- fix Alignment issue on newer Flutter versions, 29.05.2024.
- upgrade to Flutter v3.19, 13.04.2024.
- eliminate some deprecated properties, 21.06.2022.
- update to Flutter 3.0, 24.05.2022.
- fix Alignment issue, 14.7.2021.
- update README.md, 12.5.2021.
- migrate to null safety, 12.5.2021.
- add badge to CircularMenuItem, 21.11.2020.
- fix Circular Menu does not reflect on hot reload, 24.10.2020.
- update README.md, 20.8.2020.
- customizable toggle button animated icon, 20.8.2020.
- update README.md , 23.05.2020.
- remove CircularMenuItem default padding, 21.05.2020.
- add MultiCircularMenu widget, 2.05.2020.
- Fix gifs in the README.md, 11.04.2020.
- Trying to figure out why Flutter Pub website doesn't display gifs in the README.md, 10.04.2020.
- Initial release, 10.04.2020.