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211 lines (153 loc) · 10.9 KB

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211 lines (153 loc) · 10.9 KB
  State: draft
  Created: 2021-01-20

04. Protocol Messages


This RFC specifies the inter-daemon communication messages used during the swap phase, see 02. User Stories. Protocol messages are designed based on the protocol execution specified in [1] Bitcoin-Monero Cross-chain Atomic Swap but generalized to generic arbitrating and accordant blockchains.

Table of Contents

Inter-daemon communication

The inter-daemon communication must follow [2] BOLT #8: Encrypted and Authenticated Transport standard from the Lightning Network specifications.

All communications between nodes are encrypted to provide confidentiality for all transcripts between nodes and are authenticated to avoid malicious interference. Each node has a known connection identifier that is a public key on Bitcoin's secp256k1 curve. This connection public key is used to establish an encrypted and authenticated connection with peers.

When starting in maker mode, a daemon will start a listening service. The listening service uses the connection public key to decrypt and authenticate incoming connections. The listening service may create an onion service to hide the node location or may listen on an IPv4/IPv6 address directly.

Node address and connection public key are registered into the public offer, which must be signed before been shared. Other daemons can then connect and create an encrypted and authenticated channel. It is worth noting that connecting peers are not authenticated by the listening node, anyone who knows the address can try to connect. For more detail on the public offer see 02. User Stories.


The inter-daemon messages must follow the Type-Length-Value Format defined in [3] BOLT #1: Base Protocol standard from the Lightning Network specifications.

The following convenience types extend 'BOLT #1' fundamental types:

  • swap_id: a 32-byte swap unique identifier

Cryptographic and transaction types are assumed to be generic, so e.g. different public key types can be used, i.e. multiple arbitrating blockchains with multiple cryptographic primitives can be supported later. These types such as signature and adaptor_signature are defined in 07. Cryptographic Setup and may vary depending on the cryptography used on the arbitrating blockchain.

The commit_alice_session_params Message

Sent by: Alice

commit_alice_session_params forces Alice to commit to the result of her cryptographic setup before receiving Bob's setup. This is done to remove adaptive behavior.

If not needed for the accordant blockchain the view key commitment must be set to a null hash.

  1. type: 33701 (commit_alice_session_params)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [sha256: buy] Commitment to Ab, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: cancel] Commitment to Ac, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: refund] Commitment to Ar, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: punish] Commitment to Ap, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: adaptor] Commitment to Ta, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: view] Commitment to k_v^a, an accordant scalar
    • [sha256: spend] Commitment to K_s^a, an accordant curve point

The commit_bob_session_params Message

Sent by: Bob

commit_bob_session_params forces Bob to commit to the result of his cryptographic setup before receiving Alice's setup. This is done to remove adaptive behavior.

If not needed for the accordant blockchain the view key commitment must be set to a null hash.

  1. type: 33702 (commit_bob_session_params)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [sha256: buy] Commitment to Bb, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: cancel] Commitment to Bc, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: refund] Commitment to Br, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: adaptor] Commitment to Tb, an arbitrating curve point
    • [sha256: view] Commitment to k_v^b, an accordant scalar
    • [sha256: spend] Commitment to K_s^b, an accordant curve point

The reveal_alice_session_params Message

Sent by: Alice

reveal_alice_session_params reveals the parameters commited by the commit_alice_session_params message.

If not needed for the accordant blockchain the view key value must be set to 0x0.

If not needed for the pair of Arbitrating-Accordant blockchain the proof value must be set to 0x0.

  1. type: 33703 (reveal_alice_session_params)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: buy] The buy Ab, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: cancel] The cancel Ac, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: refund] The refund Ar, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: punish] The punish Ap, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: adaptor] The Ta, an arbitrating adaptor public key
    • [u16: address_len]
    • [address_len * byte: address] The destination arbitrating address
    • [u16: accordant_scalar_len]
    • [accordant_scalar_len * byte: view] The K_v^a, an accordant view private key
    • [u16: accordant_point_len]
    • [accordant_point_len * byte: spend] The K_s^a, an accordant spend public key
    • [u16: proof_len]
    • [proof * byte: proof] The cross-group discrete logarithm zero-knowledge proof

The reveal_bob_session_params Message

Sent by: Bob

reveal_bob_session_params reveals the parameters commited by the commit_bob_session_params message.

If not needed for the accordant blockchain the view key value must be set to 0x0.

If not needed for the pair of Arbitrating-Accordant blockchain the proof value must be set to 0x0.

  1. type: 33704 (reveal_bob_session_params)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: buy] The buy Bb, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: cancel] The cancel Bc, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: refund] The refund Br, an arbitrating public key
    • [u16: arbitrating_point_len]
    • [arbitrating_point_len * byte: adaptor] The Tb, an arbitrating adaptor public key
    • [u16: address_len]
    • [address_len * byte: address] The refund arbitrating address
    • [u16: accordant_scalar_len]
    • [accordant_scalar_len * byte: view] The K_v^b, an accordant view private key
    • [u16: accordant_point_len]
    • [accordant_point_len * byte: spend] The K_s^b, an accordant spend public key
    • [u16: proof_len]
    • [proof * byte: proof] The cross-group discrete logarithm zero-knowledge proof

The core_arbitrating_setup Message

Sent by: Bob

core_arbitrating_setup sends the lock (b), cancel (d) and refund (e) arbitrating transactions from Bob to Alice, as well as Bob's signature for the cancel (d) transaction.

  1. type: 33710 (core_arbitrating_setup)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: lock_len]
    • [lock_len * byte: lock] The arbitrating lock (b) transaction
    • [u16: cancel_len]
    • [cancel_len * byte: cancel] The arbitrating cancel (d) transaction
    • [u16: refund_len]
    • [refund_len * byte: refund] The arbitrating refund (e) transaction
    • [u16: cancel_sig_len]
    • [cancel_sig_len * byte: cancel_sig] The Bc cancel (d) arbitrating signature

The refund_procedure_signatures Message

Sent by: Alice

refund_procedure_signatures transmits Alice's signature for the cancel (d) transaction and Alice's adaptor signature for the refund (e) transaction. Upon receipt, Bob must validate the signatures.

  1. type: 33720 (refund_procedure_signatures)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: cancel_sig_len]
    • [cancel_sig_len * byte: cancel_sig] The Ac cancel (d) arbitrating signature
    • [u16: refund_adaptor_sig_len]
    • [refund_adaptor_sig_len * byte: refund_adaptor_sig] The Ar(Tb) refund (e) arbitrating adaptor_signature

The buy_procedure_signature Message

Sent by: Bob

buy_procedure_signatureis intended to transmit Bob's adaptor signature for the buy (c) transaction and the transaction itself. Upon receipt, Alice must validate the transaction and the adaptor signature.

  1. type: 33730 (buy_procedure_signature)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: buy_len]
    • [buy_len * byte: buy] The arbitrating buy (c) transaction
    • [u16: buy_adaptor_sig_len]
    • [buy_adaptor_sig_len * byte: buy_adaptor_sig] The Bb(Ta) buy (c) arbitrating adaptor_signature

The abort Message

Sent by: Alice|Bob

abort is an OPTIONAL courtesy message from either swap partner to inform the counterparty that they have aborted the swap with an OPTIONAL message body to provide the reason.

Upon receipt, the daemon must engage the cancel path if necessary and should respond with an abort message.

  1. type: 33799 (abort)
  2. data:
    • [swap_id: swap_id] The swap unique identifier
    • [u16: error_len]
    • [error_len * byte: error_body] OPTIONAL body: error code | string
