Action | Description | Resource | Condition |
acm:DeleteCertificate | Deletes an ACM Certificate and its associated private key. | arn:aws:acm:$region:$account-id:certificate/$certificate-id | - |
acm:DescribeCertificate | Returns a list of the fields contained in the specified ACM Certificate. | arn:aws:acm:$region:$account-id:certificate/$certificate-id | - |
acm:GetCertificate | Retrieves an ACM Certificate and certificate chain for the certificate specified by an ARN. | arn:aws:acm:$region:$account-id:certificate/$certificate-id | - |
acm:ListCertificates | Retrieves a list of ACM Certificates and the domain name for each. | * | - |
acm:RequestCertificate | Requests an ACM Certificate for use with other AWS services. | * | - |
acm:ResendValidationEmail | Resends the email that requests domain ownership validation. | arn:aws:acm:$region:$account-id:certificate/$certificate-id | - |