diff --git a/contrib/MockBTCD.md b/contrib/MockBTCD.md
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index 5909ee2..0000000
--- a/contrib/MockBTCD.md
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-# Run btcd simnet mode
-## Install btcd and btcwallet
-Follow the instruction in [btcd README.md](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd?tab=readme-ov-file#installation)
-and [btcwallet README](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcwallet?tab=readme-ov-file#installation-and-updating) to install btcd and btcwallet
-## Run btcd with simnet mode
-### Bootstrap the wallet and btc node
-First you need to start the btcd in simnet mode
-btcd --simnet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password
-Create btc wallet. Please remember the password.
-btcwallet --simnet --create
-Connect you wallet to btcd simmode. The password and user here must be the btcd password/user pair.
-Open a new terminal and run:
-btcwallet --simnet -u=user -P=password
-Create a new address. We will use it as the `--miningaddr` parameter - an address that receives btc when mining a new block.
-Open a new terminal and run:
-btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getnewaddress
-Copy the address created by the command above. Shutdown the btcd service and run:
-btcd --simnet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password --miningaddr=
-Right now, everytime we mine a new block, the minner address should receive some bitcoin.
-We can use this for testing and development.
-## Generate a new block
-Generate 100 blocks
-btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password generate 100
-## Check information
-Blockchain information
-btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getblockchaininfo
-Miner balance
-btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getbalance
diff --git a/contrib/MockBitcoind.md b/contrib/MockBitcoind.md
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-# Run bitcoind regtest node
-## Requirements
-Make sure you have docker and docker-compose-plugin installed, and the docker service is running.
-- docker-compose version >= 2.30.0.
-## Initialization
-make bitcoind-init
-Start a new terminal where you will run a container with bitcoind, by default the nativewallet will be loaded:
-cd contrib; docker compose up
-## Stop bitcoind node
-To stop the node just press `ctrl-c` in the terminal running a node.
-To remove a container:
-docker compose down
-## Interact with the bitcoind node
-docker exec -it bitcoind-node bitcoin-cli -regtest
-Or enter bash in the container:
-docker exec -it bitcoind-node /bin/bash
-Then you can generate a block:
-bitcoin-cli -regtest generate
-If RPC params are required, you can provide them:
-bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=password generate
-More information in [developer.bitcoin.org -> testing](https://developer.bitcoin.org/examples/testing.html).
-## Reference
-- [Running Bitcoind with ZMQ](https://bitcoindev.network/accessing-bitcoins-zeromq-interface/)
-- [Bitlights Labs dev env](https://blog.bitlightlabs.com/posts/setup-local-development-env-regtest)
diff --git a/contrib/bitcoin-mock.md b/contrib/bitcoin-mock.md
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index 0000000..d8f57b9
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+# Run bitcoind regtest node
+## Requirements
+- Docker Engine >= 27.0
+- docker-compose-plugin (don't use the legacy python docker-compose)
+- docker service running; [install instructions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
+There are two leading Bitcoin implementation, each comes with a mode to run simulations that helps to use it
+as a mock, with predefined snapshot and data:
+- [Bitcoind](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin) with the `-regtest` mode
+- [Btcd](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd) with the `-simtest` mode
+## Bitcoind
+Bitcoind is a binary from the reference implementation
+### Setting up
+Firstly we need to copy the snapshot (to have a shared data):
+make bitcoind-init
+Start a new terminal where you will run a container with bitcoind, by default the nativewallet will be loaded:
+cd contrib; docker compose up
+To stop the node just press `ctrl-c` in the terminal running a node.
+To remove a container:
+docker compose down
+### Interact with the bitcoind node
+docker exec -it bitcoind-node bitcoin-cli -regtest
+Or enter bash in the container:
+docker exec -it bitcoind-node /bin/bash
+Then you can generate a block:
+bitcoin-cli -regtest generate
+If RPC params are required, you can provide them:
+bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=password generate
+More information in [developer.bitcoin.org -> testing](https://developer.bitcoin.org/examples/testing.html).
+### Reference
+- [Running Bitcoind with ZMQ](https://bitcoindev.network/accessing-bitcoins-zeromq-interface/)
+- [Bitlights Labs dev env](https://blog.bitlightlabs.com/posts/setup-local-development-env-regtest)
+## Btcd
+alternatively to Bitcoind we can use btcd.
+### Install btcd and btcwallet
+Follow the instruction in [btcd README.md](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd?tab=readme-ov-file#installation)
+and [btcwallet README](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcwallet?tab=readme-ov-file#installation-and-updating) to install btcd and btcwallet
+### Bootstrap the wallet and btc node
+First you need to start the btcd in simnet mode
+btcd --simnet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password
+Create btc wallet. Please remember the password.
+btcwallet --simnet --create
+Connect you wallet to btcd simmode. The password and user here must be the btcd password/user pair.
+Open a new terminal and run:
+btcwallet --simnet -u=user -P=password
+Create a new address. We will use it as the `--miningaddr` parameter - an address that receives btc when mining a new block.
+Open a new terminal and run:
+btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getnewaddress
+Copy the address created by the command above. Shutdown the btcd service and run:
+btcd --simnet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password --miningaddr=
+Right now, everytime we mine a new block, the minner address should receive some bitcoin.
+We can use this for testing and development.
+### Generate a new block
+Generate 100 blocks
+btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password generate 100
+## Check information
+Blockchain information
+btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getblockchaininfo
+Miner balance
+btcctl --simnet --wallet --rpcuser=user --rpcpass=password getbalance
diff --git a/contrib/docker-compose.yaml b/contrib/docker-compose.yaml
index c435c9c..56a52f9 100644
--- a/contrib/docker-compose.yaml
+++ b/contrib/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
container_name: bitcoind-node
- hostname: bitcoind-node
+ # hostname: bitcoind-node
image: kylemanna/bitcoind@sha256:2400e64960457b22be55299a2d7fa2aaa217f3dfc4afb84387e5511fe8ce5055
# restart: unless-stopped
- ./bitcoind-data:/bitcoin/.bitcoin
- - 18333:18333
- -
- command:
- -printtoconsole
+ # regtest ports
+ - # json-rpc
+ -
+ -
+ command: -printtoconsole
+ -rpcbind=
+ -rpcallowip=
- command: "sleep 0.5"
- command: "bitcoin-cli -regtest loadwallet nativewallet"