This document provides guidelines for contributing to the module.
Contributors to this project must abide by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
The project has the following folders and files:
- /: root folder.
- /docs: Examples for using this module.
- /examples: Examples for using this module.
- /files: Static files referenced but not executed by Terraform.
- /helpers: Helper scripts NOT called by Terraform.
- /modules: Inline local modules called by this module.
- /scripts: Scripts for specific tasks on module.
- /templates: Template files used to be execute by data sources.
- / Main file for this module, contains all the resources to operate the module.
- / All the variables necessary for run the module.
- / The outputs generate from the module.
- / Main repo README document.
- / Module release changelog file.
- /CODEOWNERS: Module contributing developers.
- / Code of Conduct file.
- / This file.
Install pre-commit with its prerequesites: python and pip.
Configure pre-commit: pre-commit install
Install required packages: tflint, tfsec, shfmt, shellcheck, and markdownlint.
The main, the modules and the examples are populated by a terraform-docs worflow job. The following sections are appended between the terraform-docs delimeters: Requiremenents, Providers, Modules, Resources, Inputs, and Outputs.
The module git release and changelog are generated by the release workflow job. The release worflow follows the conventional commits convention. To submit a commit, please follow the commit message format guidelines. This job is set to run manually by default.
Example commit message: fix: disabled log generation for system services
For more examples, please see conventional commit message examples.
Please submit change requests and / or features via Issues.