Let's go back to 2014...
- Russian forces are on the crimean peninsula
- The Ebola epidemic in West Africa has just begun
- And I am in the midst of figuring out a big bug in my phd thesis.
- My SAT solver is producing the wrong result.
- Can compare result with someone elses SAT solver.
- 10mb input file
- Takes about 2 minutes and more than 100,000 inference steps.
I try several approaches
conditional breaks in debugger
staring contest with the code
Finally: finding a smaller input file
The data: $ (x1 \lor \lnot x2 \lor x3) \land (x4 \ldots $
Really just sets of sets of numbers
Use "shrinking": steepest gradiant descent search
Shrinking was developed for Property Testing
QuickCheck: a haskell property testing library
Hypothesis: a python property testing library
With Hypothesis and QuickCheck, no need to write the shrinking algorithm...
... But we will do that anyways