ConferenceScheduler is a rest api for an online conference scheduler.
Java11, Spring Boot(web, test, data-mongodb, security, log4j2, validation), REST, MongoDB, Spring Security Oauth2, Maven, Junit5, Mockito, Assertj, Kubernetes
UserRegistryController : Restfull Service for user registry.
- signUp : Method for user creation
CustomerController : Restfull Service for conference operations.
- scheduleConference : Method for scheduling a conference
- getConference : Method for retrieving a conference data
Greedy algorithm is used to schedule conference. Greedy algorithms are a class of algorithms that make locally optimal choices at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum solution.
Install minikube and kubectl
For loadbanacer run command below
minikube tunnel
Run the commands below to build Image
docker build -t eftmk/conferencescheduler:latest -f /ConferenceScheduler/src/main/resources/Dockerfile .
eval $(minikube docker-env)
- Note: If you want to use the pre-build image on Docker Hub, you should update imagePullPolicy of file Kubernetes/conference-scheduler.yaml as below
name: conference-scheduler
image: eftmk/conferencescheduler:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
- Note: If you want to use the pre-build image on Docker Hub, you should update imagePullPolicy of file Kubernetes/conference-scheduler.yaml as below
Run the command below to deploy application
kubectl apply -f conference-scheduler.yaml
Run the command below to undeploy application
kubectl delete -f conference-scheduler.yaml
For Kubernetes Dashboard, run the command below
minikube dasboard
Prometheus&Grafana : Run the commands below.
kubectl create namespace monitoring
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm install k8spromethuesstack --namespace monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
Prometheus Console
Run the command below:
kubectl port-forward service/k8spromethuesstack-kube-pr-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring
Type to browser address line to open console page.
Grafana Console
Run the command below:
kubectl port-forward service/k8spromethuesstack-grafana 8080:80 -n monitoring
Type to browser address line to open console page. Username/password : admin/prom-operator
Log4j framework is used for logging.
Logs are stored on a Kubernetes Persistent Volume.
To access the log file:
- List the pods with command below and copy the app pod name
kubectl get pods -n conference-scheduler-k8s
- Then update the command below with PodName and run
kubectl exec -n conference-scheduler-k8s -- tail -1000f /mnt/k8s/log/ConferenceScheduler.log
- List the pods with command below and copy the app pod name
- To access DB:
- List the pods with command below and copy the MongoDB pod name
kubectl get pods -n conference-scheduler-k8s
- Then update the command below with PodName and run
kubectl exec -it -n conference-scheduler-k8s -- mongosh -u user -p user
- List the pods with command below and copy the MongoDB pod name
- Run the commands below to list the DB collections
Find the test requests xml under /Postman directory and import it from Postman. (Security configurations are ready)
Spring Security OAuth2 is used for Endpoint security. To make rest api calls, firstly call the UserRegistryServis via and register an user with email and password.
After that, all rest calls must be added an access token.
The registered email and password is used to create access token:
Postman ->New request -> Authorization tab ->
Type = Oauth2 Grant type = password Access Token URL = http://localhost:8081/oauth/token Client ID = ConferenceSchedulerClient Client Secret = secret Username = [email protected] (Note:Registered in the previous step) Password = ••••••• (Note:Created in the previous step) Scope = write Client Authentication = Send as Basic Auth Header
Press "Get New Access Token". Now token is created and added to request.
Each access token validity period is 12 hours.
AccessToken should be added endpoints below before calling them:
- Test Frameworks: Junit5, Mockito, Assertj
- Coverage = %50