Releases: hashgraph/hedera-mirror-node
Number overflow halting parser on crypto/file/contract update (#409) * Fix #386 number overflow converting from (long sec, int nanos) to long nanos_timestamp affecting entity (crypto account, file, contract) updates. Signed-off-by: Mike Burrage <[email protected]> * Address review feedback Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Add test for create entity with expiration flow Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Added rest api integration test to verify min and max set for account expiration time Signed-off-by: Nana-EC <[email protected]> * Removed unnecessary tests Signed-off-by: Nana-EC <[email protected]>
We're excited to announce the release of Hedera Mirror Node v0.4.0. The main focus of this release was around streamlining the configuration. Now both the REST API and the Java components use the same configuration format, allowing either YAML or environment variables as input. It makes it as easy to run the mirror node as executing two commands.
Other improvements include a big performance boost when downloading from S3, greater testing coverage, bug fixes and other code cleanup tasks.
Expect our next release to be a maintenance release and not include any major changes. At the same time, we are shifting gears to implement the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) functionality on the Mirror Node.
- Bump versions for v0.4.0 #395
- Standardize Java packages #378
- Reformat code #377
- Issue 366 - Add transaction hash to database #367
- Save transaction hash in the t_transactions table #366
- Node fetch monitor #364
- AWS SDKv2 Followup #360
- Rework documentation #352
- Downloader: Better polling #351
- NetworkAddressBook improvements #350
- Graceful shutdown on SIGTERM #349
- Downloader: Refactor tests #348
- Downloader: Replace AWS SDKv1 by SDKv2. #347
- Refactor Downloader #341
- Standardize package naming #339
- Reformat Code #338
- Use application.yml for rest-api #336
- [Database] Add maxfee & validduration columns to t_transactions #333
- Parallelized api monitoring that scales to 44 endpoints #332
- [Downloader] Common sig verifier and data download code #331
- [Downloader] Simplify downloader code #330
- Remove config.json and use Spring Boot properties #328
- Add unit tests for freeze transactions #322
- Create unit tests for address book updates #317
- Improve file transaction logger test coverage #316
- Unit test for system transactions logging #302
- Unit tests for contract transaction logging #301
- Fill in entities from a file #273
- DB Transactions: t_transactions table missing validDuration+MaxFee #221
- Repo cleanup - remove scripts, unused test data #185
- Consolidate config and environment variables #55
Bug Fixes
- Fix address book not copied from classpath #390
- Cannot copy address book from classpath #389
- Fix REST config loading incorrect values for env variables #388
- Config loads wrong values from environment variables #387
- Fix long overflow during missing entities migration #385
- Long overflow in missing entities migration #384
- Fix CircleCI failures #376
- False NoSuchFileException on build from RecordFileLoggerFileTest #375
- Long overflow on CryptoAddClaim processing (#263) #343
- Inconsistent nanoseconds conversion in REST API transaction.js transfer list creation causing 404 on single transaction GET #337
- AccountBalancesFileLoader improvements (Issues #297, #117) #313
- Long overflow on CryptoAddClaim processing #263
- WIP: Fixes mirror node breaks when large address book is updated #191
- Hash extracted twice #167
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
Fix address book not copied from classpath (#390) * Fix address book not copied from classpath Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Set network property during upgrade Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]>
Fix long overflow during missing entities migration (#385) Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]>
Standardize Java packages (#378) * Standardize Java packages Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Delete unused EventStreamAnalytics Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Organize imports Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]> * Organize imports Signed-off-by: Steven Sheehy <[email protected]>
- Bump version for v0.4.1 #420
- Add missing protobuf response codes #405
Bug Fixes
- Number overflow halting parser on crypto/file/contract update #409
- Long overflow when future expiration time #386
- Handle unrecognized transaction types and response codes #381
- V1_11_6__Missing_EntitiesTest Broken #379
- Handle unrecognized transaction types and result ids #168
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- Start and stop cleanly using only systemd. #256
- Remove maxDownloadItems #231
- Remove balanceVerifySigs property #226
- 204 monitoring infrastructure #225
- Remove references to db postgres and db user postgres #224
- Remove deprecated tables and columns from v0.1. #218
- Expose ed25519 key explicitly and remove admin_key in t_entities #217
- Spring Boot & single process #216
- Troubleshooting guide #215
- Update version in pom.xml #212
- Separate circleci steps *package_deliverable #209
- Fix coverage & license badge links #207
- CircleCI: separate out the step for creating a deliverable tarball #206
- Monitoring infrastructure for mirror nodes #204
- Unit tests for the REST API #201
- Spring Boot #198
- CircleCI jacoco test coverage #196
- Add AccountBalancesDownloaderTest #188
- Remove deprecated tables and columns relating to account_balances #175
- Troubleshooting guide #165
- Simple java package deliverable #164
- Require java 11 (LTS) or later #151
- Add code coverage reporting #135
- Delete balanceVerifySigs from config.json.sample and legacy code #134
- Download from S3 in parallel #74
- Expose entity keys in the t_entities_table #56
- Single process mode #41
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the SQL query for /balances?account.publickey api #272
- Balances with publickey is broken #271
- Bug/livehashes2 #268
- Fix record parser continuing to next file after exception #267
- Remove fk_type_id uniqueness check in f_entity_create. #266
- Fix duplicate entities #264
- Bug/livehashes sql on 0.1 release #262
- Record Parser: Failing to complete a file not handled properly #260
- Accounts and balances are missing smart contracts entities #255
- Fix off-by-1 bug in migration that filled in the new ed25519_public_key_hex #253
- Improve download performance [master] #252
- Duplicate entities #251
- Error in sql call from REST API #250
- There is an extra 0 in the ed25519_public_key_hex in t_entities. #248
- /transactions api does not return the expected 1000 entries #246
- Only update entities, via the record stream, if the transaction was successful #242
- Fix record file mismatch race condition (master) #241
- Record stream processor updates entities even when transaction failed #240
- REST API: /transactions returning < 1000 records when it should return 1000 #238
- improve download parallelization #237
- Fix /transactions query performance #236
- REST API: /transactions/ID doesn't return the expected transaction #230
- CryptoCreate initial balance transfer not visible in REST API #229
- Postgres user and database should not be used #223
- Improve query performance for /transactions #220
- Fix DB indexes #219
- Fix db migration error #213
- Force anonymous AWS credentials to be used by downloader when so configured #211
- Handle duplicate transactions correctly by using consensus_ns as the key #210
- Investigate the possible failure in transaction monitoring test on testnet #205
- DB migration error #203
- Increase file descriptor limit for downloader services #200
- Fix RecordDownloaderTest #199
- /accounts API call returns a consensus timestamp that doesn't apply to all returned fields #186
- /transactions API is slow #183
- Downloader code is overriding config.json with users ~/.aws config #127
- lastValidBalanceFileName not updated if file already exists locally #76
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
Bug Fixes
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- Add Systemd service files #187
- Updated accounts.js with the new account_balances table, and fixed th… #179
- Add record downloader tests #170
- Systemd scripts for starting java services #163
- Proxy: Remove HAPI proxying functionality #152
- Remove MirrorNodeProxy code #141
- Eliminate unique constraint on t_transactions TransactionID #128
- Separate out the log files to allow for multiple instances of REST APIs to run parallelly #125
- Create a CONTRIBUTING doc #107
- Make shard_num a property of the application #103
- Update account_balances schema #98
- Fix/live config in db #95
- Rest api features #90
- account_balances schema updates #86
- Logging improvements #84
- REST API returning numeric fields as strings #70
- REST API: Remove offset from the queries #69
- Cleanup logging #68
- Optimise balance load into database #65
- Test balance update with a file containing 5M rows #62
- Use address book file in lieu of nodesInfo.json #61
- Added /accounts and /events. Fixed several bugs. Changed output formats #53
- CircleCI #44
- Move to Java #39
- Perf test #38
- Record stream hashing #37
- Modify EventStreamFileParser to be able to parse EventStreamFile versison3 #35
- Consider writing all state to the database #30
- Modify EventStream file Parser to be able to parse eventStream files with new version #28
- Modify RecordStream File parser to parse File with new hashing #27
- Add EventStream Downloader #18
- event stream parser + downloader #17
- Add analytics base on Events #16
- Store lastValidRCDFile and hash in file other than config.json #15
- Enable balance file signature verification #14
- Balance file name doesn't include nanoseconds #13
- Support new schema in REST API #12
- Add CI for build #9
- Use address book for list of nodes rather than nodesInfo.json #6
- Update docker for balance logging #5
- REST API in Docker #4
- Compile source with docker #3
- Save parsed events into database; Design Event schema #2
- EventStream Parser #1
Bug Fixes
- Fixes mirror node breaks when large address book is updated #193
- When address book, that is larger than a single transaction, is updated - mirror node stops processing #192
- 181 incorrect hash calculations #182
- Utility: File Hash Calculation incorrect for v2 record files #181
- CircleCI store artifact on releases tagged with /v.*/ #178
- /balances?timestamp=xxx is broken #177
- Fix balances query performance with related schema changes #176
- REST API: /accounts querying wrong tables (broken). #174
- Query for /balances is slow (~ 5 seconds) #173
- Updating proxy_account_id to fx_prox_acc_id #172
- Entities: Incorrect SQL statement #171
- Updates support for protobuf to match pending network upgrades #166
- Record file hash mismatch #159
- Record file hash mismatch #157
- Fix CircleCI caching #153
- 148 bug freeze transaction missing #149
- RecordFileLogger: Freeze transaction type missing + lower case bug #148
- Renamed V1.6.1 to V1.10.0 #147
- Flyway: 1.6.1 migration is out of sync #143
- Check version of protobuf in pom.xml #138
- RecordFileDownloader re-downloads same files over and over #133
- RecordFileDownloader re-downloads same files over and over #132
- Added 15ms sleep to while loop #131
- RecordFile parser uses 100% CPU #130
- Changed the query for /transactions #129
- The next link in /accounts/{id} is broken #126
- /transactions? API is slow on public testnet #124
- Unique key on t_transactions based on TransactionID should not be unique #122
- Minor fixes to balance file download - addresses #114 #116
- Balance files are not validating signatures on public testnet #114
- Fix record downloader file order - addresses #110 #111
- Recordstream files aren't processed in the correct order #110
- Addresses hash mismatch logging issue #104 #105
- If getStopLoggingIfRecordHashMismatchAfter is not empty, downloader re-downloads same files over and over #104
- Mirror node assumes running from day 0 #101
- Fix/record log bug fixes - Addresses #101 #97
- 91 transactions api performance #92
- /transactions REST API is slow #91
- Remove unnecessary method calls #88
- Fix/flyway fixes #87
- Removed extra file name when downloading balance files - fixes #83 #85
- Balance downloader repeats name when moving to valid #83
- Clear tmp download files on start #82
- Remove ConfigLoader.saveToFile(); #77
- Correcting the sample public testnet address book file #73
- Bug/no partial files - fixes #36 [#71](h...