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321 lines (292 loc) · 7.31 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (292 loc) · 7.31 KB

Biochip Synthesis with NSGA-II

Folder structure and imporant files

+- data
|  +- input          # all necessary input files (module and device libraries)
|  |  +- graphs      # graphs that will be used for nsga
|  |     +- ignore   # graphs that will be ignored
|  +- logs           # log files for each graph and run with execution time and cpu time
|  +- results        # json files with results of all runs for each graph
+- lib               # necessary libs for compiling source code (GSON, JMetal...)
+- src
|  +- compilation
|  +- synthesis


The script will compile the source code and run the algorithm for every graph in data/input/graphs. Graphs in subfolders will be ignored. For running the script simply use nohup sh > Run.log 2>&1 &. This will execute the script in the background and write the output to Run.log. If you don't want the log file just use nohup sh &. Without the ampersand the script will be run in the foreground. nohup prevents it from being closed when exiting the shell.

Class overview

class description
BiochipCrossover The crossover operation takes two solutions, splits them randomly and merges them to generate two new biochips.
BiochipMutation The mutation operation alters a given solution with a predefined probability.
BiochipSolution This class extends the Biochip model for the JMetal framework.
JSONParser This class handles all the serialization and deserialization for biochips, devices and application graphs.
LogTool The LogTool is used to save the results and initialize the Logger for information during execution.
NSGARunner This class contains the main method and runs the algorithm. It defines the parameters and puts everything together.
Pair Generic class to create pairs of values. It is used for coordinates.
Synthesis This is a playground to test methods.
SynthesisProblem This class defines the problem the MOGA has to solve. Mainly it is responsible for evaluating the objectives and constraints for each solution as well as creating initial solutions.

File Formats

The specifications still need some work, cause there are inconsistencies owed to the mix of old and new formats and the current implementation!


The biochip is defined by an coordinate system, that starts in the top left corner.


member type description
width int width of biochip including devices
height int height of biochip including devices
inactiveElectrodes array contains arrays with two integers of which each represents the coordinates [x, y]
devices array contains all device objects

Device object

member type description
type string specifies the type (fluid dependent)
id int unique identification
x int x coordinate of upper left corner on biochip
y int y coordinate of upper left corner on biochip
executionTime int time in seconds
cost int cost of the device
shape object see shape object spec below

Shape object

member type description
width int width of device
height int height of device
startX int inner x coordinate where device gets connected to biochip
startY int inner y coordinate where device gets connected to biochip


  "width": 10,
  "height": 10,
  "inactiveElectrodes": [[0, 0], [1, 5]],
  "devices": [
      "type": "disS",
      "id": 0,
      "x": 4,
      "y": 4,
      "executionTime": 7,
      "cost": 4,
      "shape": {
        "width": 2,
        "height": 2,
        "startX": 1,
        "startY": 1

Application Graph

The application graph is based on the BEL JSON Graph Format.


Old format:

node 1 O1 MIX mix
node 2 O2 MIX mix
node 3 O3 MIX mix
node 4 O4 MIX mix
node 5 O5 MIX mix
node 6 O6 MIX mix
node 7 O7 IN disB
node 8 O8 DILUTION dilution
node 9 O9 IN disB
node 10 O10 DILUTION dilution
    edge M1 O1 O5
    edge M2 O2 O5
    edge M3 O3 O6
    edge M4 O4 O6
    edge M5 O5 O8
    edge M6 O7 O8
    edge M7 O6 O10
    edge M8 O9 O10

Directly converted to new JSON format: This still contains a few inconsistencies owed to the current implementation!

  "graph": {
    "type": "bioprotocol",
    "directed": true,
    "nodes": [
        "id": "1",
        "label": "O1",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "2",
        "label": "O2",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "3",
        "label": "O3",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "4",
        "label": "O4",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "5",
        "label": "O5",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "6",
        "label": "O6",
        "type": "mix"
        "id": "7",
        "label": "O7",
        "type": "in",
        "metadata": {
          "fluid": "disB"
        "id": "8",
        "label": "O8",
        "type": "dilution"
        "id": "9",
        "label": "O9",
        "type": "in",
        "metadata": {
          "fluid": "disB"
        "id": "10",
        "label": "O10",
        "type": "dilution"
    "edges": [
        "source": "O1",
        "target": "O5",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M1"
        "source": "O2",
        "target": "O5",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M2"
        "source": "O3",
        "target": "O6",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M3"
        "source": "O4",
        "target": "O6",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M4"
        "source": "O5",
        "target": "O8",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M5"
        "source": "O7",
        "target": "O8",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M6"
        "source": "O6",
        "target": "O10",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M7"
        "source": "O9",
        "target": "O10",
        "metadata": {
          "label": "M8"

Device Library

The device library is used to populate a biochip with required non-reconfigurable devices during initialization (in future for mutation/crossover/repair too).

    "type": "disB",
    "id": 0,
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "executionTime": 7,
    "cost": 4,
    "shape": {
      "width": 5,
      "height": 3,
      "startX": 0,
      "startY": 0
    "type": "disS",
    "id": 1,
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "executionTime": 7,
    "cost": 4,
    "shape": {
      "width": 5,
      "height": 2,
      "startX": 3,
      "startY": 0

Module Library

This is a library of predefined reconfigurable modules used in the compilation process.

mix 4 7 2
mix 4 6 3
mix 5 5 7
mix 3 5 5
mix 4 4 10
dilution 4 7 4
dilution 4 6 5
dilution 5 5 10
dilution 3 5 7
dilution 4 4 12
store 3 3 -1
opt 1 1 30