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Git for Windows keeps forgetting that it's signed in as soon as my default browser clears its cache #2928

Answered by mjcheetham
astrohart asked this question in Q&A
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There's a couple of things going on here..

Firstly, since GitHub removed the ability to use username/password (and 2FA code) authentication against their API, we are no longer able to use a username/password/2FA code from a prompt and generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) via the authorizations API endpoint. Both versions of GCM have used this mechanism to authenticate against GitHub - they don't directly store your username/password but instead use them to create a PAT, which is what is stored in the Windows Credential Manager store.

The OAuth/web-based sign-in is now a requirement(*) for authentication with GitHub - this was a GitHub decision, not the Git, Git for Windows, or Git Crede…

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Answer selected by derrickstolee
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This discussion was converted from issue #2928 on December 08, 2020 19:54.