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Day 2 Answer key

Functional analysis

1. Using the code above as a template, run the over-representation analysis on the significantly down-regulated genes from the pseudobulk analysis.

# Extract significant results for down-regulated
sigDown <- dplyr::filter(res_tbl_noNAs, padj < 0.05, log2FoldChange < 0)
sigDown_genes <- as.character(sigDown$gene)
# Run GO enrichment analysis 
egoDown <- enrichGO(gene = sigDown_genes, 
                    universe = all_genes,
                    keyType = "SYMBOL",
                    OrgDb =, 
                    ont = "BP", 
                    pAdjustMethod = "BH", 
                    qvalueCutoff = 0.05, 
                    readable = TRUE)
# Output results from GO analysis to a table
cluster_summaryDown <- data.frame(egoDown)
# Save results
write.csv(cluster_summaryDown, "results/clusterProfiler_VSM_TNvsCold7_downregulated.csv")

How many significant terms do you find?


There are 100 GO biological process terms that are downregulated in cold7 vs TN.

What are some of the prominent biological processes that are observed?


Most of the top terms relate to translation/ribosomes or RNA processing/splicing.

2. Now that we have run through functional analysis with the results from Pseudobulk DE, let’s see what results we derive from the DGE lists from our FindMarkers DE analysis.

Create a significant DE genes data frame from the FM results with an added fold change criteria to reduce the gene list size. You can do this by running the code below:

sig_fc_dge <- dge_vsm %>% dplyr::filter(p_val_adj < 0.05, abs(avg_log2FC) > 1)

Use this gene list to run over-representation analysis. Be sure to separate genes into up- and down-regulated first. Also keep in mind that the background gene dataset is different than for the DESeq2 analysis.

# Create background dataset for hypergeometric testing using all tested genes for significance in the results
all_genes_fm <- as.character(rownames(dge_vsm))
# Extract significant results for up- and down-regulated
sigUp_fm <- dplyr::filter(sig_fc_dge, avg_log2FC > 0)
sigUp_fm_genes <- as.character(rownames(sigUp_fm))
sigDown_fm <- dplyr::filter(sig_fc_dge, avg_log2FC < 0)
sigDown_fm_genes <- as.character(rownames(sigDown_fm))
# Run GO enrichment analysis 
egoUp_fm <- enrichGO(gene = sigUp_fm_genes, 
                     universe = all_genes_fm,
                     keyType = "SYMBOL",
                     OrgDb =, 
                     ont = "BP", 
                     pAdjustMethod = "BH", 
                     qvalueCutoff = 0.05, 
                     readable = TRUE)
egoDown_fm <- enrichGO(gene = sigDown_fm_genes, 
                       universe = all_genes_fm,
                       keyType = "SYMBOL",
                       OrgDb =, 
                       ont = "BP", 
                       pAdjustMethod = "BH", 
                       qvalueCutoff = 0.05, 
                       readable = TRUE)
# Output results from GO analysis to a table
cluster_summaryUp_fm <- data.frame(egoUp_fm)
cluster_summaryDown_fm <- data.frame(egoDown_fm)

What are the top terms enriched among up-regulated genes?


We mostly see terms relating to extracellular matrix organization and cell adhesion.

What are the top terms enriched among down-regulated genes?


We see terms related to muscle and fat cell development.

How do these results compare with what we observed from the Pseudobulk DE functional analysis?

In the pseudobulk results, we also saw terms related to the extracellular matrix and cell adhesion upregulated. However, the downregulated results are different: for FindMarkers we see muscle and fat development, whereas for pseudobulk we saw RNA splicing and translation downregulated.