The directory structure will be as follows:
| +--ebridge2
| | +--Code/
| | | +--python/
| | | +--project1/
| | |
| | | +--...
| | | +--language2/ # follow same structure as above
| | | +--...
| +--git_handle_team_member2
| | +--... # Same structure as above
| +--...
| +--ebridge2/
| | +--project1/
| | | +--week_0306/
| | | | +--deliverable1.html
| | | | +...
| | | +--week_0313/
| | | +... # same structure as above
| | +--project2/
| | +--...
| | +--
| +--team_member2/
| | +...
| +--...
| +--reveal/
| | +-- # reveal repo copied from reveal.js
If you have any questions, ask before you push. Do not push files larger than 10MB to this repo; if you have files that are remotely large, ask first, or better yet, put them somewhere else and link to them from in here (ie, google drive, dropbox, etc.). This repo is for deliverables and weekly code only.
Generally, pep8 is preferred (basically, no extraneous spaces, 80 characters per line) where possible.
That's about it. Thanks!