Sidekiq::Clockwork is a simplistic implementation of a job scheduler based on Clockwork, but without having to run a separate process.
gem install sidekiq-clockwork
Or add the following line to your project's Gemfile:
gem "sidekiq-clockwork"
Create your job scheduler and make sure that it's loaded by Sidekiq's server (when you run the sidekiq command). do
# This is the default timeout
# sleep_timeout 0.1
# By default, it comes with a error handler like the following:
# error_handler do |error|
# $stderr << "[CLOCKWORK] #{error.class}: #{error.message}"
# $stderr << " (" << error.backtrace_locations.first << ")\n"
# end
# You can clean up error handlers with:
# error_handlers.clear
# You may want to use an exception tracker like Rollbar:
# error_handler do |error|
# Rollbar.error(error)
# end
# You can schedule jobs by using `every`, which receives
# an interval in seconds.
every(30.seconds) { SomeWorker.perform_async }
Sidekiq::Clockwork is single-threaded and sequencial by design, so make sure your scheduler only enqueue jobs without doing any processing (tl;dr make it as fast as you can).
For more details about how to contribute, please read
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be found at
Everyone interacting in the sidekiq-clockwork project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.