OPI adoped https://opentelemetry.io/ for DPUs
OPI goal is to pick 1 standard protocol that
- all vendors can implement (both linux and non-linux based)
- DPU consumers can integrate once in their existing monitoring systems and tools
OpenTemetry suports those data sources
- Traces
- Metrics
- Logs
OpenTemetry is made up of several main components:
- Specification https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification
- Collector https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector
- SDKs (different programming languages), for example https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java)
OPI is only mandating OTEL
SDK and Collector specific implementation are left to the users
- They can be also from OTEL or other sources.
OpenTemetry collector supports several deployments:
- Deploy as side car inside every pod
- Deploy another one as aggregator per Node
- Deploy another one as super-aggregator per Cluster
The benefits of having multiple collectors at different levels are:
- Increased redundancy
- Enrichment
- Filtering
- Separating trust domains
- Batching
- Sanitization
Recommendation (reference)
- micro-aggregator inside each DPU/IPU
- macro-aggregator between DPUs
- macro-aggregator can run on the host with DPU/IPU or on a separate host
System monitoring (cpu,mem,nic,...)
BMC monitoring (temp, power)
- Redfish extention for OTEL collector can be used to collect HW/BMC related metrics like temperature, power and others...
- OPI wants to define which telemetries are mandatory for each vendor to implement and which are optional
- Tracing inside DPU/IPU (more tight SDK integration into our service and IPDK), streaming to zipkin/jaeger
- TODO: need more details and examples
- For example https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/syslogreceiver
- TODO: need more details and examples
- see https://github.com/opiproject/opi-prov-life/tree/main/examples
- Example for OTEL collector with SPDK (json-rpc) and System monitoring on github
- Same example without HW DPU, for example using KVM
- Example using eBPF
- TODO: Example with IPDK as well
- Is there integration of OTEL with kvm or esx ?
- Use case of standalone DPU, not attached to server. Still runs OTEL collector
- #92 Starting new workstream to find out set of common metrics across vendors that OPI will mandate
- Action items on Marvell, Nvidia, Intell to come up with the list and present on the next meeting
- #93 Starting new POC with OTEL SDK and hello world app
- Action items on Nvidia to help compiling DOCA with OTEL SDK (i.e. https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp ) and hello world app to show metrics/traces streaming to standard ecosystem (zipkin/grafana/elastic/...)
- #94 Continue working on existing telegraf example and enhance with more metrics