What is this?: Purr-Fetch is a command-line information tool written in Python, that displays various information about your system! It's main use case is to be used in screenshots so it looks pretty but you may also just use it to get your system information. 👍
How does it work?: It uses python to get information about your system, like for example what shell, distro and kernel version you are using.
NOTE: This project is a work in progress!
- clone this repository -
git clone https://github.com/DeLuks2006/Purr-Fetch.git
- change into the cloned directory -
cd Purr-Fetch
- run the fetch.py -
python fetch.py
for the rust (less bloated and faster) version:
- install rustc with your package manager -
pacman -S rust
in case of Arch Linux - clone this repo
- change into the cloned directory -
cd Purr-Fetch
- run the fetch.rs -
For the C++ version:
Compile fetch.cpp
with a compiler of your choice with C++11 standard or later.
Example using g++
g++ fetch.cpp -o fetch
Running the compiled script:
- bloated <-- will be fixed soon
- missing features (terminal detection) <-- idk how to do it, please be patient while I figure it out.
- slow <-- rewrite in C is planned
Just contribute here by fixing my bad and messy code and explaining what I did wrong. XD OR you may also just add another version of the fetch in an language that is not yet featured (please leave the C version out, im going to do that one XD) Please note that I am a beginner so I may not understand every mistake. 👍