storagegateway:ActivateGateway |
Activates the gateway you previously deployed on your host. |
* |
- |
storagegateway:AddCache |
Configures one or more gateway local disks as cache for a cached-volume gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:AddTagsToResource |
Adds one or more tags to the specified resource. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:tape/$tapebarcode |
- |
storagegateway:AddUploadBuffer |
Configures one or more gateway local disks as upload buffer for a specified gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:AddWorkingStorage |
Configures one or more gateway local disks as working storage for a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:CancelArchival |
Cancels archiving of a virtual tape to the virtual tape shelf (VTS) after the archiving process is initiated. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:tape/$tapebarcode |
- |
storagegateway:CancelRetrieval |
Cancels retrieval of a virtual tape from the virtual tape shelf (VTS) to a gateway after the retrieval process is initiated. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:tape/$tapebarcode |
- |
storagegateway:CreateCachediSCSIVolume |
Creates a cached volume on a specified cached gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:CreateSnapshot |
Initiates a snapshot of a volume. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint |
Initiates a snapshot of a gateway from a volume recovery point. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:CreateStorediSCSIVolume |
Creates a volume on a specified gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:CreateTapes |
Creates one or more virtual tapes. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteBandwidthRateLimit |
Deletes the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteChapCredentials |
Deletes Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) credentials for a specified iSCSI target and initiator pair. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/target/$iSCSItarget |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteGateway |
Deletes a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteSnapshotSchedule |
Deletes a snapshot of a volume. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteTape |
Deletes the specified virtual tape. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteTapeArchive |
Deletes the specified virtual tape from the virtual tape shelf (VTS). |
* |
- |
storagegateway:DeleteVolume |
Deletes the specified gateway volume that you previously created using the CreateCachediSCSIVolume or CreateStorediSCSIVolume API. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeBandwidthRateLimit |
Returns the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeCache |
Returns information about the cache of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes |
Returns a description of the gateway volumes specified in the request. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeChapCredentials |
Returns an array of Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) credentials information for a specified iSCSI target, one for each target-initiator pair. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/target/$iSCSItarget |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeGatewayInformation |
Returns metadata about a gateway such as its name, network interfaces, configured time zone, and the state (whether the gateway is running or not). |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeMaintenanceStartTime |
Returns your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeSnapshotSchedule |
Describes the snapshot schedule for the specified gateway volume. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes |
Returns the description of the gateway volumes specified in the request. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeTapeArchives |
Returns a description of specified virtual tapes in the virtual tape shelf (VTS). |
* |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints |
Returns a list of virtual tape recovery points that are available for the specified gateway-VTL. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeTapes |
Returns a description of the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of virtual tapes. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeUploadBuffer |
Returns information about the upload buffer of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeVTLDevices |
Returns a description of virtual tape library (VTL) devices for the specified gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DescribeWorkingStorage |
Returns information about the working storage of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:DisableGateway |
Disables a gateway when the gateway is no longer functioning. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:ListGateways |
Lists gateways owned by an AWS account in a region specified in the request. |
* |
- |
storagegateway:ListLocalDisks |
Returns a list of the gateway's local disks. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:ListTagsForResource |
Lists the tags that have been added to the specified resource. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:tape/$tapebarcode |
- |
storagegateway:ListVolumeInitiators |
Lists iSCSI initiators that are connected to a volume. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:ListVolumeRecoveryPoints |
Lists the recovery points for a specified gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:ListVolumes |
Lists the iSCSI stored volumes of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:RemoveTagsFromResource |
Removes one or more tags from the specified resource. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id, arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:tape/$tapebarcode |
- |
storagegateway:ResetCache |
Resets all cache disks that have encountered a error and makes the disks available for reconfiguration as cache storage. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:RetrieveTapeArchive |
Retrieves an archived virtual tape from the virtual tape shelf (VTS) to a gateway-VTL. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint |
Retrieves the recovery point for the specified virtual tape. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:ShutdownGateway |
Shuts down a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:StartGateway |
Starts a gateway that you previously shut down (see ShutdownGateway). |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateBandwidthRateLimit |
Updates the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateChapCredentials |
Updates the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) credentials for a specified iSCSI target. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/target/$iSCSItarget |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateGatewayInformation |
Updates a gateway's metadata, which includes the gateway's name and time zone. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow |
Updates the gateway virtual machine (VM) software. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateMaintenanceStartTime |
Updates a gateway's weekly maintenance start time information, including day and time of the week. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateSnapshotSchedule |
Updates a snapshot schedule configured for a gateway volume. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/volume/$volume-id |
- |
storagegateway:UpdateVTLDeviceType |
Updates the type of medium changer in a gateway-VTL. |
arn:aws:storagegateway:$region:$account-id:gateway/$gateway-id/device/vtldevice |
- |