We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in projects and exams. Student accounts will be created for this plug-in.
The username and password will be sent to the e-mail in BUIS after add drop period. We will make an announcement when the credentials are sent.
If your email address that you use in BUIS (registration.boun.edu.tr) is anything other than
- @gmail
- @boun.edu.tr
Please change it to @gmail.com, or @boun.edu.tr. In order to do that,
- Go to https://registration.boun.edu.tr, and Login.
- Enter General Settings, and then E-Mail Management.
- You should change your current Contact E-mail Address to @boun.edu.tr or @gmail.com.
Please check announcements on Moodle regularly!
Lab hours are dedicated to practical programming exercises not for covering lecture materials. I strongly suggest you to attend the lectures.
Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.
The installation must be completed until April 9, 2021. After that date, questions regarding installation WILL NOT BE ANSWERED.
What counts as cheating:
- Information exchange between students: Giving and Receiving information to/from your colleagues both count as cheating.
- Using codes from any source other than the materials of our course: You can consult internet or books to learn and improve your programming skills. But you shouldn't use any material that is not your own work in the projects and exams.
Check FAQ and Technical Support to get help.