In this activity, we'll create a bot that detects large USDC transfers. The bot will filter events for transactions involving USDC, then will alert when the value exceeds 10,000 USDC.
- 1. Setup Environment
- 2. Add Logic to Bot Code
- 3. Test the Bot
- 4. (Optional) Deploy Bot to Forta Network
- 5. View Results from Bot
$ git clone [email protected]:forta-network/forta-bot-workshop.git
$ cd forta-bot-workshop/activity-1-large-token-transfers
$ npm install --save-dev
Inside of src/agent.ts, there is a handler called handleTransaction
This handler is invoked for EVERY transaction on the network. We'll be adding our detection logic here.
This is what it looks like before we add anything
const handleTransaction: HandleTransaction = async (
txEvent: TransactionEvent
) => {
const findings: Finding[] = [];
// Replace this section with code
// 1. Filter events for USDC Transfers
// 2. For each matching event, create a finding if amount > 10000
return findings;
The event includes a helpful filterLog
function which will filter logs for matching events.
Add this snippet to filter events for token transfers:
// filter the transaction logs for token transfer events
const tokenTransferEvents = txEvent.filterLog(
Now that we have transfer events from this transaction, we should normalize the value of the transfer to keep the code readable. Otherwise, one would need to add six extra digits, because the USDC coin has 6 decimals
tokenTransferEvents.forEach((transferEvent) => {
// extract transfer event arguments
const { to, from, value } = transferEvent.args;
// shift decimals of transfer value
const normalizedValue = value.div(10 ** TOKEN_DECIMALS);
// if more than 10,000 token were transferred, report it
if ( {
name: "High USDC Transfer",
description: `High amount of USDC transferred: ${normalizedValue}`,
alertId: "FORTA-1",
severity: FindingSeverity.Low,
type: FindingType.Info,
metadata: {
First verify that the unit test is passing using npm run test
Example Output:
$ npm run test
> [email protected] test
> jest
PASS src/agent.spec.ts
high token transfer agent
✓ returns empty findings if there are no token transfers (4 ms)
✓ returns a finding if there is a token transfer over 10,000 (1 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.755 s, estimated 3 s
Ran all test suites.
The SDK includes a helpful utility that lets one replay previous transactions by block range or by transaction hash.
Try running against 0x5475acace5f03065da719a5862282cf41807ff982dc12357d0f4b563147ee182
(30000 USDC) by using the npm run tx {txhash}
Expected Output:
$ npm run tx 0x5475acace5f03065da719a5862282cf41807ff982dc12357d0f4b563147ee182
> [email protected] tx
> npm run build && forta-agent run --tx "0x5475acace5f03065da719a5862282cf41807ff982dc12357d0f4b563147ee182"
> [email protected] build
> tsc
1 findings for transaction 0x5475acace5f03065da719a5862282cf41807ff982dc12357d0f4b563147ee182 {
"name": "High USDC Transfer",
"description": "High amount of USDC transferred: 30000",
"alertId": "FORTA-1",
"protocol": "ethereum",
"severity": "Low",
"type": "Info",
"metadata": {
"to": "0xF6d625CB017d4DFeAe4963C58a8eB3840DAFE81a",
"from": "0xA921b3fb76B85a8581691fd4A873b13c258e167b"
"addresses": []
We can see that it successfully detected this transfer.
Run this on live data where the bot will continuously process new blocks by using the npm start
Expected Output:
$ npm start
> [email protected] start
> npm run start:dev
> [email protected] start:dev
> nodemon --watch src --watch forta.config.json -e js,ts,json --exec "npm run build && forta-agent run"
[nodemon] 2.0.19
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): src/**/* forta.config.json
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,ts,json
[nodemon] starting `npm run build && forta-agent run`
> [email protected] build
> tsc
listening for blockchain data...
fetching block 15397843...
0 findings for transaction 0xdae0a36f4d6c4ef210cd978a49bc25fcf1da1dfe557d6bec5a346093b4110290
0 findings for transaction 0xe6769b98e008af56cd5442309ceed727882ef007e7d7d99cf4141a59d201c1b1
1 findings for transaction 0x18320e3bbfe120ba86ad8b14da81e297852fd0b25767bdba38bfe55aa7f95896 {
"name": "High USDC Transfer",
"description": "High amount of USDC transferred: 14000",
"alertId": "FORTA-1",
"protocol": "ethereum",
"severity": "Low",
"type": "Info",
"metadata": {
"to": "0x28C6c06298d514Db089934071355E5743bf21d60",
"from": "0x55ea2ED01eED2cDE86be4216D2Abe26088494567"
"addresses": []
0 findings for transaction 0xe764214225d033cdcf0a3cf51cad66b118a71da5468b0cb8696d50ac4c7b6f5e
0 findings for transaction 0xa3befe590961067a47c405be81a5fb68b300fe63a3bfcc2fbba2ea111d28fb53
0 findings for transaction 0x47f30c35817e528ebf6b4992ce551000cded245e662878fcba2d21c3b2e4c510
To stop the process, type CTRL-C
You've created a Bot that runs locally 🚀.
To deploy your bot to the Forta Network, follow the instructions here:
This step pushes your image to a decentralized docker registry, signs a manifest for your bot, and registers the bot on our Bot Registry on Polygon. The transaction on Polygon requires MATIC to pay gas for the transaction. After it's registered, it will run on multiple nodes on the Forta Network.
I've already deployed this bot so we can see real alerts!
See Alerts Here!