Simple decimal to balanced ternary converter using vanilla JS. A rudimentary HTML/Scss UI is provided.
Balanced trinary is a positional number system where digits (called trits) are independently signed. Legal balanced trinary values are *-1 *, *0 * and 1.
The decimal input value is temporarily converted to unbalanced trinary, resulting in an array of digits with legal value *0 *, *1 * or 2.
The unbalanced notation is then converted to balanced trinary.
Only works with integers (positive or negative).
- input a decimal integer in the first field.
- the second field shows the balanced trinary value. Trits values are comma-separated and listed from least significant value to most significant value (left to right).
- toTrin( decimalInteger )
- Returns an array of trit values :
everything = toTrin(42);
>> everything = [ 0, -1, -1, -1, 1 ]
- toTrit( tritValue )
- Returns a trit object when passed *-1 *, *0 * or 1. :
myTrit = toTrit(-1);
>> myTrit = Object {
value: -1,
sign: "-",
string: "T",
glyph: "/"
toUnbalanced( decimalInteger )
Returns an array of unbalanced trinary values :
everything = toUnbalanced(42);
>> everything = [ 0, 2, 1, 1 ]
Return trit objects by default (with value and various notations).
Accomodate for passed arrays.
Convert from balanced trinary to decimal.