Creates a list of items in the index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation
updateItemsInBulk Updates a list of items from the index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation
deleteItemsInBulk Deletes a list of items from the index in a single bulk operation Array of list of results of each bulk operation


Search Engine response

    "currency" => "(string) Currency used in the search engine in ISO 4217 Code",
    "hashid" => "(string) A unique code that identifies a search engine.",
    "indices" => "(Array) A list of indices for a search engine.", # Show Index response
    "inactive" => "(boolean) Indicates if the search engine has been deactivated and therefore it can not receive requests.",
    "language" => "(string) An ISO 639-1 language code that determines the language of the search engine. The language affects how the words indexed are tokenized and which stopwords to use.",
    "name" => "(string) A short name that helps identifying the search engine.",
    "search_url" => "(string) Indicates the search server domain for this search engine. You should use this domain to perform searches to this search engine.",
    "site_url" => "(deprecated) (string or null) The URL of the site to be integrated with the search engine. It determines the default allowed domains for requests. This field is deprecated since version 7.0.4 and it is useless now. It will be removed in a further version",
    "stopwords" => "(boolean) Default: false. Ignores high-frequency terms like 'the', 'and', 'is'. These words have a low weight and contribute little to the relevance score.",
    "platform" => "(string) Indicates which platform the search engine is associated with.",
    "has_grouping" => "(boolean) When this option is selected, only one of the item variants is returned in the search results. This only works if the indexed item have the group_id field."

Index response

    "name" => "(string) Name of the Index. It works as the index identifier.",
    "preset" => "(string) Enum: ['generic' 'product' 'page' 'category'] Preset of the index. The preset defines a set of configuration parameters for the index like basic fields to be included, and field transformations. For instance, the product preset creates the best_price field.",
    "options" => "(Array (Index Options)) Options for an index.", # Show Index Options response
    "datasources" => "(Array (Data Sources)) List of datasources of an index." # Show Data Sources response

Index Options response

    "exclude_out_of_stock_items" => "(boolean) When this option is selected, products without stock are not included in search results. In order to identify which of your products are out of stock you must use the availability field with 'in stock' / 'out of stock' values."

Data Source response

    "type" => "(string) Enum: 'bigcommerce' 'ekm' 'file' 'magento2' 'shopify'. Type of datasource",
    "options" => "(Array of EKM Source Options or Magento2 Source Options or File Source Options) DataSource general options. They define required parameters for the DataSource to work or options that modify the access to the data feed."

Item response

    "id" => "(string) Item id", 
    "group_id" => "(string or null) This field indicates the group to which this item belongs to. All items with the same group_id will be collapsed into one in search results, returning the most relevant one or the group leader if they all have the same score.",
    "df_group_leader" => "(boolean or null) This field indicates the item chosen as the default among its group. It will be returned in search results if there is no other item with a higher score.",
    "df_manual_boost" => "(number or null) A numeric score boosting. It multiplies the natural score of the item for a search. For instance, if boost is greater than 1.0 the item will appear higher in the results. If it is lower than 1.0, it will appear lower. The minimum value is 0.0.",
    "categories" => "(Array of strings or string) This field has special behaviour when Indice has product preset",
    "best_price" => "(number or null) Auto created field that gets the min value between price or sale_price fields, if added in the document. It gets null if doesn't find any of these fields.",
    "price" => "(number or null) A numeric field that indicates the price.",
    "sale_price" => "(number or null) A numeric field that indicates the actual sale price."

Status response

    "status" => "OK"